Thursday, May 9, 2013


Say No to political Correct Mind Control

Posted on May 7, 2011 by dscoffins

Are You Being Delphied?

- United Nations Global Strait Jacket (pp. 355 – 357) by Joan Veon

The Rand Corporation in the early 1960s developed the Delphi technique for the purpose of maneuvering segments of the public into accepting predetermined government policies. In the 1970s and ’80s, it was ideally used to convince land owners of the merits of accepting joining and general plan maps. Now it is being employed to persuade the public to accept outcome-based education and the licensing of all employees, via endorsements in the Certificate of Initial Mastery (CIM) and Certificate of Advanced Mastery (CAM) programs, a.k.a. school-to-work.

The goal of the Delphi technique is to lead a targeted group of people to a predetermined outcome, while giving the illusion of taking public input and under the pretext of being accountable to the public. For the Delphi to work, it is critical that the targeted group be kept away from knowledgeable people who could lead them away from the Delphier’s predetermined outcome.

One variation on the Delphi technique is to use a series of meetings. The attendees are often given a number or a colored card when they enter the room, to determine at which table they are to sit. The purpose of this is to break up the groups of potentially knowledgeable people who arrive together so that they will be sitting with strangers and therefore be subdued.

Typically, at each table is a facilitator, someone who will know which way to help “steer” the group. Usually the people at each table are instructed to answer among themselves some of the questions and arrive at a table consensus. Someone is chosen to speak for the table, most of the time it is the person who has been secretly pre-briefed about the desired Delphi outcome. The table spokesperson is the only one allowed to address the podium and the others have little opportunity to address the podium or the crowd directly.

Anyone knowledgeable enough, or brave enough, to speak out in opposition will not be welcomed. Often they are told from the podium, “We don’t have time to discuss that now,” or “We discussed that on another date,” or “We can discuss that after the meeting.” They will attempt to quiet, isolate, and discredit dissenters. After attending the Delphi meeting, participants may feel uneasy that they are in disagreement with the apparent majority. The Delphi technique is often successful in bluffing people into submission. Don’t let them succeed. Call their bluff.

The Delphi technique often uses a series of surveys to bring about “consensus.” The surveys are promoted as information gathering regarding the wishes of the targeted public, but in reality they are designed to manipulate the desired outcome. The survey will sometimes use a grading like, “agree all of the time,” “agree most of the time,” “agree some of the time,” “agree not much,” “agree never.” Or, the survey grading will ask the respondents to use ratings like “most important,” “moderately important,” “least important.”

The questions are typically “loaded” questions. An example is the question asked of Oregon teachers on a Delphi technique survey: “Do you agree or disagree that the following elements of H.B. 3565 [Oregon's Education Act for the 21st Century] will lead to improved student learning if implemented?” The survey listed such items for the teachers to agree or disagree with; “site councils,” “increased accountability for school site and districts,” “full funding for preschool programs to enable all students to enter school ready to learn,” “extended school year,” “certificate of initial mastery,” etc. The question is patently “loaded.” For example, site councils are not charged with improving student learning. Their function is to implement the state law, dole out professional development courses and money to selected teachers, and apply for grants from foundations and the federal government. For the teachers to answer, “agree” or “disagree”, that the site councils will lead to improved student learning is misdirecting the respondent.

The Delphi surveys serve to “educate” the people taking the survey. After the first survey is taken, the respondents are given an analysis and told that most people agreed or somewhat agreed on the predetermined outcome. Then usually they are given another survey and asked if they can be flexible and try to rethink the “few remaining” areas of disagreement. When the series of surveys are accomplished, the respondents are told that the majority of respondents achieved “consensus” with whatever direction the pollers wanted in the first place.

These techniques were developed decades ago. The Rand Corporation has more recently been developing games that groups of business people, site council members, organizations, etc., can use to help “sell” people on collectivism, consensus vs. majority rule, etc.

Never, ever compromise when it comes to “right and wrong.” With the right attitude you shouldn’t care what people think, as long as you are standing up for what is right. Accept persecution gratefully.

The Delphi Technique: How To Achieve A Workable Consensus Within Time Limits

- by Lynn Stuter

The Delphi Technique was originally conceived as a way to obtain the opinion of experts without necessarily bringing them together face to face. In Educating for the New World Order by Bev Eakman, the reader finds reference upon reference for the need to preserve the illusion that there is “Lay, or community, participation in the decision­making process), while in fact lay citizens are being squeezed out.”

A specialized use of this technique was developed for teachers, the “Alinsky Method” (ibid., p. 123). The setting or group is, however, immaterial the point is that people in groups tend to share a certain knowledge base and display certain identifiable characteristics (known as group dynamics). This allows for a special application of a basic technique. The “change agent” or “facilitator” goes through the motions of acting as an organizer, getting each person in the target group to elicit expression of their concerns about a program, project, or policy in question. The facilitator listens attentively, forms “task forces,” “urges everyone to make lists,” and so on. While she is doing this, the facilitator learns something about each member of the target group. He/she identifies the “leaders,” the “loud mouths,” as well as those who frequently turn sides during the argument ­ the “weak or non­committal.”

Suddenly, the amiable facilitator becomes “devil’s advocate.” He/she dons his professional agitator hat. Using the “divide and conquer” technique, he/she manipulates one group opinion against the other. This is accomplished by manipulating those who are out of step to appear “ridiculous, unknowledgeable, inarticulate, or dogmatic.” He/she wants certain members of the group to become angry, thereby forcing tensions to accelerate. The facilitator is well trained in psychological manipulation. S/He is able to predict the reactions of each group member. Individuals in opposition to the policy or program will be shut out of the group.

The method works. It is very effective with parents, teachers, school children, and any community group. The “targets” rarely, if ever, know that they are being manipulated. If they do suspect this is happening, they do not know how to end the process. The desired result is for group polarization, and for the facilitator to become accepted as a member of the group and group process. He/she will then throw the desired idea on the table and ask for opinions during discussion. Very soon his/her associates from the divided group begin to adopt the idea as if it were their own, and pressure the entire group to accept the proposition.

This technique is a very unethical method of achieving consensus on a controversial topic in group settings. It requires well­trained professionals who deliberately escalate tension among group members, pitting one faction against the other, so as to make one viewpoint appear ridiculous so the other becomes “sensible” whether such is warranted or not.

Disrupting The Delphi

Note: The Delphi is being used at all levels of government to move meetings to preset conclusions. For the purposes of this dissertation, “facilitator” references anyone who has been trained in use of the Delphi and who is running a meeting.

There are three steps to diffusing the Delphi Technique when facilitators want to seer a group in a specific direction.

1.Always be charming. Smile. Be pleasant. Be Courteous. Moderate your voice so as not to come across as belligerent or aggressive.

2.Stay focused. If at all possible, write your question down to help you stay focused. Facilitators, when asked questions they dent want to answer, often digress from the issue raised and try to work the conversation around to where they can make the individual asking the question look foolish or feel foolish, appear belligerent or aggressive. The goal is to put the one asking the question on the defensive. Do not fall for this tactic. Always be charming, thus deflecting any insinuation. Innuendo, etc. that may be thrown at you in their attempt to put you on the defensive, but bring them back to the question you asked. If they rephrase your question into an accusatory statement (a favorite tactic) simply state, “That is not what I stated. What I asked was… [repeat your question.]” Stay focused on your question.

3.Be persistent. If putting you on the defensive doesn’t work, facilitators often resort to long, drawn out dissertations on some off­the­wall and usually unrelated or vaguely related subject that drags on for several minutes. During that time, the crowd or group usually loses focus on the question asked (which is the intent). Let them finish with their dissertation or expose. Then nicely with focus and persistence, state, “But you didn’t answer my question. My question was…[repeat your question.]“

Always be charming, stay focused and be persistent. Never, under any circumstance, become angry. Anger directed at the facilitator will immediately make the facilitator the victim. This defeats the purpose which is to make you the victim. The goal of the facilitator is to make those they are facilitating like them, alienating anyone who might pose a threat to the realization of their agenda. [People with fixed belief systems, who know what they believe and stand on what they believe are obvious threats.] If the participant becomes the victim. the facilitator loses face and favor with the crowd. This is why crowds are broken up into groups of seven or eight, why objections are written on cards, not voiced aloud where they are open to public discussion and public debate. It s called crowd control.

It is always good to have someone else, or two or three others who know the Delphi Technique dispersed through the crowd; who, when the facilitator digresses from the question. will stand up and say nicely, “But you didn’t answer that lady (/gentleman)’s question The facilitator, even if suspecting you are together, certainly will not want to alienate the crowd by making that accusation. Sometimes it only takes one occurrence of this type for the crowd to figure out what s going on. Sometimes it takes more than one.

If you have an organized group, meet before the meting to strategize. Everyone should know their part. Meet after the meeting to analyze what went right, what went wrong and why, and what needs to happen the next time around. Never meet during the meeting. One of the favorite tactics of the facilitator if the meeting is not going the way they want if they are meeting measurable resistance, is to call a recess. During the recess, the facilitator and his/her spotters (people who wander the room during the course of the meeting, watching the crowd) watch the crowd to see who congregates where, especially those who have offered measurable resistance. If the resistors congregate in one place, a spotter will usually gravitate to that group to join in the conversation and will report back to the facilitator. When the meeting resumes the facilitator will steer clear of those who are resistors. Do not congregate. Hang loose and work the crowd. Move to where the facilitators or spotters are. Listen to what they have to say, but do not gravitate to where another member of your team is. This strategy also works in a face to face, one on one, meeting with anyone who has been trained in how to use the Delphi Technique.

From a Representative Republic To a Participatory Democracy

With the advent of education reform the ensuing turmoil among the citizenry, and the grassroots research that has been sparked therefrom, a consistent pattern with respect to public participation and input has emerged, giving cause for alarm among people who cherish the form of government established by our founding fathers. Recent events, both inside and outside education have brought the emerging picture into focus.

In the not too distant past the hiring of a consultant by the City of Spokane to the tune of $47,000 to facilitate the direction of city government brought a hue and cry from the populace at large. Eerily, this scenario held great similarity to what has been happening in education reform. The final link came in the form of an editorial comment made by Chris Peck regarding the “Pizza papers”. The editorial talks about how groups of disenfranchised citizens were brought together to enter into a discussion of what they felt (as opposed to know) needed to be changed at the local level. The outcome of the compilation of those discussions influenced the writing of the city/county charter.

Sounds innocuous enough. But lets examine this a little closer. Let’s walk through the scenario that occurs in these facilitated meetings. First, about the facilitator. The facilitator is hired to facilitate the meeting. While his/her job is supposedly non-directive, neutral, non-judgmental, the opposite is actually true. The facilitator is there to move the meeting to a preset conclusion. This is done through a process known as the Delphi Technique, developed by the RAND Corporation for the US. Department of Defense as a psychological warfare weapon in the 50s and 60s. Comforting, no doubt. With this established, lets move on to the semantics of the meeting.

It is imperative to the success of the agenda that the participants like the facilitator. Therefore, the facilitator first works the crowd to cause dis-equilibrium-establishing a bad guy good guy scenario. Anyone who might not agree with the facilitator must be seen by the participants as the bad guy, the facilitator the good guy. This is done by seeking out those who might not agree with the facilitator and making them look foolish, inept, or aggressive, sending a clear message to the audience that if they don’t want the same treatment to keep quiet. The facilitator is well trained in how to recognize and exploit many different psychological truisms to do this. At the point the opposition has been identified and alienated, the facilitator becomes the good guy – a friend – and the agenda and direction of the meeting is established without the audience ever being aware of it.

Next, the attendees are broken up into smaller groups – usually of seven or eight people – each group with a facilitator. Discussion ensues wherein the participants are encouraged to discuss preset issues, the group facilitator employing the same tactics as the lead facilitator. Usually participants are encouraged to put on paper their ideas and disagreements, these to be later complied by others. Herein lies a very large problem. Who complies what is written on the sheets of paper, note cards, etc.? When you ask the participants, you usually get, “Well, they compiled the results.” Who is “they?” “Well, those running the meeting.” Oh-h! The next question – How do you know that what you wrote on your sheet of paper was incorporated into the final outcome? The answer you usually get is, “Well, you know, I’ve wondered about that, because what I wrote doesn’t seem to be reflected here. I guess my viewpoint was in the minority.”

And there you have the crux of the situation If you have fifty people in a room, each writes his/her ideas and dislikes on a sheet of paper, to be complied later into a final outcome, each individual having no idea of what any other individual wrote. How do you know that the final outcome reflects anyone’s input? The answer is – you don’t.

The same scenario holds when there is a facilitator recording your comments on paper. But the participants usually don’t question this, figuring instead that their viewpoint was in the minority and thus not reflected.

So why have the meetings at all if the outcome is already established? Because it is imperative to the continued well being of the agenda that the people be facilitated into ownership of the preset outcome. If people believe the idea is theirs, they support it: If the people believe the idea is being foisted on them, they will resist. Likewise, it is imperative to the continued well being of the agenda that the people perceive that their input counts.

This scenario is being used very effectively to move meetings to preset conclusion, effectively changing our form of government from a representative form of government in which individuals are elected to represent the people to a “participatory democracy” in which citizens, selected at large, are facilitated into ownership of preset outcomes, perceiving that their input resulted therein. The reality is the outcome was already established by others, but this is not apparent to the citizen participants.

Let's stop being manipulated! The Delphi Technique
By, Albert V. Burns
More and more, we are seeing citizens being invited to "participate" in
various forms of meetings, councils, or boards to "help determine" public
policy in one field or another. They are supposedly being included to get
"input" from the public to help officials make final decisions on taxes,
education, community growth or whatever the particular subject matter might
be. Sounds great, doesn't it? Unfortunately, surface appearances are often
You, Mr. or Mrs. Citizen, decide to take part in one of these meetings.
Generally, you will find that there is already someone designated to lead or
"facilitate" the meeting. Supposedly the job of the facilitator is to be a
neutral, non-directing helper to see that the meeting flows smoothly.
Actually, he or she is there for exactly the opposite reason: to see that the
conclusions reached during the meeting are in accord with a plan already
decided upon by those who called the meeting.
The process used to "facilitate" the meeting is called the Delphi Technique.
This Delphi Technique was developed by the RAND Corporation for the U.S.
Department of Defense back in the 1950s. It was originally intended for use
as a psychological weapon during the cold war. However, it was soon
recognized that the steps of Delphi could be very valuable in manipulating
ANY meeting toward a pre-determined end.
How does the process take place? The techniques are well developed and well
defined. First, the person who will be leading the meeting, the facilitator
or Change Agent must be a likeable person with whom those participating in
the meeting can agree or sympathize with. It is, therefore, the job of the
facilitator to find a way to cause a split in the audience, to establish one
or a few of the people as "bad guys" while the facilitator is perceived as
the "good guy." Facilitators are trained to recognize potential opponents and
how to make such people appear aggressive, foolish, extremist, etc. Once this
is done, the facilitator establishes himself or herself as the "friend" of
the rest of the audience. The stage is now set for the rest of the agenda to
take place.
At this point, the audience is generally broken up into "discussion groups"
of seven or eight people each. Each of these groups is to be led by a
subordinate facilitator. Within each group, discussion takes place of issues,
already decided upon by the leadership of the meeting. Here, too, the
facilitator manipulates the discussion in the desired direction, isolating
and demeaning opposing viewpoints. Generally, participants are asked to write
down their ideas and disagreements with the papers to be turned in and
"compiled" for general discussion after the general meeting is re-convened.
THIS is the weak link in the chain which you are not supposed to recognize.
WHO compiles the various notes into the final agenda for discussion? AHHHH!
Well, it is those who are running the meeting. How do you know that the ideas
on YOUR notes were included in the final result. You DON'T! You may realize
that your idea was NOT included and come to the conclusion that you were
probably in the minority. Recognize that every OTHER citizen member of this
meeting has written his or her likes or dislikes on a similar sheet of paper
and they, too, have no idea whether THEIR ideas were "compiled" into the
final result! You don't even know if ANYONE'S ideas are part of the final
"conclusions" presented to the re-assembled group as the "consensus" of public opinion. Rarely, does anyone challenge the process since each
concludes that he or she was in the minority and different from all the
others. So, now, those who organized the meeting in the first place are able
to tell the participants AND THE REST OF THE COMMUNITY that the conclusions,
reached at the meeting, are the result of public participation. Actually, the
desired conclusions had been established, in the back room, long before the
meeting ever took place. There are variations in the technique to fit special
situations but, in general, the procedure outlined above takes place.
The natural question to ask here is: If the outcome was preordained BEFORE
the meeting took place, WHY have the meeting? Herein lies the genius of this
Delphi Technique. It is imperative that the general public believe that this
program is THEIRS! They thought it up! They took part in its development!
Their input was recognized! If people believe that the program is theirs,
they will support it. If they get the slightest hint that the program is
being imposed upon them, they will resist.
This VERY effective technique is being used, over and over and over, to
change our form of government from the representative republic, intended by
the Founding Fathers, into a "participatory democracy." Now, citizens chosen
at large, are manipulated into accepting preset outcomes while they believe
that the input they provided produced the outcomes which are now THEIRS! The
reality is that the final outcome was already determined long before any
public meetings took place, determined by individuals unknown to the public.
Can you say "Conspiracy?"
These "Change Agents" or "Facilitators" CAN be beaten! They may be beaten
using their own methods against them. Because it is SO important, I will
repeat the suggestions I gave in the last previous column.
ONE: Never, NEVER lose your temper! Lose your temper and lose the battle, it
is that simple! Smile, if it kills you to do so. Be courteous at all times.
Speak in a normal tone of voice.
TWO: Stay focused! Always write your question or statement down in advance to
help you remember the exact manner in which your question or statement was
made. These agents are trained to twist things to make anyone not acceding to
THEIR agenda look silly or aggressive. Smile, wait till the change agent gets
done speaking and then bring them back to your question. If they distort what
you said, simply remind those in the group that what he or she is saying is
NOT what you asked or said and then repeat, verbatim, from your notes the
original objection.
THREE: Be persistent! Wait through any harangues and then repeat the
original question. (Go back and re-read the previous column.)
FOUR: (I wish to thank a reader of the previous column for some EXCELLENT
suggestions.) DON'T go alone! Get as many friends or relatives who think as
you do, to go along with you to the meeting. Have each person "armed" with
questions or statements which all generally support your central viewpoint.
DON'T sit together as a group! Spread out through the audience so that your
group does not seem to be a group.
When the facilitator or change agent avoids answering YOUR question and
insists that he must move on so everyone may have a chance to speak, your own
agents in the audience can then ask questions, worded differently, but still
with the same meaning as yours. They can bring the discussion back to your original point. They could even point out, in a friendly manner, that the
agent did NOT really answer your question. The more the agent avoids your
question, and the more your friends bring that to the attention of the group,
the more the audience will shift in your favor.
To quote my informant: "Turn the technique back on them and isolate the
change agent as the kook. I've done it and seen steam come out of the ears of
those power brokers in the wings who are trying to shove something down the
citizen's throats. And it's so much fun to watch the moderator squirm and
lose his cool, all while trying to keep a smile on his face."
Now that you understand how meetings are manipulated, let's show them up for
the charlatans which they are.
"Published originally at republication allowed with this
notice and hyperlink intact."
Albert V. Burns writes from Utah and is a regular columnist for the Spanish
Fork Press. He has an extensive knowledge of the conspiracy which has been
working so hard to destroy this nation and incorporate it into a one world
government. He has developed an extensive personal research library and the
knowledge to find what he needs, to write his columns. He is a regular
columnist for Ether Zone.
Albert V. Burns can be reached at:
Published in the September 23, 2002 issue of Ether Zone.
Copyright © 1997 - 2002 Ether Zone
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this
message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment for nonprofit research and educational purposes only. [Ref.]

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