Sunday, February 16, 2014

crony capitalism to laissez-faire

Yes, I do have a better description of what is currently ruining free enterprise. It’s called crony capitalism.

There isn’t a scintilla of laissez-faire capitalism in Crony .Capitalism., which has the run of the place and will eventually lead to our ruin.

It would appear that your pov is drawn from the usual socialist squint on economic theory and no matter how often reality punctures that balloon, True Believers insist on attempting to make it fly whilst misnaming reality.

This is more accurate:

Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics

Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics

Or try this one, by Frederic Bastiat:

The Law (Illustrated)

The Law (Illustrated)

That one is a dollar on Amazon. The UK version is probably as cheap.

Bastiat travelled to England to understand how the Corn Laws had affected that country. He was anxious to avoid having that particular plague visit France.

Tariffs probably served as the catalyst for America’s entry into the first Great Depression. They are always bad economics but the fearful – those who operate out of a sense of scarcity, or the get-rich-quick fraudsters, perennially insist that they are “good for business”. Translated, that means “good for me”.

Our current situation is more internal at first glance, due to the legal fraud enacted by the banksters combined with the efforts of government & legislators to ensure their friends’ sale of a lot of real estate – often “bundling” those mortgages and selling over and over again… Now that the bubble has burst there is money to be made in, guess what?…destroying all those houses. Knocking them down and hauling off the remains.

None of that even slightly resembles laissez-faire capitalism. Time to put down your Marx & Co and start reading real economists, not that envious fellow who never held a job in his life and lived off the largesse of his capitalist friends and their families. Oh wait. I just described our current Marxist socialist – Obama.
Here is “The Law” online:
If you won’t read the economists, try the novelists: Nevil Shute’s comparisons between
 Australia post WWII and the grey poverty extant in socialist Britain after the war are telling.

The changes have lasted down the years and are obvious even now. Australia refused to listen 
to the siren-song of socialism, becoming prosperous and abundant.

======----------------------------------==========---------------------==============---------Mark H on February 15, 2014 at 6:10 pm said:
God, this is a depressing article,.... referring to What If.... more so because I can’t find much to
 dispute about the
 author’s case, apart from details here and there.

Leaving aside the chief danger concerning us all, Islamism and its enablers, do readers see any
 chance of removing corrupt, crony capitalism, and trying to make some version of the laissez-
faire version work? With, of course, necessary safeguards to prevent such ills as pollution and
 the exploitation of the unempowered.

Reply ↓

MCin Sderot
on February 15, 2014 at 8:49 pm said:
It is the ‘safeguards’ that destroy Laissez faire because government and regulation are the real
 evils. Communist states have a terrible pollution and exploitation records.

Under Laissez Faire, the polluters would be liable for the pollution, and the directors of the
 companies doing the polluting would be liable down to their last penny, and also face prison 
sentances if criminality is involved, no hiding behind limited liabilities etc.

Exploitation? this is a relative term like ‘poor’, what is needed is enablement, when ‘poverty’
 becomes a local problem, it can be dealt with in the community without hoards of government
 employees as parasites of the system. Unemployment (as opposed to sheer laziness) was
 almost unknown until governments destroyed ‘domestic service’ by imposing employment
 taxes. In a full employment scenario (with no artificial importing of cheap immigrant labour),
 wages have to be competitive.

It is C.C. that needs unemployment and poverty to leverage its exploitation. Such things as
 Working Mothers (cheap labour) and ‘tax credits’ (in reality state subsidies to employers) are 
nasty side effects of C.C. and doing massive harm.

Reply ↓

on February 15, 2014 at 9:01 pm said:
“safeguards”?? Lovely.

I quit a social services position with loverly benefits because the work was corrupt, a scam.

Middle-class people doling out niggardly ‘benefits’ to the ‘stakeholders’…It was a way to keep 
an increasingly unproductive middle class employed.

My next job, cleaning houses, was wonderful. Made my own hours, listened to music on my
 ipod – in fact, eventually listened to all of Jane Austen’s works – and got a better rate of pay
 than I had doing “social “work”. My customers were grateful and happy and I got lots of exercise.

There is great joy to be had in creating order.

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