Sunday, January 11, 2015

We should be tolerant and have no phobias

Aesop’s Multicultural Fable~

Pa: Honey, I’ve decided that our house isn’t diverse enough some I’m inviting in some termites.

Ma: Termites? But, aren’t they… destructive?

Pa: Ho-ho! That’s just Termitophobia! Most termites are completely harmless.

Ma: But haven’t termites been shown to devour the framework of houses to the point that the whole structure collapses?

Pa: Tornadoes, floods, windstorms, earthquakes, and lots of things can bring your house down. Don’t try to claim that termites are some kind of exceptionally dangerous threat. Why single them out? That would be Termo-intolerant. We need to show them that we trust them, and not examine their doings too closely. That alone will be proof our our superior nature. How could they not appreciate that? I can see them actually strengthening the framework! The wood will be more inclusive!

Ma: But what if they do eat through the beams?

Pa: Well you always said you wanted a skylight.
It is very Difficult to Remove a Gang of Baboons once they get into the Peanut Butter Factory !!

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