The Alapha Secondary School in Bayswater, a village near Limpopo, South Africa was built by parents in 1985.
In 2012 not one of their Matric students (Year 12) passed their final school exam.
Not one.
Another four schools in the district achieved the exact same honor.
Corrupt politicians and government workers steal around R40 BILLION ($4 billion) from South African tax payers every year. Yet, experts have the audacity to say that the ANC government will have to overcome years of under-investment in Black education under apartheid.
Apartheid officially ended in 1994 - 20 years ago.
What White Apartheid did for Blacks
In 2012 not one of their Matric students (Year 12) passed their final school exam.
Not one.
Another four schools in the district achieved the exact same honor.
Corrupt politicians and government workers steal around R40 BILLION ($4 billion) from South African tax payers every year. Yet, experts have the audacity to say that the ANC government will have to overcome years of under-investment in Black education under apartheid.
Apartheid officially ended in 1994 - 20 years ago.
What White Apartheid did for Blacks
Emeritus Arch Bishop of Cape Town is at it again and in the news for asking whites to pay a reparation tax or wealth tax because they all apparently benefitted from Apartheid.
Along came his cheerleading constitutional expert and praise singer Piere de Vos from UCT and said, The problem is, of course, that some white people out of shame or ignorance or maybe a bit of both do not want to admit that white South Africans almost all benefited from apartheid vis--vis black South Africans.
Almost All? Who were the ones that did not benefit? Again facts sucked out of each others thumbs.
As I have proved in Opening Pandoras Apartheid Box everyone in South Africa benefitted form Apartheid, Black and White. Blacks had the highest literary standards and the highest life standard of all the blacks in Africa.
Self hating liberal idiot, De Vos reckons, If I had been born black and poor, I almost certainly would not have gone to University and I would almost certainly never have been a Law Professor at UCT (University of Cape Town), earning quite a nice salary, thank you.
I love the way he chooses his words. Almost AllAlmost CertainlyAs always both De Vos and The Arch fails to explain how it was at all possible for Tutu to study and become a teacher just like his father was.
They also fail to explain how Nelson Mandela and countless other blacks managed to become lawyers during Apartheid South Africa a lawyer just like De Vos.
They further failed to explain how the Apartheid government built ten Universities for blacks including Medunsa which is a unique medical university that turned out 200 highly qualified black doctors every year all at state costs, paid for by the white taxpayers. It also trained paramedics and nurses.
Since 1970 the budget for black education was raised by about 30% per year every year. More than any other government department.
In the period 1955 -1984 the amount of black school students increased 31 times from 35,000 to 1,096 000.
65% of black South African children were at school compared to Egypt 64%, Nigeria 57%, Ghana52%, Tanzania50% and Ethiopia 29%.
Amongst the adults of South Africa, 71% could read and write (80% between the ages 12 and 22). Compare this to Kenya 47%, Egypt 38%, Nigeria 34% and Mozambique at 26%.
In South Africa, the whites built 15 new classrooms for blacks every working day, every year. At 40 children per class it meant space for an additional 600 black students every day!!!
In 1985 there were 42,000 Blacks at 5 universities in South Africa, about the same amount at the universities of the homelands.
In an article called Die Afrikaner 11 Feb 1987, the quarterly magazine called Vox Africana Nr 29 4/87 stated that,
South Africa had 4,8 million whites and 18,2 million blacks in 1987. The whites paid 77% of the taxes and the blacks only 15%...despite this...56% of the government budget was spent on blacks.
During the time of Dr. Verwoerd. the living standards of Blacks were rising at 5,4% per year against that of the whites at 3,9% per year. In 1965 the economic growth of South Africa was the second highest in the world at 7,9%. The rate of inflation was a mere 2% per annum and the prime interest rate only 3% per annum. Domestic savings were so great that South Africa needed no foreign loans for normal economic expansion.
Even Lord Deedes admitted, White South Africa grew to become the economic giant of the continent, the other members of the Commonwealth virtually sank into poverty.
At the hight of Apartheid in 1978 Soweto had 115 football fields, 3 Rugby fields, 4 athletic tracks, 11 Cricket fields, 2 Golf courses, 47 Tennis courts, 7 swimming pools built to Olympic standards, 5 Bowling alleys, 81 Netball fields, 39 children play parks, and countless civic halls, movie houses and clubhouses.
In addition to this, Soweto had 300 churches, 365 schools, 2 Technical Colleges, 8 clinics, 63 child day care centres, 11 Post Offices, and its own fruit and vegetable market.
There were 2300 registered companies that belonged to black businessmen, about 1000 private taxi companies. 3% of the 50,000 vehicle owners in 1978 were Mercedes Benz owners. Soweto alone had more cars, taxis, schools, churches and sport facilities than most independent countries in Africa. The Blacks of South Africa had more private vehicles than the entire white population of the USSR at the time.
Today Soweto has modern shopping malls like, Dobsonville Shopping Centre. In 2005 the Protea Gardens Mall opened. This was followed by the Baramall Shopping Centre and the Jabulani Shopping complex and the Maponya Mall. Experts say that Soweto has as much as 25% oversupply of retail space.
The Canadian Medical Doctor, Dr Kenneth Walker wrote about Soweto, (I freely translate from Verrat an Sdafrika, Klaus Vaque, 1987,pg 41)
In Soweto I saw many homes that costs about $100,000 (1978) and that had a BMW in the driveway. All houses are single storey. Many are recently painted. Many had flowerpots in the windows and lawn in the front. Only 2% were shacks. If I had the choice to live in Soweto or in the apartment dwellings or Projects of New York, Chicago, or Detroit where there is so much crime, then I would not hesitate for one moment and choose Soweto.
The biggest hospital in the world, Baragwanath with 3200 beds and at its peak almost 8000 staff had 23 operation theatres fitted out with the most modern medical equipment that existed in the world. Blacks were treated here, operated full state costs to the white-taxpayers for unlimited periods. The budget of this hospital was and is higher than the yearly budget of most small member states of the United Nations.
Next door to Baragwanath is the St. Johns Eye Clinic. The clinic is world famous for the treatment of Glaucoma, Cataracts, traumatic eye injuries and rare tropical diseases. All built and maintained by white taxpayers money for blacks.
Baragwanath in 1978 employed 450 medical doctors in full-time service. It treated 112 000 in-patients and 1.62 million out-patients per year. The children and infant death rate with 34.8 per 1000 was lower than Harlem in New York.
In 1982 alone, this hospital performed 898 heart operations of world quality.
Ironically...90% of the blood donors for this hospital were whites, who donated blood free of charge, totally save black lives. (Quoted from The Citizen, 2 April 1987).
Whites have already given blacks their blood. What more do they want?
De Vos calls for a ones off reconstruction tax.did he forget that 20,000 Victims of Apartheid were compensated R30,000 each back in the days of the TRC?
Personally I think that Prof Pierre De Vos and Bishop Tutu should go get an education about the truth about Apartheid. They can start by reading my Pandora Series.
Whites have given blacks the entire country for free. In tact. There is nothing more to give. Today blacks are destroying all the infrastructure that we paid for and built. Then still has the audacity to tell whites they should leave.
What I want to know is who are going to compensate whites for all the schools, hospitals, dams, airports, harbours, railroads, etc that they have built? It is high time for blacks to start paying whites. Nothing is for free.
Bishop Tutu and De Vos can start by selling their mansions and BMWs and give it to the poor white fund of Solidarity Helpende Hand.
Zimmerman Free Because Jury Understood "The Fear" ... J. D. Longstreet
Zimmerman Free Because The Jury Understood "The Fear"
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
I was walking to my car in the darkened parking lot of one of America's Big Box stores when I suddenly realized why the jury found George Zimmerman not guilty. Fear.
No. I mean REAL FEAR. The kind of fear ingrained in ones bones. The kind of fear that has been with us so long we no longer know we are even a host for it.
During the days of slavery in America, the slave owners lived with this same fear. Once slavery was rendered illegal in America then the entire country fell victim to the same raw fear.
Some 700,000 Americans died in a civil war fought in the name of that fear, if you believe accepted history. I don't. But that's a different story for a different article, on a different day.
All the American Civil War proved, if it proved anything at all, is that -- you cannot GIVE a people freedom. It has no value as a gift. It is not cherished because it was not earned.
One hundred and fifty years down the road from that war and the descendents of those freed slaves are little better off than they were when they trailed behind Sherman's army begging for morsels of food as Sherman smashed and burned his way through the southern states. The mold for the next century and a half was set at that moment.
Nothing much has changed since. The only thing of substance that HAS changed is that now, rather than being thankful for freedom, the descendents of those freed slaves, despise white Americans for, as I believe THEY see it, FORCING them to feel beholden to white America.
Understand: There will NEVER be an open and honest debate in America about black and white racism. NEVER. Neither side can handle the truth. Neither side will face the truth -- and neither side wants the debate.
White America is fed up. We long since gave up the notion that the black community wanted equality and justice. White America is now convinced that black America wants nothing less than to punish white Americans for something for which they (Today's white Americans) bear no guilt.
White America has shut its ears. We are tired of the nagging, the bitching and moaning, the weeping and wailing, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the continuous demands that America owes them something, hell, EVERYTHING, the continuous complaining, and repeated threats, the unruly, uncivilized, conduct of a people who insist on remaining apart, even to hyphenating the name of their race to accentuate and perpetuate their "apartness."
One hundred and fifty years has been squandered. It is gone. A century and a half just tossed aside while the remainder of the country scratched and clawed its way to, at least, some level of success.
In the middle of the 20th century America tried again to jump start the black community with every kind of social program and entitlement program it could afford -- and a few it couldn't -- to, hopefully, get our black brethren and sisteren into the mix so that they, too, might become upwardly mobile. It didn't work. It was not enough, it STILL is not enough -- and now we are convinced it will never BE enough.
The expression: "riding a good horse into the ground" seems apprapo to this situation. But this horse is about ready to throw its rider.
That fear I mentioned at the beginning of this commentary is what was. long ago, thought of as the fear of a slave uprising. These days we call it by different names: riots, race riots, civil disobedience, mob violence, etc. It amounts to the same thing. It is a deep seated fear that should such an "uprising" occur, it will be seem, by both sides as an opportunity, and an excuse, to take out their frustrations on the other side while reducing the population of each side by generous numbers.
Police will be quickly overwhelmed.
But that is only a part of the underlying fear. The remainder is that once the blood lust is up there will be nationwide genocide.
Now, I know I am going be be vilified for having the temerity to actually make public the thoughts of millions of Americans today. There's not much tolerance for truth these days.
The rage on both sides of the racial divide is bubbling just below the surface and a small prick can, and most likely will, release the toxins of hate an anger into our national atmosphere.
I think the members of the jury in the Zimmerman trial understood WHY Zimmerman was suspicious of a young black man, wearing a hoodie, and strolling the avenues of a residential community late at night, a community that had suffered a number of burglaries and break-ins in the recent past committed by young black men. Anyone NOT suspicious would, of necessity, have to be mentally detached from reality.
Consider this from Bernie Goldberg: " ... but he was looked upon with suspicion because, as painful as it is to acknowledge, he looked like too many other black kids in hoodies who do bad things. Black people know this better than anyone else. They’re the victims of most black crime. Remember what Jesse Jackson said several years back. “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” Does that make the Reverend Jackson a racist – or a realist?" SOURCE:
I think the jury may have felt, as did so many, the Zimmerman trial was a "show trial" designed as an attempt to placate the black community into not burning down the city.
I suspect that those women had, on occasion, seen young black men strolling aimlessly through their communities and hastened to check the locks on their doors and windows and clasp their phones in fear moistened hands waiting to dial 911 at the first sound. How many people living in today's cities and urban centers have not felt this fear in recent years?
Most of us today live behind closed and locked doors in our homes, even though we know, deep down, that those locks provide no real deterrent to those set upon smashing their way into our place of refuge and taking everything we have -- including our lives and the lives of our loved ones -- without a second thought.
I believe all this was coursing through the mental process of those jurors as they decided the fate of Mr. Zimmerman.
We may also find that the "Neighborhood Watch" program is ended. Who, in their right mind, will want to subject themselves, and their families and loved ones. to the denigration Mr.Zimmerman and his family have suffered for some eighteen months -- and -- the probability of living under a death threat for the remainder of their lives as Mr. Zimmerman is sure to do?
It struck me recently, that America is beginning to look more and more like South Africa. Consider this: "In my opinion,America’s future will not resemble its past, but will look more like today’s South Africa. As the number of whites declines, loss of power will follow, leading to aggressive legislation pushing whites out of jobs and most positions of power. Many whites will emigrate or move to the remaining red states, just as South Africa’s whites have emigrated since 1994. But ultimately there will be no place to go, as the global demographic decline of whites means that even European countries suffer the same fate of dispossession." SOURCE:
The article continues: "... The United States is such a military and economic power that the battle now taking shape within its borders could well determine the fate of the West. ... " SOURCE:
So -- here we go again, lurching from one crisis to another as we wait for the federal government to find some excuse, any excuse, to inject itself into this mess making it ten times worse.
OK. So we have touched on some things that are simply not talked about in public by polite society today. But being polite is getting us steamrolled! At some point one must drop the socially accepted facade and defend one's self -- or -- face a tragic end.
“The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.” ― Elizabeth Cady Stanton
I think Ms. Stanton had it about right.
© J. D. Longstreet
sdkar said...
sdkar said...
Zimmerman Free Because The Jury Understood "The Fear"
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
I was walking to my car in the darkened parking lot of one of America's Big Box stores when I suddenly realized why the jury found George Zimmerman not guilty. Fear.
No. I mean REAL FEAR. The kind of fear ingrained in ones bones. The kind of fear that has been with us so long we no longer know we are even a host for it.
During the days of slavery in America, the slave owners lived with this same fear. Once slavery was rendered illegal in America then the entire country fell victim to the same raw fear.
Some 700,000 Americans died in a civil war fought in the name of that fear, if you believe accepted history. I don't. But that's a different story for a different article, on a different day.
All the American Civil War proved, if it proved anything at all, is that -- you cannot GIVE a people freedom. It has no value as a gift. It is not cherished because it was not earned.
One hundred and fifty years down the road from that war and the descendents of those freed slaves are little better off than they were when they trailed behind Sherman's army begging for morsels of food as Sherman smashed and burned his way through the southern states. The mold for the next century and a half was set at that moment.
Nothing much has changed since. The only thing of substance that HAS changed is that now, rather than being thankful for freedom, the descendents of those freed slaves, despise white Americans for, as I believe THEY see it, FORCING them to feel beholden to white America.
Understand: There will NEVER be an open and honest debate in America about black and white racism. NEVER. Neither side can handle the truth. Neither side will face the truth -- and neither side wants the debate.
White America is fed up. We long since gave up the notion that the black community wanted equality and justice. White America is now convinced that black America wants nothing less than to punish white Americans for something for which they (Today's white Americans) bear no guilt.
White America has shut its ears. We are tired of the nagging, the bitching and moaning, the weeping and wailing, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the continuous demands that America owes them something, hell, EVERYTHING, the continuous complaining, and repeated threats, the unruly, uncivilized, conduct of a people who insist on remaining apart, even to hyphenating the name of their race to accentuate and perpetuate their "apartness."
One hundred and fifty years has been squandered. It is gone. A century and a half just tossed aside while the remainder of the country scratched and clawed its way to, at least, some level of success.
In the middle of the 20th century America tried again to jump start the black community with every kind of social program and entitlement program it could afford -- and a few it couldn't -- to, hopefully, get our black brethren and sisteren into the mix so that they, too, might become upwardly mobile. It didn't work. It was not enough, it STILL is not enough -- and now we are convinced it will never BE enough.
The expression: "riding a good horse into the ground" seems apprapo to this situation. But this horse is about ready to throw its rider.
That fear I mentioned at the beginning of this commentary is what was. long ago, thought of as the fear of a slave uprising. These days we call it by different names: riots, race riots, civil disobedience, mob violence, etc. It amounts to the same thing. It is a deep seated fear that should such an "uprising" occur, it will be seem, by both sides as an opportunity, and an excuse, to take out their frustrations on the other side while reducing the population of each side by generous numbers.
Police will be quickly overwhelmed.
But that is only a part of the underlying fear. The remainder is that once the blood lust is up there will be nationwide genocide.
Now, I know I am going be be vilified for having the temerity to actually make public the thoughts of millions of Americans today. There's not much tolerance for truth these days.
The rage on both sides of the racial divide is bubbling just below the surface and a small prick can, and most likely will, release the toxins of hate an anger into our national atmosphere.
I think the members of the jury in the Zimmerman trial understood WHY Zimmerman was suspicious of a young black man, wearing a hoodie, and strolling the avenues of a residential community late at night, a community that had suffered a number of burglaries and break-ins in the recent past committed by young black men. Anyone NOT suspicious would, of necessity, have to be mentally detached from reality.
Consider this from Bernie Goldberg: " ... but he was looked upon with suspicion because, as painful as it is to acknowledge, he looked like too many other black kids in hoodies who do bad things. Black people know this better than anyone else. They’re the victims of most black crime. Remember what Jesse Jackson said several years back. “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” Does that make the Reverend Jackson a racist – or a realist?" SOURCE:
I think the jury may have felt, as did so many, the Zimmerman trial was a "show trial" designed as an attempt to placate the black community into not burning down the city.
I suspect that those women had, on occasion, seen young black men strolling aimlessly through their communities and hastened to check the locks on their doors and windows and clasp their phones in fear moistened hands waiting to dial 911 at the first sound. How many people living in today's cities and urban centers have not felt this fear in recent years?
Most of us today live behind closed and locked doors in our homes, even though we know, deep down, that those locks provide no real deterrent to those set upon smashing their way into our place of refuge and taking everything we have -- including our lives and the lives of our loved ones -- without a second thought.
I believe all this was coursing through the mental process of those jurors as they decided the fate of Mr. Zimmerman.
We may also find that the "Neighborhood Watch" program is ended. Who, in their right mind, will want to subject themselves, and their families and loved ones. to the denigration Mr.Zimmerman and his family have suffered for some eighteen months -- and -- the probability of living under a death threat for the remainder of their lives as Mr. Zimmerman is sure to do?
It struck me recently, that America is beginning to look more and more like South Africa. Consider this: "In my opinion,America’s future will not resemble its past, but will look more like today’s South Africa. As the number of whites declines, loss of power will follow, leading to aggressive legislation pushing whites out of jobs and most positions of power. Many whites will emigrate or move to the remaining red states, just as South Africa’s whites have emigrated since 1994. But ultimately there will be no place to go, as the global demographic decline of whites means that even European countries suffer the same fate of dispossession." SOURCE:
The article continues: "... The United States is such a military and economic power that the battle now taking shape within its borders could well determine the fate of the West. ... " SOURCE:
So -- here we go again, lurching from one crisis to another as we wait for the federal government to find some excuse, any excuse, to inject itself into this mess making it ten times worse.
OK. So we have touched on some things that are simply not talked about in public by polite society today. But being polite is getting us steamrolled! At some point one must drop the socially accepted facade and defend one's self -- or -- face a tragic end.
“The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.” ― Elizabeth Cady Stanton
I think Ms. Stanton had it about right.
© J. D. Longstreet
How insightful and how damn scary. Whites have become the slaves and blacks have all the power. How can I prove this? By the axiom that if you want to know who is in control, find out who you cannot criticize (or something like that). Try commenting on the truth about black people and see where that gets you and what labels will be tossed in your direction.
No white person today can even remotely comment negatively on blacks. To do so will immediately label you a racist. And if your job is sensitive, you will lose that job just because you spoke against those of spoke the truth and you will be punished.
All a black person has to do is simply accuse, NOT PROVE, just accuse a white person of racism and that person is destroyed. Look at the lacrosse players, or Zimmerman as the more renowned examples.
The blacks can promote themselves all they want and it is seen as being brave, noble, ambitious, wonderful, and all that (see BET, NAACP, Black caucus, JET magazine, and on and on). But if a white person does the EXACT SAME THING, and tries to promote pride in being white, they are instantly labelled and destroyed. Why I have to ask. How is this move denigrating to blacks? Surely promoting ones own is not a bad thing. How is claiming that you are proud of being white, and all that white history has brought to this world considered denigrating to blacks? But it is.
So, I can only guess that white population will have to be utterly decimated before we realize that we did this to ourselves. It is as if every white person has to shoot himself in order to prove he is not racist, but even this will not satisfy non-whites (or even the perceived enlighted white person). It is human nature to be proud of who we are, but this notion is racism is you are a white odd is that?
If we continue on this path, I too see a future where whites are the minority. When this happens, how long before some hi-level black politician among a black majority thinks whites must be taken care of and would also make great servants. Don't think it can't happen...think again. Will whties be shown the same kindness they showed black people in the latter part of the 20th century, with all kinds of white entitlement and welfare programs? Or, do you think black disgust, hatred and resentment of whites will force them to an earlier period of time as the example of how to treat white minorities?
No white person today can even remotely comment negatively on blacks. To do so will immediately label you a racist. And if your job is sensitive, you will lose that job just because you spoke against those of spoke the truth and you will be punished.
All a black person has to do is simply accuse, NOT PROVE, just accuse a white person of racism and that person is destroyed. Look at the lacrosse players, or Zimmerman as the more renowned examples.
The blacks can promote themselves all they want and it is seen as being brave, noble, ambitious, wonderful, and all that (see BET, NAACP, Black caucus, JET magazine, and on and on). But if a white person does the EXACT SAME THING, and tries to promote pride in being white, they are instantly labelled and destroyed. Why I have to ask. How is this move denigrating to blacks? Surely promoting ones own is not a bad thing. How is claiming that you are proud of being white, and all that white history has brought to this world considered denigrating to blacks? But it is.
So, I can only guess that white population will have to be utterly decimated before we realize that we did this to ourselves. It is as if every white person has to shoot himself in order to prove he is not racist, but even this will not satisfy non-whites (or even the perceived enlighted white person). It is human nature to be proud of who we are, but this notion is racism is you are a white odd is that?
If we continue on this path, I too see a future where whites are the minority. When this happens, how long before some hi-level black politician among a black majority thinks whites must be taken care of and would also make great servants. Don't think it can't happen...think again. Will whties be shown the same kindness they showed black people in the latter part of the 20th century, with all kinds of white entitlement and welfare programs? Or, do you think black disgust, hatred and resentment of whites will force them to an earlier period of time as the example of how to treat white minorities?

Population controls everything. Islam will take over in this same manner as well. If we stay on the same population trajectory, the world will be dominated by blacks and muslims, which will eventually combine into one. Think about how that world will be. Will it become a tolerant world? Will they embrace differences in religion or diversity of others? And I am not talking about hundreds of years into the future, I am thinking this will happen in the lives of our grandchildren. Technology makes life happen exponentially. It will happen sooner than you think.
Whites can not speak freely anymore, which is why so many are looking to women and black politicians as their hope. Think about how anytime anyone has gone against obama or hilary, how they are instantly labelled as racist or sexist. The only way to counter them is by having our own women and black politicians. White men can no longer broach certain subjects. Subjects that have become a huge focus of our problems in today's world. Think about that...only other minorities can speak the truth now, and even then, only on a strict tightrope, lest they too be cast as a traitor to their own kind and be rid of (think Allen West or Sarah Palin).
Hope and change is thrown about like candy at Halloween, but the real hope and change needed to maintain America is not happening and will never happen. First,no one is brave enough to speak what needs to be said, and even if they did, very few would OPENLY back them up. Better to go along with the program and pray for sympathy when the power has changed. Life in America in a hundred years will not be as most of us have envisioned it. Peace and tranquility among those that are vastly different will never be reached in a true harmonious level. It is not in our human nature and we can no more fight it than we can will away hunger or our sex drives. If nothing changes, all white people will be able to do is hope for the best and when we become the minority, hope are new masters will be kind.
Whites can not speak freely anymore, which is why so many are looking to women and black politicians as their hope. Think about how anytime anyone has gone against obama or hilary, how they are instantly labelled as racist or sexist. The only way to counter them is by having our own women and black politicians. White men can no longer broach certain subjects. Subjects that have become a huge focus of our problems in today's world. Think about that...only other minorities can speak the truth now, and even then, only on a strict tightrope, lest they too be cast as a traitor to their own kind and be rid of (think Allen West or Sarah Palin).
Hope and change is thrown about like candy at Halloween, but the real hope and change needed to maintain America is not happening and will never happen. First,no one is brave enough to speak what needs to be said, and even if they did, very few would OPENLY back them up. Better to go along with the program and pray for sympathy when the power has changed. Life in America in a hundred years will not be as most of us have envisioned it. Peace and tranquility among those that are vastly different will never be reached in a true harmonious level. It is not in our human nature and we can no more fight it than we can will away hunger or our sex drives. If nothing changes, all white people will be able to do is hope for the best and when we become the minority, hope are new masters will be kind.