Sunday, June 6, 2010


Wellington | June 4, 2010 6:23 PM | Reply
Parole should not even exist (at least for violent crimes). That's the long and short of it. What should exist is anti-parole. No one in prison for the commission of heinous felonies should get time off for so-called "good behavior" but rather only time added on for bad behavior, i.e., anti-parole.

This particular case is also reason in microcosm why the death penalty should exist. I say to anyone opposed to the death penalty that not having it for one who kills in cold blood is not indicative of an enlightened mind in any way whatsoever. Rather, it is evidence of moral confusion and intellectual weakness masquerading as insightful compassion and an advanced civilizational norm. It is foolish and does not properly address the need for ultimate retribution (which only the uninformed equate with revenge), ultimate justice and the safety of society. And anyone who would compare having the death penatly in Western polities as in any manner no different from the barbarism that exists in Islamic nations is either a fool or a dissembler.

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