Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Eastern Europe Versus the Open Society

About the Author
Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, an expert on foreign affairs, is the author of The Sword of the Prophet and Defeating Jihad. His latest book is The Krajina Chronicle: A History of the Serbs in Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia.

Eastern Europe Versus the Open Societyby Srdja Trifkovic

October 25th, 2010 • Related • Filed Under
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Excerpts from a speech to the H.L. Mencken Club, Baltimore, October 23, 2010

Two weeks ago the first “gay pride parade” was staged in Belgrade. Serbia’s “pro-European” government had been promoting the event as yet another proof that Serbia is fit to join the European Union, that is has overcome the legacy of its dark, intolerant past. Thousands of policemen in full riot gear had to divide their time between protecting a few hundred “LBGT” activists (about half of them imported from Western Europe for the occasion) and battling ten times as many young protesters in the side streets.

The parade, it should be noted, was prominently attended by the U.S. Ambassador in Belgrade Mary Warlick, by the head of the European Commission Office, Vincent Degert of France, and by the head of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Serbia, Dimitris Kipreos. Needless to say, none of them had attended the enthronment of the new Serbian Patriarch a week earlier. Two days later, Hillary Clinton came to Belgrade and praised the Tadic regime for staging the parade.

Mrs. Clinton et al are enjoying the fruits of one man’s two decades of hard work in Eastern Europe. George Soros can claim, more than any other individual, that his endeavors have helped turn the lands of “Real Socialism” in central and eastern Europe away from their ancestors, their cultural and spiritual roots. The process is far from over, but his Open Society Institute and its extensive network of subsidiaries east of the Trieste-Stettin line have successfully legitimized the notions that only two decades ago would have seemed bizarre, laughable or demonic to the denizens of the eastern half of Europe.

The package was first tested here in America. Through his Open Society Institute and its vast network of affiliates Soros has provided extensive financial and lobbying support here for

Legalization of hard drugs: We should accept that “substance abuse is endemic in most societies,” he says. Thanks to his intervention the terms “medicalization” and “non-violent drug offender” have entered public discourse, and pro-drug legalization laws were passed in California and Arizona in the 90s.
Euthanasia: In 1994 Soros—a self-professed atheist—launched his Project Death in America (PDIA) and provided $15 million in its initial funding. (It is noteworthy that his mother, a member of the pro-suicide Hemlock Society, killed herself, and that Soros mentions unsympathetically his dying father’s clinging on to life for too long.) PDIA supports physician-assisted suicide and works “to begin forming a network of doctors that will eventually reach into one-fourth of America’s hospitals” and, in a turn of phrase chillingly worthy of Orwell, lead to “the creation of innovative models of care and the development of new curricula on dying.”
Population replacement: Soros is an enthusiastic promoter of open immigration and amnesty & special rights for immigrants. He has supported the National Council of La Raza, National Immigration Law Center, National Immigration Forum, and dozens of others. He also promotes expansion of public welfare, and in late 1996 he created the Emma Lazarus Fund that has given millions in grants to nonprofit legal services groups that undermine provisions of the welfare legislation ending immigrant entitlements.
Soros supports programs and organizations that further abortion rights and increased access to birth control devices; advocate ever more stringent gun control; and demand abolition of the death penalty. He supports radical feminists and “gay” activists, same-sex “marriage” naturally included. OSI states innocently enough that its objectives include “the strengthening of civil society; economic reform; education at all levels; human rights; legal reform and public administration; public health; and arts and culture,” but the way it goes about these tasks is not “philanthropy” but political activism in pursuit of all the familiar causes of the radical left—and some additional, distinctly creepy ones such as “Death in America.”

Soros’s “philanthropic” activities in America have been applied on a far grander scale abroad. His many foundations say that they are “dedicated to building and maintaining the infrastructure and institutions of an open society.” What this means in practice? Regarding “Women’s Health” programs in Central and South-Eastern Europe, one will look in vain for breast cancer detection programs, or for prenatal or post-natal care. No, Soros’s main goal is “to improve the quality of abortion services.” Accordingly his Public Health Program has focused on the introduction of easily available abortion all over the region, and the introduction of manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) abortion in Macedonia, Moldova, and Russia. Why is Soros so keen to promote more abortions? Overpopulation cannot be the reason: the region is experiencing a huge demographic collapse and has some of the lowest fertility rates in the world. Unavailability of abortions cannot be the answer either: only five European countries had more abortions than live births in 2000: the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Belarus, Romania and Ukraine. The only answer is that Soros wants as few little European Orthodox Christians born into this world as possible.

Soros’s Public Health Programs additionally “support initiatives focusing on the specific health needs of several marginalized communities,” such as “gays” and AIDS sufferers, and promote “harm reduction” focusing on needle/syringe exchange and supply of methadone to adicts. His outfits lobby governments to scrap “repressive drug policies.” Over the past decade and a half the Soros network has given a kick-start to previously non-existent “gay” activism in almost all of its areas of operation. The campaign for “LGBT Rights” is directed from Budapest, publishing lesbian and gay books in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia, opening Gay and Lesbian Centers in Ukraine and Rumania. Its activists routinely attack the Orthodox Church as a key culprit for alleged discrimination of “LGBTs.”

Education is a key pillar of Soros’s activities. His Leitmotif is the dictum that “no-one has a monopoly on the truth” and that “civic education” should replace the old “authoritarian” model. Even under communism Eastern Europe has preserved very high educational standards, but the Soros Foundation seeks to replace the old system with the concept of schools as “exercise grounds” for the “unhindered expression of students’ personalities in the process of equal-footed interaction with the teaching staff, thus overcoming the obsolete concept of authority and discipline rooted in the oppressive legacy of patriarchal past.” The purpose of education is not “acquisition of knowledge”: the teacher is to become the class “designer” and his relationship with students based on “partnership.” Soros’s reformers also insist on an active role of schools in countering the allegedly unhealthy influence of the family on students, which “still carries an imprint of nationalist, sexist, racist, and homophobic prejudices rampant in the society at large.”

“Racism” is Soros’s regular obsession, but he had a problem finding it in racially non-diverse East European countries. This has been resolved by identifying a designated victim group—gypsies (“Roma”). His protégés now come up with policy demands to “protect” this group that could have been written by Rev. Jesse Jackson:

anti-bias training of teachers and administrators;
integration of Romani history and culture in the textbooks at all levels;
legally mandated arffirmative action programs for Roma;
tax incentives for employers who employ them;
access to low-interest credit for Roma small family businesses;
setting aside a percentage of public tenders for Roma firms;
legislation to fight “racism and discrimination” in housing;
adoption of “comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation”;
creation of mechanisms “to monitor implementation of anti-discrimination legislation and assist victims of racial discrimination in seeking remedies”;
recognition by governments of “the Roma slavery and the Holocaust through public apology along with urgent adoption of a package of reparatory measures.”
A budding race relations industry is already in place, with the self-serving agenda of finding “discrimination” in order to keep itself in place for ever.

To make his agenda appear “normal” to the targeted population, millions of East Europeans are force-fed the daily fare of OSI agitprop by “the Soros media”—the term is by now well established in over a dozen languages—such as the B-92 media conglomerate in Serbia.

The social dynamics Soros uses to penetrate the target countries is interesting. To thousands of young East Europeans to become a “Soroshite” represents today what joining the Party represented to their parents: an alluring opportunity to have a reasonably paid job, to belong to a privileged elite, for many to travel abroad. The few chosen for the future new Nomenklatura go to Soros’s own Central European University in Budapest. In all post-communist countries Soros relies overwhelmingly on the sons and daughters of the old Communist establishment who are less likely to be tainted by any atavistic vestiges of their native soil, culture and tradition. The comparison with the janissary corps of the Ottoman Army is more apt than that with the Communist Party. The new janissaries, just like the old, have to prove their credentials by being more zealous than the Master himself.

The key ideological foundation for Soros’s beliefs is the same: that all countries are basically social arrangements, artificial, temporary and potentially dangerous. A plethora of quotes from his writings will make it clear that he thinks that owing allegiance to any of them is inherently irrational, and attaching one’s personal loyalty to it is absurd. Like Marx’s proletarian, Soros knows of no loyalty to a concrete country. He could serve any—or indeed all—of them, if they can be turned into the tools of his Wille zur Macht. In 1792, it could have been France, in 1917 Russia. Today, the United States is his host organism of choice because it is so powerful, and its media scene is open to penetration by his rabidly anti-traditionalist and deeply anti-American worldview and political agenda.

Textbooks and educational curricular reforms pushed by Soros in Eastern Europe indicate that he is trying to perform crude dumbing down of the young. Within months of coming to power in October 2000 the “reformists” within Serbia and their foreign sponsors insisted that schools—all schools, from kindergarden to universities—must be reformed and turned from “authoritarian” institutions into poligons for the “unhindered expression of students’ personalities in the process of equal-footed interaction with the teaching staff, thus overcoming the obsolete concept of authority and discipline rooted in the opressive legacy of patriarchal past.” They started with primary schools, with a pilot program of “educational workshops” for 7-12 year olds. The accompanying manual, sponsored by UNICEF and financed by the Open Society, denigrades the view that the purpose of education is acquisition of knowledge and insists that the teacher has to become the class “designer” and his relationship with students based on “partnership.”

The reformers devote particular attention to the more active role of schools in countering the allegedly unhealthy influence of the family on students, which “still carries an imprint of nationalist, sexist, [anti-Roma] racist, and homophobic prejudices rampant in the society at large.” The time-honored Balkan tradition of slapping childrens’ bottoms when they exceed limits is now presented in the elementary classroom as a form of criminal abuse that should be reported and acted upon. Traditional gender roles are relativized by “special projects” that entail cross-dressing and temporary adoption of opposite gender names.

Soros’s vision is hostile even to the most benign understanding of national or ethnic coherence. His core belief—that traditional morality, faith, and community based on shared memories are all verboten—is at odds even with the classical “open society” liberalism of Popper and Hayek, by whom he swears. His hatred of religion is the key. He promotes an education system that will neutralize any lingering spiritual yearnings of the young, and promote the loss of a sense of place and history already experienced by millions of Westerners, whether they are aware of that loss or not. Estranged from their parents, ignorant of their culture, ashamed of their history, millions of Westerners are already on the path of alienation that demands every imaginable form of self-indulgence, or else leads to drugs, or suicide, or conversion to Islam or some other cult.

To understand Soros it is necessary to understand globalization as a revolutionary, radical project. In the triumph of liberal capitalism, the enemies of civilization such as Soros have found the seeds of future victory for their paradigm that seeks to eradicate all traditional structures capable of resistance. The revolutionary character of the Open Society project is revealed in its relentless adherence to the mantra of Race, Gender and Sexuality. His goal is a new global imperium based that will be truly totalitarian. But he is making a colossal miscalculation. He does not realize that the unassimilated and unassimilable multitudes do not want to be the tools of his will to power. Illegal aliens in America, Algerians in France, Turks in Germany and Pakistanis in Britain have their own, instinctive scenario, and it does not entail leaving Soros and his ilk in positions of power, or alive.

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There Are 20 Responses So Far. »
1 Comment by RJ Rafferty on 25 October 2010:

A profoundly disturbing article but I doubt that 99% of the jihadists and illegal immigrants attempting to enter the US, Canada and the EU have ever heard of Soros and, even if they had and their ultimate agenda was quite different from his, they would still embrace his open borders policy and no-deportations for refugees codicile. First you overwhelm your common enemy then, and only then, do you eliminate your allies. Smart radicals have known this since the Spanish Civil War when the communists decided to eliminate the anarchists before fighting Franco. Bad mistake.

2 Comment by Daniel Maxwell on 25 October 2010:

The gypsies defy those that try to make them into a victim class. All the stereotypes about them are true – anyone who has traveled or lives in southern or eastern Europe knows this. I remember reading a story out of Ireland a few months ago; the Irish government built their growing gypsy underclass exclusive council houses for them to live in instead of building squatter camps. How did they repay this kindness? By selling the doors off of the all the buildings and lighting fires in the interiors.

3 Comment by Jake on 25 October 2010:

Soros is Jewish. His hatred of all European ethnicities and of Catholic/Orthodox Christianity (he seems happy to promote the standard Liberal Protestantism) are palpable. He is bent on cultural and religious and then European ethnic genocide, and he uses the Sexual Revolution and the race-based bleeding heartism of Anglophone Protestantism ( (the romanticizing of non-whites while simultaneously demonizing many ‘other’ whites) as major weapons.

@ Daniel Maxwell
The least true negative stereotypes are those of certain Western Europeans against other Europeans. The most true, usually fully true, are those about non-whites which we have been made ashamed to know exist.

4 Comment by Prateek Sanjay on 26 October 2010:

I loved reading this piece. Dr. T, you must be one of the most prolific columnists out there these days, and you are matched perhaps only by Justin Raimondo with the speed of new substantial editorials.

Karl Popper’s Open Society seems to be an idea Open To Interpretation, because I have seen only multitudes of meanings in which people have used it. Not one sounds similar.

For example, American information czar Cass Sunstein wrote a famous widely publicized paper recently that got all the usual internet conspiracy theorists worried – it was about them. Sunstein wrote that because in an Open Society, censorship can not be done, governments must work to disseminate information and discredit their wrongful critics. Otherwise, a “crippled epistemology” might lead to people rejecting mainstream media sources in favour of their own preferred ones, leading to a Closed Society.

In Soros’ version of Open Society, no one having a monopoly of truth means that there must be a monopoly of truth established through education.

5 Comment by NGPM on 26 October 2010:

@Jake: I think Dr. Trifković will corroborate me when I say that bad stereotypes about Bosnians are mostly justified. I briefly worked for a woman, a Ph.D. and the wife of a German diplomat, who had been raised Catholic. A Croat and a sharp cookie, you would think. Actually, she had, on her own admission, “twelve different religions in” her family. And believe me, it showed in her intellectual and professional temperament. That was an excellent case study in Balkanization.

The bad stereotypes in Western Europe are mostly based on truly negative experiences with the proletariat or criminal types who settle here since the 1960’s… they’ve overwhelmed the aristocratic refugees (White Russians, et c.) of the Parisian glory days gone by. A little bit of calm reflection is a good remedy: after all, in the same vein, Anglomania died down considerably on the Continent as soon as middle- and lower-class Englishmen had the means to travel abroad.

Still, the mass flux of working-class Poles to England or Ireland (to name but one example) was in the grand scheme of things not really good for the host countries or for Poland. Poles may be preferable to Pakis, for reasons that need no explanation, but the drain on the youth and the firing up of the bubble economy were bad things.

As for the Roma, efforts are being made to expel them from France (8600 kicked out since the beginning of this year). They annoy locals and leave a sour taste in tourists’ mouths.

6 Comment by S.B. on 26 October 2010:

One, if not, the most *critical* and *relevant* articles written in a long time. Although he’s written on Mephistopheles before, only the doc could produce a one-page article outlining his true modus operandi.

He’s definitely a capitalist – - – capitalizing on the misfortune, misery, and hate of others. Masked by his multi-billions of dollars, front organizations, and an erroneous philosophy to build “vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens,” Beelzebub professes advocacy of an “independent media.” However, one of his *greatest* talents is the savvy **recruitment** of overly-educated, gullible graduates without a grain of real-world experience that want to “make a difference in the world” and improve the “lives of people in marginalized communities.” They are literally clueless. The only way to expose and take down the true essence of Leviathan and his organizations is to literally plant an adversary into the organization.

Abortion, PDIA . . . Who is HE to decide ANYTHING?!!!! It’s NOT about what YOU want. It’s GOD’S PLAN.

If it’s indeed true . . . that we each experience a life review upon death . . . I wouldn’t want this atheist’s infinite, agonizing burn.

Sorry everyone . . . this just has my blood boiling. Thanks doc.

7 Comment by Bourgeois on 26 October 2010:

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.

Dr. Trifkovic, you’ve made my morning. I don’t think there can be a better way to “name the enemy” than your concise expose on Soros and his beliefs.

8 Comment by Bryan on 26 October 2010:

Was Hillary the Grand Lesbian of the Belgrade Parade?

9 Comment by Prateek Sanjay on 26 October 2010:

I think the comments may have gone a tad bit too far with the remarks on how Soros is a Jew who should burn in hell and how he is the devil himself.

As it is, Soros’ actions, as detailed by Dr. T, are more than sufficient to show his nature.

10 Comment by Seek on 26 October 2010:

George Soros’ surname, remember, is Esperanto in origin, a language-against-all languages invented in the late 19th century. It is to real language what open borders are to real nations.

11 Comment by Pete Mladineo on 26 October 2010:

I remember almost a decade ago, when I was a news agency hound in an East Europe capital, having to cover Soros when he visited to give some face time to his Open Society wonks. Even though the news agency I had worked for considered him “old hat,” I had show up and monitor his presser “just in case” something historical happened. I think you can fill in the blanks at what the supposedly civilized editors were thinking in their glass prisons.

I can’t remember if I even filed a story on him, but the fact is I was awed by him then, because I had bought in to a life of liberal indoctrination and thought he was some kind of an pan-Eastern European demigod. Graciously for me I was able to come out of that haze because of the grace of God, Who loveth mankind, and even then it took a few small miracles to get me away from the neocon crowd that helps to promulgate Sorosism with its sordid belief that we have to re-educate the East to bring them up to Western standards.

Perhaps our best shot, our only shot, at defeating this darkness is through the light of Christ, which comes to us only by grace, and I guess in this instance, by calling a spade a spade. Europe was at its best when it was more or less a closed society, but those doors seem to be mighty expensive to fix!

12 Comment by Fred Franz on 26 October 2010:

An excellent analysis, perhaps the best summation to date, of George Soros true intent and why he and his legion of sock puppets represent the most serious threat not only to our republic but the entire world.

13 Comment by MAR on 26 October 2010:

“- anti-bias training of teachers and administrators;
- integration of Romani history and culture in the textbooks at all levels;
- legally mandated arffirmative action programs for Roma;
- tax incentives for employers who employ them;
- access to low-interest credit for Roma small family businesses;
- setting aside a percentage of public tenders for Roma firms;
- legislation to fight “racism and discrimination” in housing;
- adoption of “comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation”;
- creation of mechanisms “to monitor implementation of anti-discrimination legislation and assist victims of racial discrimination in seeking remedies”;
- recognition by governments of “the Roma slavery and the Holocaust through public apology along with urgent adoption of a package of reparatory measures.””

The joys of Western capitalism — of which Soros appears to be a symptom and not an aberration. Whatever faults Soviet communism might have had (and it had many), at least it protected its people from liberal globalization and its concomitant disorders (“anti-racism,” mass Third World immigration, free trade, etc.).

14 Comment by robert on 26 October 2010:

“Two weeks ago the first “gay pride parade” was staged in Belgrade.”

They are only about 20 years behind Pat Buchanan’s remarks at the 1992 GOP Convention:

“Like many of you last month, I watched that giant masquerade ball at Madison Square Garden–where 20,000 liberals and radicals came dressed up as moderates and centrists–in the greatest single exhibition of cross-dressing in American political history

Mr Clinton has a different agenda.

At its top is unrestricted abortion on demand. When the Irish-Catholic governor of Pennsylvania, Robert Casey, asked to say a few words on behalf of the 25 million unborn children destroyed since Roe v Wade, he was told there was no place for him at the podium of Bill Clinton’s convention, no room at the inn.

Yet a militant leader of the homosexual rights movement could rise at that convention and exult: “Bill Clinton and Al Gore represent the most pro-lesbian and pro-gay ticket in history.” And so they do.

Bill Clinton supports school choice–but only for state-run schools. Parents who send their children to Christian schools, or Catholic schools, need not apply.

Elect me, and you get two for the price of one, Mr Clinton says of his lawyer-spouse. And what does Hillary believe? Well, Hillary believes that 12-year-olds should have a right to sue their parents, and she has compared marriage as an institution to slavery–and life on an Indian reservation.

The agenda Clinton & Clinton would impose on America–abortion on demand, a litmus test for the Supreme Court, homosexual rights, discrimination against religious schools, women in combat–that’s change, all right. But it is not the kind of change America wants. It is not the kind of change America needs. And it is not the kind of change we can tolerate in a nation that we still call God’s country.

A president is also commander in chief, the man we empower to send sons and brothers, fathers and friends, to war.

George Bush was 17 when they bombed Pearl Harbor. He left his high school class, walked down to the recruiting office, and signed up to become the youngest fighter pilot in the Pacific war. And Mr Clinton? When Bill Clinton’s turn came in Vietnam, he sat up in a dormitory in Oxford, England, and figured out how to dodge the draft.

Which of these two men has won the moral authority to call on Americans to put their lives at risk…??????????

Evidently Mr. Soros won over both political parties in America long,long ago, so has decided to move on over with some enlightenment for those backward states in Eastern Europe.

15 Comment by Gilbert Jacobi on 26 October 2010:

- access to low-interest credit for Roma small family businesses;

You’ve got to love that one!

So, the Gypsy mothers who keep their kids filthy and hungry so that they may drag them around the streets and plop them down on a rag in the middle of the sidewalk to beg should be loaned a few lei or forints to spread out on the rag for the come-on, of course!

16 Comment by robert on 26 October 2010:

In a few more years the magnanimous spirit of Mr. Soros will grow to include, I am sure,-”access to low-interest credit for former Chronicles readers, Rockford Institute members, Southern Agrarians, Traditionalists and Anglo-Saxons who have never worked for more than three consecutive quarters in the last three years, and who will be age fifty by Jan. 1st 2020.”

17 Comment by L. Howard on 26 October 2010:

This is an extremely important article. I’m worried but I try not to be pessimistic.It is at least Eastern Europe still versus the “Open Society” and based on the account of the farce parade in Belgrade it appears to be very versus. I wonder how many of these youngsters taking Soros money are true believers and how many just want to travel a bit. Didn’t you fake it as a student more than once to get the free meal or a date? Soros is undeniably hyper-wealthy and extraordinarily destructive but he has been quite blunted in this country over time. To be with Soros is now a decided liability.His prominence in the elevation of Obama and the quick takedown of the prophet that he cannot save should be instructive. His funding of NPR has not rescued it from decrepitude and general disrespect. I recall they also chased his legion out of Russia. Perhaps when Dr. Trifkovic travels to the area next month , on his return he’ll share his observations on where the people appear to be or to be going.

18 Comment by Ray Olson on 26 October 2010:

“Thousands of policemen in full riot gear had to divide their time between protecting a few hundred “LBGT” activists (about half of them imported from Western Europe for the occasion) and battling ten times as many young protesters in the side streets.”

What were they protesting? Surely not the gay parade.

19 Comment by Etienne Gervaise on 26 October 2010:

… only five European countries had more abortions than live births in 2000: the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Belarus, Romania and Ukraine. The only answer is that Soros wants as few little European Orthodox Christians born into this world as possible.

About 10 years ago I printed up T-shirts for sale at a gun show which sported a picture of Soros with his finger in his nostril and the caption that stated: Behold the Antichrist.

I’ll stand by my work. The patriarchs of the aforementioned nations need to resist his efforts, and if possible infiltrate his organizations so that those deeds done in secret will be shouted from the housetops.

20 Comment by Andrew G Van Sant on 26 October 2010:

Etienne — I have to admit that the first thought that came to me as I read Dr. Trifkovic’s essay was: Sounds like the Antichrist.

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