Friday, January 23, 2015

Freedom is to do something

I found this an up lifting response  to a despondancy

"This is a cursed world. If you obey the Ten Commandments. and pray for others, and be polite, and are meek you are devoured alive".

The point of following the Commandments, or being courteous is not so others will be nice to you. The Ten Commandments (and Christ’s Two Commandments) are about our behavior changing others. The point is to live a moral life despite what you see around you. Christ said you have to be as innocent as a dove and as wise as a serpent. That’s a good place to start.

Western subservient thinking” is a kind of inverted self-hatred which is both arrogant and subservient. The arrogance is the reality and the West has been on the wrong track for over a hundred years. Or at least America has. The elitists hate the middle class and always have. They ape the most nihilistic aspects of European thinking amongst the governing class. The latter’s murderous punishment of Germany after WWI – (for me there is a lot more in those politics of that time) in which America fully cooperated – set us up for the killing fields that have followed since.

We all look to something as a turning point. For me, it will be the global demographic implosion at mid-century. We won’t be here to see it, or at least I won’t – but none can predict its outcome, or rather a wise person would refrain from doing so. Maybe by 2115, they’ll call it The Great Inversion, who knows?

Life is full of sorrow, ............ It is only in recent generations that we’ve demanded it be any different, that somehow we should be
 immune to the lot of being human. “Liberty” is costly and

it is always a freedom to do something, not a 

freedom from travail. The latter is the socialist’s mirage.

another phase from the same commenter
"We’re cooked?"

Your second point is cogent: maintaining order at whatever the cost has always been govt’s motive. That’s why we work toward down-sizing the bloat.

 So you both keep your heads down.

You’re right: not in our lifetime. So keep rowing, keep plugging up the holes, keep the bucket brigade going. Do it for the next generation, the way an old man plants oak trees.

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