A mixture of unusual thinkings, truths, and obtuse triangles ??
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Cultural Frankfurt?
Roland Joffe’s ‘the Killing Fields’ is a better source for Communist creativity and empowerment of the proletariat.
Jung Chung’s Mao The Untold Story gives a great gestalt of the madness of the fat little pervert and what he did to China. If only the nationalists had murdered the little prick when they had the chance.
The real threat of communism now is cultural marxism.
The Guardian will tell you that it’s all an alt-right conspiracy. But you can test the ideas against reality and decide.
“Identity shall be morality” – Max Horkheimer.
“Logic is not independent of content” – in other words, 2 + 2 = red, according to it’s own ‘new’ internal logic – Max Horkheimer
“Repressive Tolerance” – by Herbert Marcuse is a hand-book and instruction manual of new-speak that every modern left thinker is the product of, whether they know it or not.
Repressive Tolerance and Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, plus Derrida and Noam Chomsky is the modern left. That is, the intelligent minority.
Herbert Marcuse wrote ‘Eros and Civilization”. It’s the fore-runner of queer theory. The thesis is that what used to be western civilization represses the sexual self because it favors progress over sexual fulfillment.
Marcuse favoured “polymorphous perversity” – all sexual relations except for heterosexual monogamy should be favoured and propagated in order to destroy the nuclear family which he describes as that ‘perverse, fundamentally capitalist weapon of the oppressors of the self and society”.
Georgy Lukaj was minister of culture in Hungary in 1918. As a Bolshevik, he sought to debase the culture such that economic communism would seem viable. He instituted a policy he called ‘cultural terrorism’.
Children were presented with graphic sexual content in schools and taught a purely materialist and hedonistic sexual morality. At that time the people were outraged. When Romania invaded in 1919, Lukaj fled. If only he’d been shot. Of course, nowadays his ideas are firmly shielded behind feminism and the homosexual movement. Lukaj is the inspiration for SAFE schools and the idea that hypergamy is empowerment.
Antonio Gramsci died in a prison in 1937 in Mussolini’s Italy. Mussolini literally did nothing wrong up until the point he declared war. If he’d shot dead all the Frankfurt School founders along with the mafia it would have been an enormous service to humanity. It’s such a shame Pinochet didn’t control Italy at the time.
Max Horkheimer created ‘Critical theory’ at Columbia in 1934. In short, all art, literature and science is reduced to ‘race and phallus’.
All human endeavour is a political manifestation of power relations. Every action, every omission.
Theodore Adorno wrote ‘The Authoritarian Personality’. It said Americans were implicitly as bad as the Nazis. He set the groundwork for the ideas of ‘unconscious bias’ and ‘implicit racism’ which are scientifically invalid and false and don’t exist.
Adorno the donkey says that traditional gender roles aren’t a natural manifestation of biology – they are of course a construct. But more particularly, a construct which is the primary component in the formation of Nazi parties.
Additionally, the Frankfurt school like a virus is responsible for the propagation of the Miletian philosophy of:
Subjectivism and Relativism: truth is relative and subjective.
There are competing philosophies which are more compelling. Most notably Aristotle as presented in Thomism.
All of the foundations of the old classical liberal education – metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, rhetoric, are grounded in objective, non-relative principles.
All of this has been replaced by critical theory and the idea that “Logic is not independent of content”.
One could go on and on.
But basically all of the cultural artifacts prevalent today are the result of the Frankfurt School.
Cultural Marxism is utterly ascendant. The coming civil war in the United States is in large part caused by their ideas. Ted Kennedy defended the 1965 Immigration Bill by using the language of the Frankfurt School.
It’s okay to be white.
Ardern of course is not of the likes of the men described. But her “Intention is Reality” utterance, could only come in a cultural marxist culture. Such a statement in 1912 would have been regarded as retarded. Now, it’s meh
"the words of an old survivor from the Hungarian uprising telling me many years ago…
Such a society was not based on the rule of law and the making of mutually agreed agreements between parties for mutual benefit (based on trust), which is the base rock of Capitalism.
“Under Communism, it was every man for himself,” he told me."
Or as Denis Glover put it:
“Little for the many, much for the some Ev’ry ones biting Ev’ry ones bum”
Does this come from Marx?
In a secondary manner. I’m not an expert.
Cultural marxists are economic marxists. I should have stated that all of the figures I’ve specified above, Mercuse, Adorno, Horkheimer, Lukaj, I should have mentioned also Max Field, all were actually members of the German or Hungarian communist party or Bolsheviks.
They were from a range of Eurpean states, but congregated in the Weimar period in 1923 in the University of Frankfurt. The movement originally sought to facilitate Communist economic ascendancy by erosion of competing western institutions.
Horkheimer left Germany in 1933, and was granted his own school at the University of Columbia in New York in 1934. He sold himself as a persecuted liberal intellectual seeking asylum. He was a cultural terrorist. I mean just the titles of the works these guys wrote should give off warning bells. His most famous work was called ‘Eclipse of Reason’ in 1947. Because reason is separate from content, and transcends identity. So it must be replaced.
Horkheimer and Frederich Pollock created critical theory which has destroyed the liberal arts and was the foundation of identity politics. If you wonder why kids can study English at university for 5 years and leave without being able to read, it’s because of the Frankfurt School.
Khrushchev gave a secret speech in 1956 that revealed formerly unknown data about Stalin’s economic, military and civic leadership in the 20th Communist party congress. It got smuggled out and reported in the Observer. That event, and the fall of the Berlin Wall and reports from escapees utterly discredited economic marxism.
So the individuals in the Frankfurt school, who completely destroyed the academy and media in the 1960’s pivoted. They replaced the oppression by the Bourgeoisie of the proletariat two things.
1) With the oppression of everyone by Western Society, adopting Freud.
One aspect was sexual: That’s what I was describing in Mercuse’s works, which inspired third wave feminism and Queer theory.
The other aspect was cultural: He also promoted books by Horkheimer saying that Western society was culturally conformist – one I think was called the “dialectic of Enlightenment”.
2) The oppression by a majority in control of institutions (white males) of every other possible facet of society.
So the mass importation of the third world. The propaganda every white child faces from the moment they exist that white identity, culture, history, personality, art, and ideas are evil and bad and wrong. The destruction of the academy. The erosion of all institutions. The balkanisation of society. The debasement of sexual discourse. The permanent victim mentality. The mestatisation of the welfare state. The debasement of religion – many of the Priests who committed sexual misdemeanours were adherents to the school who infiltrated the church. The debasement of architecture. The fetishization of the infantile. The fetishization of dindus and the third world. Identity politics. Third wave feminism.
All of these things were propagated, promoted, and facilitated by the Frankfurt School as it existed in New York.
It can’t be emphasised enough how systematic and how damaging the worm-tonguing has been.
I would argue mental health, obesity, childlessness, domestic violence, so much phenomena is connected with the ideas of the Frankfurt school. All of which are debased. It’s actually hilarious when the Guardian and Salon and Slate say it’s a conspiracy. These are the people who had to delete all their articles saying Pedophiles and kiddie fucking isn’t so bad, and why don’t we just give them a chance, it’s just another stop on the lane of sexual liberation and expression and fulfilment.
Western universities are uniformly cultural marxist. It’s so engrained in our discourse and ideas we don’t even notice it. The more they say it doesn’t exist, the more you know it does. Go and read this material for yourselves and then see if my observations have empirical validity or not
Sources of toxic progressivism:1. French revolution, and their obsession with equality, and murdering everyone who is unequal.2. Carl Marx, and his systematic resentment of successful people and agitation for murdering them.3. Franz Boas and his false anthropology based on the lie that all races are equally abled for goodness and prosperity.4. Frankfurt school, their method of long march through the institutions and demonization of their opponents.5. French post-modernist philosophers, their obsession with inverting all value and power/hierarchy structures.6. American inter-sectional feminism, gender studies and critical race theory, the practical implementation of the previous points.
I should say I do not like racism myself. But the ongoing fight against racism has turned into a fight against common sense. In fact, it often takes the form of fighting against reality. The same goes for feminism. It has reached a stage at which it can no longer be satirised – it is too absurd for satire.
This is a logical result of utopianism. Those who believe in a possibility of building a perfect society based on an intellectual model – be it Marxist, Nazi or the fashionable Multicaltural+Feminist+LGBT Friendly+Secular Democratic (but Islam and Sharia Friendly) one (perhaps, the silliest of them all) – have a simplified and distorted idea of man and the world.
And they try to force the real people and the real world to conform to their simplified and distorted picture. When people and the world do not live up to their expectations, the utopians are surprised and angry. They use persuasion and when that does not work, resort to violence, sometimes of most horrible sort.
The worst example I know is Kampuchea under the Khmer Rouge. But the supposedly “great” French Revolution of 1789 was pretty bad too and it set the pattern for subsequent utopian revolutions. It was French revolutionaries who put “enemies of the people” on barges and sunk them. This method of mass murder was successfully used by Stalin (it seems he knew his history well). It was also French revolutionaries who declared a war on the Catholic Church and tried to establish a neo-pagan cult of the “goddess of reason”. Lenin and Stalin waged an even more ruthless war on the Orthodox Church, though without the “goddess of reason” cult, which they rightfully deemed too ridiculous.
Thus, although different utopians have different utopias and sometimes have bitter fights among themselves, they have the same objects of hatred: traditional religion, traditional family, traditional morals, traditional culture, traditional art – in a word, all things which are real and which have stood the test of time.
They see the flaws of all those things, which exist in reality, and want to destroy them in order to turn the world into a paradise, which exists only in their minds. Whatever this paradise might look in theory, in practice it usually resembles a vision of hell. But utopians are blind fanatics and they try hard to believe that the hell of their making is heaven on earth and throw a tantrum every time somebody disagrees.
Thus, the prospects of the modern Western world are rather frightening. Its political system, mainstream media, education, culture and even many supposedly Christian denominations have been hijacked by politically correct utopians who, with fanatical fervour, destroy the very foundations of European civilisation. They have good intentions, which will make an excellent pavement for the coming hell on earth.
And there seems to be no force that would be capable to stop them. -------------
(Apr 18, 2018 at 2:34 pm) that there seems to be a hidden layer of government at work in Britain. I’d venture to suggest that the hidden layer is Common Purpose. Their job is to install Cultural Marxism a la Frankfurt School.
For this particular incident see 8 below:
… the Frankfurt School recommended (among other things):
1. The creation of racism offences. 2. Continual change to create confusion 3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children 4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority 5. Huge immigration to destroy identity 6. The promotion of excessive drinking 7. Emptying of churches 8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime 9. Dependency on the state or state benefits 10. Control and dumbing down of media 11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
Seeking Truth, Laughs, Learning,......
Thinking, as one is never too old too ponder or laugh, so not to be taken seriously......
This blog is mainly a collection and storage of interesting facts, ideas, observations and just things that take my interest.......
I always endeavour to give credit to who or where I gathered the information from.
Apologies:-... Still learning computers and see I have to sort out how to make links that I have picked up..... HURRAY... got some up dated.and if any problem then leave a comment please....
Ev’ry ones biting
Ev’ry ones bum”
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family