Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Ryan Sproull (7,230 comments) says: 
I don’t know if you’ve ever worked with the public sector, but it’s no picnic. One of the more frustrating experiences in life.
Here’s my artist’s impression:
YOU: We should turn off the heaters in that abandoned room that no one’s using. It’s a waste of power and money.
FRANK: Great! We’ll just have to run it by Harry.
HARRY: Great! We’ll just have to run it by Judith.
JUDITH: Great! Now, it’s possible that senior citizen might walk into that room by accident and be cold, so we need to ensure inclusivity by putting up clear signage that the room will no longer be heated.
HARRY: Frank, Judith says we can turn off the heaters, but we need to put up signs.
FRANK: Hey you, you can turn off the heaters, but we need to put up signs. Get in touch with Larry from Signs.
YOU: Larry, can you make me a sign for the unused room that won’t be heated any more?
LARRY: Can do! What do you want the signs to say?
YOU: The signs should say, “Beware: Unheated Room”.
LARRY: Okay, get that copy signed off by Frank.
YOU: Frank, can you sign off this copy?
FRANK: Larry, here’s the copy for the sign.
LARRY: Nathan, can you run your eyes over this sign copy?
NATHAN: Seems okay, but we’ll need it to be translated into Te Reo and Mandarin, and we’ll need a braille version too. Get it to Susan in Translation.
LARRY: Frank, get it to Susan in Translation.
FRANK: Hey you, take it to Susan in Translation.
YOU: Susan, can you translate this copy?
SUSAN: Sure! But the word “unheated” can be offensive in certain dialects of Mandarin. Can you change the copy?
YOU: Can’t you change it in Mandarin?
SUSAN: If I start doing things that aren’t in my job description, I can get in a lot of trouble. Get Nathan to approve your change and I’ll translate it.
I could go on.

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