80% of Dept. of Energy loans went to companies owned by or connected to President Barack Obama's top campaign fundraisers
Can this be true? Are the people in the USA this corrupt??? Sort of unbelievable ! ! Seem like every thing is corrupt and rubbish in the USA no matter which side of politics or business.
I had heard there are mistakes and errors but it now seems that it is just the way to do business.
The worst fear I have is that this is becoming not only nation wide but globally through Western Civilization and the contamination of the rotten apples has become a stinking stench and no intrinsic immunity or struggle against it
From Rags to Riches on You and Your Neighbor’s Tax Dollars
![]() | By Jerry McConnell (Bio and Archives) Thursday, May 16, 2013 Comments | Print friendly | Subscribe | Email Us |
Those two conniving chameleons of corruptness and chicanery run the most illegitimate department of justice in the history of this one-time great country (BO - Before Obama). In fact, to call it the Justice Department is the most improper and nonfactual title that could be bestowed on it. Justice does not dwell within its parameters.
It is only fitting that officials holding office in the Congressional House of Representatives are finally stirring with comments that include the word ‘impeachment’. It is about time and probably close to FIVE years late; but I shouldn’t be saying “late” as it is NEVER too late to bring daylight to the dark and mysterious corridors of that terribly mismanaged and mishandled Executive Department. The apparent sins of the Treasury Department’s former tax-Cheat Secretary and currect Internal Revenue Service are childish when compared to the unJustice Department.
As columnist Wynton Hall has stated in a TownHall.com column “Report: Obama Spent $11.45 Million per ‘Green Job’ Created” online on May 08, 2013, that alone should have been enough ammunition for a legitimate Justice Department to get ITS wheels moving. But alas, no such thing at the Obama-Holder vice den of obfuscation and corruption.
Truthfully, the entire Energy Department loan guarantee program has been a veritable money fountain of wealth to Obamanistas and the man himself. As Wynton Hall says in his TownHall.com column: “In 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama promised to create 5 million “green jobs” if elected president. However, an analysis by the Institute for Energy Research (IER) finds that since 2009, the Department of Energy’s (DOE) $26 billion loan program created just 2,298 permanent jobs, at a cost of $11.45 million per job created.”
Any way you look at it two thousand, two hundred and ninety eight green jobs is one hell of a long way from FIVE MILLION green jobs; in other words, four million, nine hundred ninety seven thousand, seven hundred and two jobs short. And Obama PROMISED to CREATE FIVE MILLION GREEN JOBS. So far as I know the ONLY promise he has fulfilled during his whirlwind campaign prior to the election in November 2008 is that he would take care of his constituents and with 47 million of them on food stamps today he is keeping his word; AT OUR EXPENSE.
But let’s look at the BIG picture. That number of less than 3,000 jobs at $11.45 million per job comes to a total of $26.3 BILLION. Now you, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer are paying for those jobs. That’s your $26 billion plus that you paid in taxes with the honest expectation that it would be spent honestly; but you were wrong; DEAD WRONG! When this Administration smells or sees money they can figure a lot of ways to make it disappear. And their always-ready-to-collude, party members, are fully complicit.
As Mr. Hall states, “The losers are the American workers who would otherwise be gainfully employed but for the tremendous waste of taxpayer dollars on the administration’s obsession with ‘green energy,’” said Institute for Energy Research (IER) Policy Associate Alex Fitzsimmons. “As the economy continues to suffer and dollars for federal programs get harder to come by, it is getting increasingly difficult to defend a program that costs so much and produces so little.”
How many times has Obama passed billions of dollars on the “greening” of America only to see his campaign financiers take to create “green” corporations and then see them go belly up with all those tax dollars disappearing into thin air and Obama donors’ pockets.
In his New York Times bestselling book “Throw Them All Out”, Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer revealed that 80% of Department of Energy loans went to companies owned by or connected to President Barack Obama’s top campaign fundraisers.
Read that again - EIGHTY PERCENT OF THE DOE LOANS WENT TO OBAMA’S FUNDRAISERS. Who knows how much was skimmed off in the process.
Don’t forget, Obama came into politics from a job as a street hustler for public service, traditionally exceptionally POORLY paid work; today he is worth multi-millions. You do the math. It’s your money he has now and he is the only one still smiling in America.
SUCKER! How do you like that title, Mr. and Mrs. America?
Jerry McConnell is a longtime resident of planet earth with one half century on the seacoast of NH. He is a community activist but promises not to run for President and he feeds ACORN’s to the squirrels. He can be emailed atlethrneck@comcast.net with complaints or the editor atletters@canadafreepress.com with favorables.
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