Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ten Demands of Islam

Coptic Priest Zakariya Boutrus

1. Strike out all Koranic verses that deny the divinity of Jesus and the revelation of God in him.

2. Acknowledge that Jesus is the spirit and word of God.

3. Strike out the Koranic verses that incite Muslims to kill Christians (Al-Tawba cp. 29) or to fight against those who do not follow Islam (Christians and Jews) unless they pay the Jizya poll tax in submission.

4. Strike out the Koranic verses that incite to terrorism and oppression in all their forms.

5. [Reject the teaching] urging believers to fight: “I was commanded to fight people until they say ‘There is no God but Allah.’”

6. Stop the attack on Jesus and the Holy Book in mosques and all media.

7. Give all the freedom to choose their religion and to express their belief.

8. Abolish the punishment for apostasy. Stop torturing, imprisoning, and killing people who convert to Christianity.

9. Apologies must be made by leaders throughout the Arab world for the murder of Christians in countries invaded by Islam.

10. Apologies must be made by leaders throughout the Arab world for the insults directed against our faith throughout Islamic history.


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