Friday, December 17, 2010

Womens and Mens Taxes and Pensions

Why is it that a single man, particularly thru the last century, that as supposedly on average was paid a higher wage and so paid more in tax than a single working woman. Yet the man on average life expectancy collected far less pension. !

Why is it that when a woman took time out of the work force to have and rear children, (and I surely wished was happily and responsibley provided for by her husband), and again the government did not collect taxes, (ok it was called unpaid work) but now if an employer provides a house or car or meals or any other beneficial perk, the IRD always works out its value and then taxes it and this simply does not happen ! Why not?

Accident Compensation Corporation, ACC Levies, which has been making $billions of losses in the last few years. For sure has issues regarding sports injuries, who pays to cover those? How does it go when it has to cover house help? who are predominately woman?

Also bearing in mind that some fortunate woman never even went back into the work force, and even if they did, not many found high paying jobs so that they could pay the high taxes, and yet again they collect the full pension for quite a few years. I do realize many women are the motivation and stabilizing influence for many men and family. Often she survives the husband by quite a few years and collected the whole pension at the single rate, if she did not remarry.

I have never seen this aspect weighed up. Sure it can easily be dismissed, but first why as this not been worked out?. Instead it seems to moved sideways to that government (all tax payers) should pay for the home/house keeper/wife /partner.
It just seems to me that it is a one way street and every follows the "experts considerations"

Sure often men leave things a bit late for health considerations, but until recent years there has always been a drive for womans health. Would be interesting know what health costs per man and then per woman. Again I am Ok with that but it does seem to me that overall that this push for femism and equality, should have the a base start that could be quite revealing, not just the one way street with all the hyperbole meme pushed onto everyone

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