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"We recognise a gender transitioned person’s new identity because it is the humane response to their condition. Kindness doesn’t cost anything".
No. The humane response is not to encourage them in their delusion. That is not helping them. For some reason, the liberal Narrative remains supreme, and the only people who are openly criticized are those who do not fall in line with it. Activist and lesbian Tammy Bruce points out that feminists and other groups go through a kind of ersatz therapy in their sharing groups which never actually makes it to the third and final stage of getting them help and reintegration into society, rather the focus is on social change – getting society to adapt to you, instead of the other way around.
Because there is a third stage of recovery that is ignored by feminist and gay special-interest groups—the stage where the group is supposed to concern itself with “reintegrating the survivor into the community of ordinary people.” In other words, face your issues, deal with them, get the help you need, and rejoin life. Not as a victim, mind you, but as a survivor and as your ordinary self. The failure of the Left Elite is that it requires of its leaders and its activists that they not move on to this third stage of recovery. Dr. Herman oddly lauds the fact that the feminist “consciousness-raising groups,” full of individuals who clearly needed psychological help because of past traumas, were focused on social change “rather than individual change.”This is the core of the problem, stated by one of the leading psychologists in the field, but because Dr. Herman is a feminist she was blind to the implications of what she was saying: When your victimhood is your empowerment, recovery is the enemy, and working on “individual change” becomes counterproductive, even dangerous to your identity.When that third stage of recovery is missing—when the group maintains the victimhood of the individual and spurns the last, imperative step—not only is there no reintegration, but something even more sinister begins to happen: the subconscious transference of the injured person’s trauma onto society. Society and culture end up being subjected to the malignant narcissism of those traumatized during their childhood or youth—which includes the Left’s most powerful leaders, activists, and ideologues.This, I contend, is the monster that haunts the heart and soul of the Left Elite and threatens our future: the fact that the Left is led by a cadre of damaged and powerful individuals who have been condemned by their own politics never to escape their victimhood. Consider an entire wing of politics invested in the victimhood of its constituency, naturally attracting into activism and leadership those who have experienced more than their share of the tragedies that life has to offer and encouraging them to work out their demons on our society.Bruce, Tammy (2004-06-29). The Death of Right and Wrong: Exposing the Left’s Assault on Our Culture and Values (p. 28). Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
The quote is by Tammy Bruce in her book "The death of right and wrong"
The quote is by Tammy Bruce in her book "The death of right and wrong"
Thank you Steve,
I do understand that sometimes things do not go through so it is easy to repeat 3 times lol,
Just to clarify
Bruce, Tammy (2004-06-29). The Death of Right and Wrong: Exposing the Left’s Assault on Our Culture and Values (p. 28). Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
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