Friday, April 3, 2015

Media stories origins and drivers

Fletch (6,908 comments) says: 

Just starting to read this. How a marketer uses / used blogs to influence the media to manipulate the news we see to benefit his clients.
Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator, Ryan Holiday
You’ve seen it all before. A malicious online rumor costs a company millions. A political sideshow derails the national news cycle and destroys a candidate. Some product or celebrity zooms from total obscurity to viral sensation. What you don’t know is that someone is responsible for all this. Usually, someone like me. I’m a media manipulator. In a world where blogs control and distort the news, my job is to control blogs-as much as any one person can. IN TODAY’S CULTURE… Blogs like Gawker, BuzzFeed, and The Huffington Post drive the media agenda. Bloggers are slaves to money, technology, and deadlines. Manipulators wield these levers to shape everything you read, see, and hear- online and off.Why am I giving away these secrets? Because I’m tired of a world where blogs take indirect bribes, marketers help write the news, reckless journalists spread lies, and no one is accountable for any of it. I’m going to explain exactly how the media really works. What you choose to do with this information is up to you.
I learned about the book from some tweets regarding the Indiana pizza place – (*posted below)
“Y’all see how the lies about the pizzeria were started somewhere small and picked up by MSM right? Read this book”
“Learn how the left manipulates the media. Lies, half-truths bubble up from small, obscure sources. Picked up and run with as fact.”
“I’m begging you. If you ever want to beat the left at their own game, read that book. Study it. Learn how to use it for good and not evil.”

*Fletch (6,908 comments) says: 

Here’s what is happening in Indiana in the U.S.
A TV reporter from a local news station took it upon herself to locate a Christian business (which happened to be a pizza place), walk in there and ask if they would serve at a gay wedding. Of course they said no, because it went against their faith. They would serve anyone, any other time, gays, people of any color or religion, but not a gay wedding. It is a situation (people having a wedding reception in a pizza place) that is never likely to crop up, yet the business was inundated with death threats, hate mail, charges of bigotry, etc – so much so that they had to close their doors and may never reopen.
In short, a family lost their business over a story fabricated out of nothing.
See, that is what it has come to. I have said before on Kiwiblog that gays are like Islam, which must not be criticized in any way – and the media are their enforcers. Lesbian conservative Tammy Bruce has said that gays are the new fascist bullies –
“If there’s anyone in the world who should understand the vulnerability of being a minority, of being somebody that maybe others don’t understand or relate to, the vulnerability about work and jobs, being able to live your life as you see fit, it’s the gay community,” Bruce said.
“For me to turn around in the 21st century and see that this is what we were fighting for, so we could condemn people who are different, and with whom we disagree is the antithesis of what every civil rights movement was about.”
“I think when you see a mob operating, there is fear, and you tend to retreat,” Bruce added. “We saw this with Chick-Fil-A. Everyone came to their defense when they were under attack by fascists, by bullies. The gay liberals have turned into bullies, when our work is to stop that kind of behavior.”
The only good thing about it, conservative radio host Dana Loesh started a Fund-me campaign for the business, which has raised over $225,000.
Not sure how much compensation that is after you’ve been forced into hiding and when you have been forced from your livlihood by gay bullies.

Not actually looking to make this a gay issue though a bit more "cookie" for thought

Fletch (6,909 comments) says: 
See, it is different when the shoe is on the other foot –
So decided to call some 13 prominent pro-gay bakers in a row. Each one denied us the right to have “Gay Marriage Is Wrong” on a cake and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us. One baker even said all sorts of profanities against Christians and ended the conversation by saying that she will make me a cookie with a large phallus on it.
See, it’s only wrong if it is Christians who stand up for what they believe. Gay bakers are free to refuse you if it is something that goes against their LGBT beliefs, and without any consequences whatsoever.
stephieboy (4,944 comments) says: 

Fletch, media manipulation and lies etc is not the preserve of MSM and liberal media as you seem to suggest .Just go and visit e.g WND , the Free Republic, Breibart etc not forgetting naturally MSM Fox News and you will see what I mean.
cha (4,562 comments) says: 
See, it is different when the shoe is on the other foot –/
The dumbest man on the internet and the fake terrorist, you’re on a roll Fletch.
Fletch (6,911 comments) says: 
cha, strawman. There is video of the person calling the gay bakers – you can hear their responses. None of them would make a cake that said something going against their beliefs, and fair enough; it is their business after all. But the same measure is not used for Christian bakers who, if they refuse service based on their faith, get hauled before the courts with charges of discrimination and bigotry, forced to pay fines, and have to have their workers subjected to special anti-discrimination training (ie, gay propaganda).

Zapper (1,089 comments) says: 

Good article about the disgraceful behaviour of the ‘tolerant’ left. Summed up perfectly in one sentence:
“But I also believe that the position I’ll gladly serve any gay customers but I feel my faith compels me to refrain from catering a gay wedding is less hateful or intolerant than let’s go burn that family’s business to the ground”

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