Socialism has survived only because of unchallenged false claims that "Socialism has never succeeded."
Why Socialism Survives
![]() | By Thomas Edward Caldwell (Bio and Archives) Monday, June 10, 2013 Comments | Print friendly | Subscribe | Email Us |
Socialism has never failed. It has always succeeded.
Claiming that Socialism has never succeeded is disinformation, and, a Moral Sanction.
The battle for civilization is an ideological and intellectual war. In such a war, you cannot let evil set the terms. But, that is what has happened. Those who set the terms win. Socialism’s continued existence is “proof of principle.”
Socialism’s alleged failure is disinformation. Consider some examples of “disinformation.”
The claim that the murder of the American Ambassador and others in Benghazi was motivated by a video, that no one had seen, was disinformation.
Everything Obama has said about his policies is disinformation. His claims have nothing to do with physical reality.
Just as Obama is campaigning against all he has done, and against his results, to deny responsibility, so socialists do the same to avoid responsibility.
It is, and has always been, Communist policy, to have some of their best writers and propagandists pretend to be moderates, or even anti-communists. They openly reject communism, but, only by claiming it is an unachievable moral ideal. That provides communists and socialists the cover they are only impractical moral idealists, and,
worse, that communism (socialism) is a moral ideal that has never (yet) succeeded. People tend to not consider the impractical, but accept the moral ideal. They don’t argue against the claim that true communism has never been tried. That provides a moral sanction that communism is not evil. It separates the advocates of communism from the obvious perceptual proof.
worse, that communism (socialism) is a moral ideal that has never (yet) succeeded. People tend to not consider the impractical, but accept the moral ideal. They don’t argue against the claim that true communism has never been tried. That provides a moral sanction that communism is not evil. It separates the advocates of communism from the obvious perceptual proof.
Implying that socialism is a moral ideal is a “Moral Sanction,” a statement of approval. The claim “Socialism has never succeeded” is not only disinformation, it is a moral sanction of coercion for further efforts to implement socialism. It equivocates human rights and mass destruction as merely differences of political opinion. It implies the advocates have “good intentions.”
Socialists and fellow travelers have conned, tricked and deluded their opposition, useful idiots and dupes to propagate the lie that: “Socialism has never succeeded.” Therefore, socialists are not responsible for the destruction and death, because even their opposition agrees that socialism has never been achieved. Socialists claim “bad” people in charge deviated from the desired result, while “good” people will make it work. So bloodbaths continue, and spread.
Letting malevolent people claim socialism has never succeeded leaves the opening for the next demagogue to claim that he is “The One” everybody has been waiting for. He will make the irrational successful. And, of course, he always does. The physical evidence proves it.
Never tolerate any claim Socialism has never succeeded
Never tolerate any claim Socialism has never succeeded. Always respond, “Socialism has always succeeded, every where it has been tried, to the extent it has been tried.” Challenge, defy anyone who says socialism has never succeeded to name one place where it did not succeed.
Socialism has succeeded in Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, China, Nazi Germany, England, Europe, everywhere in the world, including the US, where it is still being implemented.
Socialism requires policies of poverty, oppression, destruction and death to achieve utopia
When people name socialist countries alleging the disaster of socialism as proof of lack of success. Challenge them. Socialism requires policies of poverty, oppression, destruction and death to achieve utopia. The policies continue but socialist utopia never arrives. Ask them why they are lying, as they obviously know that socialism succeeded everywhere they mentioned. The consequences are the intention of socialists. The consequences have never changed.
When socialists claim good intentions to benefit everyone, have no mercy no matter what you believe is the person’s “intentions.” They are giving socialism, evil, a moral sanction. Call them liars, because they know the true consequences of socialism. When they try to excuse themselves, claiming they are only responding to what socialists claim, you can always say ‘you understand now.’ ‘You are rejecting objectively perceivable evidence to give a moral sanction to socialism.’ ‘You are using allegations, claims, and propaganda of others to morally sanction socialism, as a second-hander, like Peter Keeting, in The Fountainhead.’ ‘You are promoting socialists’ propaganda and rejecting the reality of socialism in practice.’ ‘You are advocating and morally sanctioning evil.’
Allow no mercy, Intentions don’t count. Reality does. If you are harsh enough, they might be hesitant to repeat such false claims.
When you allow people to say that socialism has never succeeded, by implication you are accepting socialists, progressives, communists, etc., as having good intentions, that socialism is a worthy cause of good to the world. That opens the opportunity (a moral sanction) for evil and malevolent people to claim that they can make it succeed, and achieve utopia for all. That claim of failure, in defiance of the facts of reality, makes possible and supports their pursuit of power as moral, and of benefit to all people, especially the poor and downtrodden.
Allowing claims that socialism has never succeeded helps them exclude and deny the Law of Causality, the Law of Identity applied to action. “The nature of an action is caused and determined by the nature of the entity that acts.” (* Ayn Rand, ATLAS SHRUGGED, Part Three / Chapter VII, “This is John Galt Speaking,” Page 949, 1996 Edition) It allows them to deny responsibility for the destruction and death socialism needs.
Allowing any implication that advocates of socialism have good intentions is a moral sanction allowing them to try again, and again, no matter how total and extensive is the destruction of human life. They have a moral sanction to claim innocence when socialism is divorced from its universally demonstrated practical consequences. If socialism has never succeeded, they have a free pass. They are not responsible for the consequences of their actions. An abstract fantasy is given more importance than anti-life reality.
Yet. one hundred percent of existing evidence shows that socialism results in poverty, oppression, destruction, and death, every time it has been tried, everywhere it has been tried, to the extent it is tried. There are no exceptions, anywhere, anytime. Tens of millions of dead men, women, children, are proof socialism has only one consequence, and therefore, only one purpose.
Advocating socialism is immoral. Implementing it is an act of moral depravity, an act to destroy the good for the sake of destroying the good, as an end in itself.
Tie socialism to actual consequences
Identify the truth, “Socialism has always succeeded.” Tie socialism to actual consequences. The benefit is that everyone can actually see the damning physical evidence of poverty, oppression, destruction, and death. Don’t allow anyone to cover upthe facts of socialism’s successes. It is the only way to destroy this malicious fantasy.
Then there is no free pass for the wicked. They are exposed for what they are, evil. When reality is given primary importance over socialist propaganda reality always wins.
Socialism has survived only because of unchallenged false claims that “Socialism has never succeeded.” Challenge and dispute them. State the truth, “Socialism has always succeeded.” You have visible proof everywhere it has been and is being tried. Let socialists attempt to deny socialism’s inherent consequences of poverty, oppression, destruction, and death. Let them try and deny their evil.
* Ayn Rand, ATLAS SHRUGGED, Part Three / Chapter VII, “This is John Galt Speaking,” Page 949, 1996 Edition
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Thomas Edward Caldwell has been a student of the Objective Philosophy since 1964, and was one of the contributing founders of the Ayn Rand Institute.
As a private citizen he spent 15 years in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China, from 1989 to 2003. In Hong Kong he was to personally able to experience the high moral standards and integrity common to Laissez Faire Capitalism.
He had many Op-eds published in the weekly Business Taiwan and a few as guest economic editorialist for Taiwan’s daily, The China News. Most of the editorials were on deregulation and economic growth. Some of the recommendations were applied by Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. He was introduced to his passionate interest, avocation, and recreation, more than 51 years ago by an instructor, one of the first graduates of the U.S. Special Forces. In 1975-76 he wrote and published a ‘how-to’ newsletter on the subject: “Ideological Warfare: ideas are the ultimate weapon.”
As a private citizen he spent 15 years in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China, from 1989 to 2003. In Hong Kong he was to personally able to experience the high moral standards and integrity common to Laissez Faire Capitalism.
He had many Op-eds published in the weekly Business Taiwan and a few as guest economic editorialist for Taiwan’s daily, The China News. Most of the editorials were on deregulation and economic growth. Some of the recommendations were applied by Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. He was introduced to his passionate interest, avocation, and recreation, more than 51 years ago by an instructor, one of the first graduates of the U.S. Special Forces. In 1975-76 he wrote and published a ‘how-to’ newsletter on the subject: “Ideological Warfare: ideas are the ultimate weapon.”
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