Friday, May 30, 2014

"Political Correctness" or is it really "Political Cowardice"?

Speech by President of the Republic at the reception on the occasion of Independence Day of the State of Israel

Date: 26th 5th 2014
A google translation of Czech,
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for the invitation to celebrate Israel's Independence Day. Public holidays celebrating independence in the Czech Republic held annually tens. Some can be, some may not, but the only holiday of independence, which I can never leave out is the feast of the independence of the Jewish State of Israel. States are, with whom we share the same values, whether it's political horizon of freedom of choice or the market economy. But those States not threatening nobody deleted from the map. Nobody shoots at the border of the city, no one does not want the citizens of this State from leaving his country. There is a term called political correctness, and I this term as a euphemism for political cowardice, so let me not cowardly. should be clearly name the enemy of human civilization, and this enemy is international terrorism coupled with religious fundamentalism and religious intolerance. This fanaticism does not focus on a single state, as we have to record after September 11. Muslim fanatics in Nigeria recently captured 200 young Christian girls. A Flower in Europe in the heart of the European Union recently played abominable assassination of the Jewish Museum in Brussels. I will not be reassuring statements that it is only a small fringe groups, I believe, on the contrary, that this xenophobia and say that racism or anti-Semitism of the very nature of ideology, of which these fanatical groups are based.And let me give a proof of this assertion quoted one of the sacred texts, "Strom (tree) calls, hiding a Jew behind me, go and kill him. Stone calls, hiding a Jew behind me, go and kill him. "'d Criticized those who call for the killing of Arabs, but I do not know of any movement that called for massive slaughter of Arabs, while I know anticivilizačním movement that calls for massive murder Jews. Ultimately one article of the Statute of Hamas says, "Kill any Jew that you'll see." We want to really pretend that this is extreme? Do we really want to be politically correct and say that everyone is good and only a small portion of extremists and fundamentalists committing these crimes? One of my favorite essayists Michel de Montaigne once wrote: "It is terrible to think that the evil must necessarily come good. It may come in the other evil. "We started the Arab Spring, which became the Arab winter, and the fight against secular dictatorships have become battle, run by Al-Qaeda. Throw it against the political correctness and let's call a spade a spade. Yes, we have friends in the world who express solidarity, but this solidarity us nothing, because these friends are nothing and nobody threatened.actual sense of solidarity: solidarity with a friend who is in trouble and in danger, and that's why I'm here.  
      That is the most hardest, to be with some one that has troubles and in danger, and so risking your self, money, pride, time, energy, to put your own skin in the game, so endangering and troubling yourself, to learn and understand what are your principles and what price are they?
After the jump break is his response to his critics

Zeman for his statements about Islam apologizes.He argues that shall blaspheme
again another google translation
President Miloš Zeman for his statements on the connection Islamic ideology does not condone violence.His words conveyed a spokesman George Castle Ovčáček.An apology demanded Organisation of

 Islamic Cooperation, which did not like the president's

 statement was made during the celebration of Israel's Independence Day in late May.
Miloš Zeman president Rokycany press conference
Miloš Zeman for his statements about Islam not apologize.| foto: Ladislav Nemec,Mafra
Zeman was then expressed to attack the Jewish Museum in Brussels.He said that for similarly motivated violent acts is Islamic ideology.Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) demanded an apology.
"The president is certainly not going to apologize. Because the

 president felt apology for citation Islamic holy text for 

blasphemy," said Ovčáček.
Zeman in his speech recalled the two events."Muslim fanatics in Nigeria recently captured 200 young Christian girls. A Flower in Europe in the heart of the European Union recently played abominable assassination of the Jewish Museum in Brussels," he said."I will not calm down claiming that it is only a small fringe groups, I believe, on the contrary, that this xenophobia and say that racism or anti-Semitism of the very nature of ideology, of which these fanatical groups are based,"he added.
Secretary General of the OIC Iyad Amin Madani expressed his disappointment over Zeman statements.They are, according to him, however, in accordance with the president's previous statements about Islam, when compared Zeman said "believers in the Qur'an with anti-Semites and racist Nazis" and said that "the enemy is anti-civilization, which spread from North Africa to Indonesia, where he lived two billion people. "
President Zeman Muslims outraged last autumn, when indicated the possibility of moving the Czech embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.His comments had condemned the Rights of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, but also the League of Arab States (LAS).OIC is an international organization uniting 57 countries.Her goal is to be the collective voice of the Islamic world and protect the interests of Muslims, based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Miloš Zeman angered Muslims in the past.Reporter him in June 2013 asked the abductees Czech.The President then said, "Allahu akbar."

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