Lessons from Sodo

Sam Kebongo
I saw a documentary on this last year, and was very intrigued by it. Finally I have found a true connection. Although I googled at the time, I could not seem to find a connection or a summary at the time of the principles involved.
Found the doco
Another person who wrote "Dead Aid" below that I want to follow up on too.
Dr. Dambisa Moyo is an international economist who writes on the macro-economy and global affairs.
She is the author of the New York Times Bestsellers "Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa", "How The West Was Lost: Fifty Years of Economic Folly - And the Stark Choices Ahead" and "Winner Take All: China's Race for Resources and What It Means for the World".
She is the author of the New York Times Bestsellers "Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa", "How The West Was Lost: Fifty Years of Economic Folly - And the Stark Choices Ahead" and "Winner Take All: China's Race for Resources and What It Means for the World".
Another point to know is the documentary that I saw related to Sodo 1 and that there is a Sodo 2 was started, which I kept bumping into when I was trying to research the original. I do hope that project also goes well, though I did wonder as other aid agencies seem to be getting onto the band wagon.
Also from wiki is the point of a high Christian concept, though they had to change some African cultural concepts to get the men to also work out in the fields a lot more.
The majority of the inhabitants were Protestants, with 54.61% of the population reporting that belief, 38.43% practiced Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, 4.76% were Muslim, and 1.28% were Catholic. [7]
Sodo is located in south-central Ethiopia and covers parts of the Gurage and Wolaita districts of Southern Nations and Nationalities Peoples Region (SNNPR). The area is 100km south of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, and has a population of approximately 97,000 people. Subsistence agriculture is the main economic activity in Sodo region. Wheat (teff), barley and potato are amongst the crops produced by households, who make their living primarily from agricultural production.
Like the rest of the horn of Africa region, Sodo residents, for a long time, suffered the drastic effects of drought (which is strange since Ethiopia receives so much rain and supplies most of the Nile’s waters). This rendered their farms unproductive and resulted in incessant famines leaving them unable to feed themselves and they suffered food insecurity and depended on food aid.
It is against this background that an Ethiopian agronomist sought to work with the community improves the situation. He noted that deforestation had caused not only soil erosion washing away the fertile top soil but also washed down rain water downstream. This lowered the water table and made irrigation impossible. He formed the Sodo Self Help with objective of Sodo of improving food security and productivity for areas households as well as enhancing natural resource management in the locality, supporting measures to combat soil erosion and land degradation, improving management and use of available water, and assisting households to establish on and off farm enterprise. Further, Sodo also sought to improve access to directly increase farm household food and cash crop production for households in the area.
These ambitious objectives were achieved through improved local access to seed and inputs, provision of farmer training, promotion new crop varieties, support of conservation of natural resources and the rehabilitation of depleted soil, and to support rain harvesting technologies to enable farm households to produce horticultural crops under irrigation.
But the most interesting and beautiful aspect of this initiative was the fact that the people themselves worked to improve their lot. It discouraged dependency syndrome that came would food aid. For example, the farmers were taught in groups of twenty and then each farmer was expected to train twenty other people. They were also mobilized to build gabions to reduce soil erosion and ultimately raise the water table to enable irrigation. The villagers formed their own groups that they managed and policed. Naturally, there were hiccups. Some of the people who were used to food aid will naturally protest at being made responsible and accountable for work whose benefits are ‘abstract’ and not immediate. These were also solved through community group discussions and community participation.
Support was also provided for households, and particularly women, to participate in savings and credit co-operatives, to enable them to establish both on and off-farm income generating activities, while the wider community was assisted through better access to basic services, including water, education and health-care.
The results of this intervention has been amazing in the last five years. This focus on local resources and indigenous know-how as well as promotion of innovative ideas and practices has made the these people not only able to feed themselves but their economy has grown and they have, among other things, been able to build a school and a hospital for themselves with the government providing human resources. They are on the second phase now.
The people of Sodo teach us valuable lessons. They have practically proven that the most crucial component in development is always people. And if we go by the maxim that the wearer knows where the shoe pinches, then we can achieve progress by being prosumers (Teaching the consumers to produce for themselves).Second, we should not expect ‘development’ to come from outside. We have to improve our lot. This is an example worth emulating and they deserve our applause
Sam Kebongo teaches entrepreneurship at Rwanda Tourism University College.
He also is a Director at Serian Ltd that provides skills and business advisory services consultancy
Below the jump is about Sodo 2 then another story and interesting to read the diverse comments. I think a lot more to pick up on and learn what is really happening. Will just have to be another time.
Just realized that some how the article is not fitted into the template, some of the links work, and if interested it will give some idea of what to google for.
I actually think that Sodo 1 is better than Sodo 2 as Sodo 1 was done more on their own initiative. Though Sodo 2 helps many more, other aid organisations have joined in so I am wary if they have changed some of the original principles, and with their social justice and human rights driven agendas may lead to corruption.Ethiopia
Sodo II RDP is a rural development programme being implemented by Self Help Africa in Gurage district. Work commenced in 2007, and covers 22 woreda’s (districts) not covered by Sodo I, an earlier SHA development project (2000-2006).
Sodo is located in south-central Ethiopia and covers parts of the Gurage and Wolaita districts of Southern Nations and Nationalities Peoples Region (SNNPR). The area is 100km south of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, and has a population of approximately 97,000 people.
Subsistence agriculture is the main economic activity in Sodo region. Wheat (teff), barley and potato are amongst the crops produced by households, who make their living primarily from agricultural production.
The objective of Sodo II is to improve food security and productivity for 5,387 households in the area by the end of 2011.
The project aims to improve natural resource management in the locality, support measures to combat soil erosion and land degradation, improve management and use of available water, and assist households to establish on and off farm enterprise.
Sodo II has also sought to improve access to social services, including education, health care and water for 50,000 people in the area.
Sodo II is working to directly increase farm household food and cash crop production for more than 5,300 households in the area.
The project aims improve local access to seed and inputs, to provide farmer training, to promote new crop varieties, to support the conservation of natural resources and the rehabilitation of depleted soil, and to support rain harvesting technologies to enable farm households to produce horticultural crops under irrigation.
Support is being provided for households, and particularly women, to participate in savings and credit co-operatives, to enable them to establish both on and off-farm income generating activities, while assistance is being provided so that the wider community has better access to basic services, including water, education and health-care.
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The production of drought resistent crops such as enset, of valuable cash crops like coffee, and support for savings and credit co-operatives - to enable women to begin income generating activities, are amongst a range of other activities being carried out by the project, which will invest upwards of €1 million in the programme over its five years time frame.
Additional funding and in-kind support valued at nearly €800,000 will be invested in the Sodo II project by the local Ministry and communities in the area, over the same period.
Surveys carried out prior to the project found that only 10% of households in the area being covered by the Sodo II project produce adequate food to meet their needs for the entire year.
The intervention strategy in Sodo II focuses on local resources and indigenous know-how, promotion of innovative ideas and practices. Drip irrigation systems have been introduced to optimise the use of water for farm production, fuel efficient cooking stoves are being produced, and increasing access to water is a key priority.
The overall objective of the of the project is to: increase crop and livestock production and productivity through diversification and intensification, rehabilitate and conserve natural resources, and improve access to basic social services in a sustainable manner.
Ethiopia Rising: The extraordinary story of the People of Sodo
Permalink 11:55:03 pm, by nazret.com, 362 words English (US) latin1
Categories: Business, Ethiopia, Agriculture
Ethiopia Rising: The extraordinary story of the People of Sodo
Ethiopia Rising: The extraordinary story of the People of Sodo
Source: Al Jazeera
Remember Band Aid, Live Aid and developed countries' determination to 'Feed the World'? Well, we failed. There are more Africans living in extreme poverty today than ever before.
Africa Rising goes right inside the extraordinary story of how a large rural area of Ethiopia is taking itself out of poverty. With a cast of thousands, the film reveals a new dawn of Africans solving Africa's needs themselves.
For the real scandal of Ethiopia is that, like much of the rest of Africa, it is a potentially rich country with enormous resources. But what has not been recognised, until now, is that the solution to its dilemma lies in the hands of its own people.
This controversial, colourful and frequently uplifting documentary highlights the failure of Western policies towards Africa, asking whether it is time to reconsider the role of Western aid workers on the continent.
Take a look around Ethiopia: in many regions schools lie abandoned; in others you find derelict hospitals; all around are vast areas of dry, barren land where the soil has been washed away.
Misguided Western governments and aid agencies thought they knew the answer - billions upon billions of dollars, euros and yen committed with virtually no long-lasting results and much of the money ending up in the wage packets of foreign aid workers, in bank accounts far from Africa.
But it did not need to be this way; with costs at just a fraction of the norm, the answer was astonishingly simple. Twenty men and women are taught new skills such as dam building, bricklaying, soil rotation, micro-banking or livestock rearing. The deal is that each of them has to pass their new-found knowledge on to 20 more people - their 'followers'. Those 'followers' then pass it on to 20 more and so on. Within a short period, tens of thousands are now growing cash crops for the first time, digging irrigation systems and even building their own hospitals and schools.
Shot on a grand scale across great swathes of land, this film records a success story in one of the most deprived regions of the world.
Tags: agriculture, sodo
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Comment from: Million [Visitor]
Another Woyane propaganda, right?
Speak up choma Diaspora, "Down with progress! Down with progress!"
08/12/11 @ 00:27
Comment from: john john [Visitor]
Thanks for Aljeezera for exposing the truth patriotic Ethiopian want to know the truth just like what really happened every where I give you good credit and reliability than most media. I'm tired of old BBC propaganda.
08/12/11 @ 01:00
Comment from: asdf [Visitor]
its so shame for this country to go hungry with this kinds of fertl land.
its a shame
it has the capabilities to feed not only just it's people but the whole african population.
but to talk hunger in this country its not just imbarasing but also
it is a crime.
its a crime to be poor in this country
everyone should been living a good life.
but its shame
08/12/11 @ 05:09
Comment from: asdf [Visitor]
I like the video its good
It shows a good start for the Ethiopian people to help themselves. That’s called Self Relines. At least it’s a good start. That’s how you build up little by little. Continue plus it’s not a bad thing to help yourself. It’s a good thing to work with dirt if you have too, you shouldn’t be ashamed of it because it will help you in the feature. That’s how these western countries started long time before now.
08/12/11 @ 05:33
Comment from: makeoutNOTwars [Visitor]
Yeah if one individual makes such a difference in thousands of lives, it doesn't take to be a nuclear scientist to think what a responsible gov't could to its ppl. Stop evicting indigenous ppl and selling their lands of at dirt's price to feed rich Arabs & Indians!!!
08/12/11 @ 05:54
Comment from: Tokicho [Visitor]
watching this video I remeber how one Amiche 'friend' has once managed to keep me away from visiting home(Ethiopia) for a long time with his endless prapaganda about how Ethiopians back home are devided in ethinic lines and how it is dangerous to speak Amharic out-side Addis and Amhara region and so on...when i think about it now i can't believe I was fooled for so long, specialy given the fact that the person who fooled me was a known Asakari with a deep rooted hatred for ethiopia..but what I saw on my recent visit home couldn't be any farther from the truth. There are indeed challenges and a lot of room for improvment but Ethiopia today is certainly NOT as bad as we in the diaspora make it to be. if any thing I saw more intelgent Ethiopians including returnees in Ethiopia than I saw in diaspora, and it is worth giving them the credit for being part of the solution instead of complaining from a distance....well done to the Dr who intiated this project and well done to the people of Sodo..Ethiopiawinet has indeed it's roots farther down in Sodo all the way to Moyalee.
08/12/11 @ 07:06
Comment from: chala [Visitor]
I love this program I watched it live and almost feel happy and sad.
If every one of us did what we can to help our country there would be a lot of change.
I think Almariam will learn some thing from this instead of blaming Melas for every thing happen in that country.
This a time for all of us to ask our self what we have done to our country instead of talking to mach.
us to ask ourself what we have done to our cantry instead of talking to mach.
08/12/11 @ 07:35
Comment from: messay [Visitor]
It is very good no question. However, this dimming of men as useless and women as the responsible ones thing is only going to create gender divide and "gender war" and also break families. Just give young girls equal opportunity and right for ownership. No need to demonize one gender in order to lift another.
It is crazy to see how the divorce rate is increasing since the women’s right thing started in Ethiopia. Families are breaking up kids are becoming homeless and being sold for whites.
08/12/11 @ 08:51
Comment from: Ras Ali [Visitor]
Picture tells it all rather than mixing up the truth in the few diaspora Tultula. Observe and Learn. Pay attention to the Loan plan by Ethiopian banks, how it helped so many farmers. I hope no one have anything negative to say to that
08/12/11 @ 08:52
Comment from: Tefera [Visitor]
this is good, but it seems laziness is ingrained in our genes maybe as a result of a culture that looks down on those who work hard. think about it, why does a man need to be pressured to help himself, his family and his community to the level these men are being pressured. this is some thing hard to understand.
08/12/11 @ 09:38
Comment from: true [Visitor]
This story should not have come out. You will see within 5 months time, TPLF and EPRDF are going to go in and dismantle this self help because they will consider it to be threat to TPLF that any Ethiopia trying to rise up by itself or with the support of others they will knock it down because the TPLF doesn not want progress at all. God keep your hard work, Sodo people. My prayers are with you to succeed by blinding from the evil intention of TPLF what it can do to you.
08/12/11 @ 11:11
Comment from: Amhara Princess [Visitor]
Self reliance is key to eradicate poverty/hunger. We know Aid is a BUSINESS MODEL designed to generate & pump money back into the western economy. Aid sustains their lavish offices, generates tax revenue and provides high level of employment for western countries not to mention impose their ways of thinking, ideology and religions on recipient nations.
Aid dollar is life line for corrupt & 99% unelected, illegitimate dictators of Africa. It is used to purchase weapons, oppress citizens, open to mismanagement and eventually ends back in offshore accounts as personal wealth. Therefore the donor countries benefit all around. They groom puppet dictators and make sure Africa is kept in the dark so that their business model is well intact & diversified with countless NGO organisation spring up every year. That is why they will never implement/allow long term solutions.
Excellent job by the hard working, wise & articulate people of Sodo, especially the honourable Doctor for successfully implementing such projects. Very simple yet successful idea.
Now the government needs to step in and inject some cash. They need funding so that they could buy tractors and build University and take their trade to the next level. Also the A*ame tax man collecting money from market traders ought to give them some time to be well established. Greedy leeches.
08/12/11 @ 11:22
Comment from: 100% ETHIOPIAN [Visitor]
Great! Ethiopian Farmers in the Rural Land, they never been selfish, but FEED THE CITIES.
The Ethiopian Farmers, they never stop doing work. Except, they are being forced by nature/not Rainy Season. What must the City(evil) people supposed to do during non-Rainy Seasons???
Well, first, the City people should create Union and INSURANCE for Farmers to back them up during the dry Seasons.
Second, since the City people are considering themselves as educators, Scientists and Inventors, they have responsibilities to provide for Farmers Modern Farming Equipments, Water Dams and Irrigation, Installing Factories near by that could produced Fertilization, Bio-technologies for indoor cultivation and quick products and other Machinery.
Third, when Farmers enter/came to the City once per Week to sell/provide their food products, the City people must wellcoming them with good RESPECT!!! But, what we know before and now is the City seen Farmers as backwards, creating STEREOTYPES, looting their products and Money, making them fun when they enter to Restaurants and Bars and in general, making the farmers uncomfortable when they appear in the Cities.
Remember, 85% of our populations are living in Rural areas.
However, if someone asked me why Ethiopia can not grow and why there are more problems???
My answer is simple and clear; all the problems that all Ethiopians were facing and still facing is because of the Cities people(evils). They bring problems with them from abroad by the name of DIPLOMACY.
The Cities causes WAR, RECESSION, STARVATION, they import DISEASES like HIV/AIDS, they don't have Scientifically invented Farming Technology to share with Farmers, but amazingly, they have evil techniques, like WAR, DISEASE and STARVATION to share with the hard working and peace living Ethiopian Farmers.
08/12/11 @ 12:46
Comment from: Tulu Proud ET [Visitor]
God has blessed Ethiopia with fertile land and hard working people.
The problem is not with the country or its people. The big obstacle is the inept and Rob and Run mentality of Meles regime.
The land is there but government claims to own it 100%.
If the government returns land back to land owners and people all the excuses of food shortage, Famine and blaming rain or shine will vanish.
08/12/11 @ 13:48
Comment from: yeha [Visitor]
Please show this to Dr. Almariam
08/12/11 @ 13:56
Comment from: Woyane Selechegn [Visitor]
This is not the first time we knew how Ethiopians are hard workers and the land is fertile.
It is new to Woyane land grabbers and robbers to find this kind of hard working people and fertile land.
Woyanes motive is to grab resources and sell to foreigners for fast money.
I can understand the farmers concern for not working on handouts. They understood the greed and robber mentality of the government.
The governments motive is to grab the farm once the poor farmers lift the hard work of tilling and brining back the land to farmable farm again.
08/12/11 @ 14:06
Comment from: zella [Visitor]
I wached it on Al Jazeera web site and applaud the leaders and participants farmers.
It is a kind of determination and obligation we all have to take a lesson from it.It is true that few leads the rest has to follow,the problem is everybody want to be a leader with out direction and a goal.
It is sad to hear from some individuals on this web site to discredit the results and vilify the
the leaders who work hard for this achievement.
People like "True" and others has one thing in mind,to discredit,to disgrace and to dishoner any development and saw a seed of hate,this individuals are a cancer to themselves and to others.They should be ashamed of themselves.
08/12/11 @ 14:34
Comment from: gud [Visitor]
if one person has a problem to work or to get up early in the morning to go to work, we say may be he/she is depressed but if the entire country have a lackadaisical attitude what are we gone a call it? societal depression, pure and simple laziness or too poor with no guidance. I think our society being neglected and abused by our previous governments and the so called educated people. our land is
fertile and the farmers are willing to work. i appreciate the DR. for his courageous work. and i hope other educated people use their knowledge to change the life of our poor and helpless people.
08/12/11 @ 15:45
Comment from: Thomas [Visitor]
"There are more Africans living in extreme poverty today than ever before." Quoteing the above report .
In this day and time where the World had reached sophisticated level of knowledge and problem solving skills why are there more Africans living in extreme poverty today than ever before?
Why is East Africa a hell whole ?
Is it because nobody thought of brilliant ideas like the one above in Ethiopia until now?
Or is it because Meles Zenawi had been killing brilliant ideas to keep the Ethiopian population poor and weak ?
The answer is Meles Zenawi likes to see the Ethiopian people weak and divided so he can prolong his stay in power . A strong and united Ethiopia is a threat for Meles Zenawi's dynasty that is why any positive idea had been contiuously squashed by the Meles's corrupt government .
For example, in July of 2002, 200 Mazengers -- neighbours to the Anuak in Gambella -- were brutally killed, but who knows about this? In 2001, 100 Sidamo were massacred. Who remembers these victims today? Ethiopians were killed in 1992 in Badenyo and in Arba Gogu. In all few remember these anniversaries. I say ask the Oromo about the tens of thousands of their people who have been beaten, tortured, imprisoned and murdered in the last twenty years by the Meles regime. How can we remember an anniversary when there are so many incidents and they are still ongoing? Ask the Afar about the displacements and human rights abuses they are facing right now. Ask the Benishangul about the same displacements and human rights abuses in their area. Ask the Ogadeni about the genocide being committed against them as we speak. It is not all about "remembering," but about standing with the victims against such barbaric aggression. We can keep going on for the list is endless and many cases are still unknown. the November 2005 killing of 194 unarmed protesters in Addis Ababa and elsewhere in the country created a groundswell of outraged response from many sectors of the Ethiopian community because they could identify with the victims, and the killings were carried out in plain view. It became impossible to hide, even to the international community.
We have over 86 different ethnicities; many of them live in remote, rural and marginalized communities and are silenced violently like the Anuak were in 2003 without too much publicity. In fact, the Anuak genocide is now much better known and more remembered than most of the other incidents that have been perpetrated by the TPLF [Meles Zenawi's party] against Ethiopians.
08/12/11 @ 17:44
Comment from: Maqdalla [Visitor]
The problem of Ethiopia is not resources or the lack of hard working people. The problem is Meles Zenawi and his henchmen. Zenawi is an eritrean and can not lead Ethiopia to make Ethiopia self-sufficient. We should first get rid of the eritrean Meles Zenawi. It is now 20 years and yet Ethiopia is still not self-sufficient in food production. Meles Zenawi is simply inept and has to go. The people may try their best to develp their economies and the government may get billions of dollars as aid, the point is the government is anti-Ethiopia and would make any develepmont nought. We should focus on establishing a democratic government for Ethiopia by paying the necessary priuce that democrcy and freedom demand. We should arm our poor peopl and led until they have a government which speaks for them. The famine in Ethiopia is a political problwm and not sue to lack of resources of rain.
08/13/11 @ 05:33
Comment from: afarman [Visitor]
Wow thanks Aljezeera for the documentary. The programme depicts the ongoing struggle of ethiopians to put poverty in the dust bin of history.
Thanks to those professionals who changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Sodo. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the DR who was sharing his expertise right on the ground with the farming communities, his role in changing the environment and resolving conflict deserves credit. Ethiopia needs professionals who are prepared to go to the rural community and improve living conditions.
Very good programme, am sure if all regions implement such projects millions of ethiopians will be lifted from poverty.
The ethiopians governments role in expanding infrastructures and essential services like education and health deserves credit.
Welldone Ethiopia.
08/13/11 @ 05:48
Comment from: Zurga [Visitor]
Thank you so much to inform me about the people Sodo and their achievements. Well done!!!
The Gurage people everywhere were and are the most hard working people like many other peasants all over Ethiopia. The main problem and the causes of Poverty and hunger is the so called the government in Addis Ababa and its western patrons. Be it the military junta or the current Bantustan apartheid regime of Melese Zenawi is a puppet Marionette. This most hated regime is there to serve only western interset at the cost of the Ethiopian people.
Thanks Aljazira!
Western mass media such as the BBC; CNN, Agance France, etc are pepetuating famine photographas from the era of the cold war just in order propagate their racisist and anti black campaiggn. All these crackers wish to keep Africans dependent and underdeveloped. Their neo colonial exploitation must continue by any means necessary. So they want African raw materials and wealth. In the disguise of food aid they want to dump their products. Therefore, they weep crocodile tears. Above all the the very rapid development in China and India has made them a mad dog.
The time has come that all African stooges will perish and people power will be estabilidhed.
The people of Africa shall rise. The umblical chord of neo colonialism will be cut.
Viva Ethiopia!
Viva Africa!
the great
Jole Sebeta
08/13/11 @ 08:32
Comment from: Azeb [Visitor]
I love the video were positive. I hope our people don’t suffer and starve. But the Woynea still have the wrong misguided policy of land ownership policy. Drought is natural, famine is man made. Miss-guided policy like building an “ Nile Dam” for rent seeking will not help Ethiopia. TPLF will need to privatize land, finance small irrigation not large scheme dams, that takes $ 3.5 billions. Irrigation gives better return on Investment. Unfortunately, motive for TPLF is only to say in power by any means. Control ! Control! Control! Greed.
08/13/11 @ 09:53
Comment from: kistane [Visitor]
emama ethiopia still we are rich, you are not alone, we will build you, we will make you beautiful. god bless ethiopia and those that worked hard in the fields.yager bayoch bertem egzer tedehemgoy yehun amen !!!
08/13/11 @ 12:27
Comment from: Fassil [Visitor]
Learn from the Sodo People!
It is delightful to watch this video of the Sodo people succeeded to stop soil erosion and achieve so much through their own efforts. Congratulations to the visionary doctor, associates and the people of Sodo for giving us hope again of what is possible. Thank you so much for finding this story.
08/13/11 @ 16:49
Comment from: Niki [Visitor]
It is good to see some Ethiopians are managing to survive the TPLF genocide and robbery.
This is proof that we Ethiopians still can do it despite the drag down to the stone age by fat pig scum Woyanes.
Soon, we will all be rid of them and live with peace.
:) :) :)
08/13/11 @ 18:24
Comment from: fanos [Visitor]
Giving away the land to greedy foreign investors will not break the poverty cycle in Ethiopia but empowering the people at the grass root level as we saw in this documentary will give us the lasting solution in controlling our environment and eventually our destiny. I was so inspired by what I saw in this documentary. I wish our government reconsider giving away Ethiopians land to foreigners who will over cultivate and leave the land polluted with their chemical fertilizers and weed killer. After all they only care about their profit not about our land and our people who will be exposed to toxic chemicals while they are working for them for fraction of what they should be paid. I wish if we think generationally not only about us but about the coming generation long after we all gone. May the Lord grant us all wisdom. I want to make one thing clear here to everyone who read this. I am not supporting any party in Ethiopia. And I praise many work that has done by our government in area of education and road construction which is a life line for the future development of our beloved country.
08/13/11 @ 19:41
Comment from: Moges [Visitor]
I commend Aljazeera net work for exposing the reality of the truth. The documentary shows the government efforts resolving the nation last longing poverty. The documentary also shows the people determinations of tackling the poverty. And finally the documentary elaborates the realty of the matter so that some of us who do have little idea regarding the nation effort in fighting against poverty, it is a good opportunity to learn the reality.
I commend for the government and his official who make this things are possible. The documentary shows the government multilateral efforts tackling the nation problems. Farmers get best seed and advice from the government officials. Woman can get some money to run their own business so that they can support their families.
The documentary also shows the people resolution fighting against poverty. The peasant seems well aware of the reality and works along side with government bodies. Although the problems are huge and require a lot of resources, the citizens are united and work along side by side.
For those who know Ethiopia in vision, we get an opportunity to see the government and people effort in fighting against poverty. Although the reality is as indicated, some critics elude the reality and intend to paint their own picture.
Finally, hoping wishing better for all working hard people, however for critics, I exhort to align our stand with the reality so that people may have alternative ideas. If we really do care for that nation, let’s work alike, let bring better idea that can improve the lively hood of the farmers.
08/14/11 @ 03:49
Comment from: TRUTH [Visitor]
Something fishy is going on, Mulugeta who is doing plant nursery, his wife is ABREHET have you heard of ABREHET name in Sodo or Gurage region? As I mentioned, the Weyanes have already infiltrated the Sodo Gurage region, taking away their livelihood. Mulugeta doesn't seem Sodo to me but Tigrayan/amaran. This film if it was mostly in the Sodo region by Sodo people, Weyane would not have shown this progress. So apparently the real Sodo people are starving today with Oromos and Somalis. Tigrayns have taken over the most useful survival system that the Sodo and Gurage people have created and invented. Of course for the sake of propoganda, they have some Sodo people here and there to say, there are no Tigryans
I have always been saying that. The only benefit that comes from West is that we need to be at equal terms that we do give and take. They shouldn't take 100% through indirect manipulations such as the NGO to make it look like they are helping poor nations. Why is it ingrained in our minds that the rich or West has to help us? That is the mistake right there. We then complain the West getting involved, of course, they will expect something in return for the help they give, like anybody will do that. This is the best model. Believe me if IMF and World Bank sees this quickly they will contact Meles greedy and to stop the self-help program. These 2 institutions have also forced poor governments not to give their farmers sustenance instead the poor farmers should be on food aid from tthe West therefore enriching further the rich countries. I am surprised how they allowed them to do this, once again Ethiopians are demonstrating if given a chance they don't need hand out and they will self-generate their income and development especially the Gurage's hard work without looking down on low types of jobs and making themselves out of poverty is in their genes. Yet, these people are being targeted now by the regime. I am sure the Doctor is sacrificing himself to develop such great work.
weyane Selechegn,
I think I agree with what you said. It is good for the government to show as photo-op for self-help program but once the land is fertile, TPLF will be right there taking over the fertile, just give it 1 year or 2. I hope the doctor will not betray the people.
Longl live the Independent self-help Ethiopia!
08/14/11 @ 04:56
Comment from: Heny [Visitor]
ante maferya. You should have gied long ago. Your parents should be ashamed of you.
08/14/11 @ 07:35
Comment from: Alana [Visitor]
This is bangladish micro credit scheme imported from outside. This is still the right method to solve ethiopian problems. There is a better system in Ethiopia which is called Edir. Edir 500% better than this microbanking scheme.
We have studied case studies of these scheme in the rest of the world recently. These scheme is another blunder on indeneous people discovered invented by one Bangladish business. The man has now ended up the richet man in the world. This microcredit exploits ordinary people and introduce gender discrimiation and split husband , wife and children into two.
But what we do, a nation led by people who are obsessed with copy, cut and paste mentality. While the solution is in theri backyard, they import rubbish things from Europe, Asia. For them, everything that is Africa is not a solution. The solution of the problem is somewhere in europe and America, China, India. The sodos are known for their ingenuity long before now. Are they trying to tell us TPLF is making miracle?
08/14/11 @ 13:37
Comment from: zella [Visitor]
You are a misguided,mien-spirited and disgusted individual.
You contradicted yourself on your own comment and reviled your intention and how arrogant you are.
You are the kind of person badly defeated and wounded in the arena of ideas,the only thing comes from you is a voice of hate and contempt.
08/15/11 @ 08:43
Comment from: Loongalee [Visitor]
Ethiopians are great people. What pulled them back for centuries was the poverty of leadership. I don't know why some Diaspora members don't want to recognize this fact. They don't recognize it because they want to come back to power riding the good opening created by the current government. Why didn't they take such drastic measures when they ruled the people. Please tell Alemayehu GM or Alimaa Garba Iyyoo what Aljaeera witnessed. Well done Ethiopia.
08/15/11 @ 11:34
Comment from: true [Visitor]
I guess the truth hurts. If Weyane scream at you, almost almost always you have hit the jack pot! What is misguided is the misery of Ethiopian people today and is not better therefore, why fake and praise? Of course those who benefit through corruption doesn't want that to go so there you go the insults pouring.
08/16/11 @ 09:43
Comment from: SELF HELP [Visitor] Email
this project help this people almost 24 years but still the people life the some it was this project zeway meki botagera bora soda etc people no change now Aljeezera show us like new project it is lie, i wondering dr awole said that my be came see project one time the years lie lie lie all i hate educated people lie
08/16/11 @ 15:30
Comment from: Yeshi [Visitor]
Famous Ethiopian economist Dr. Seid wrote in his excellent article the following: ” Let there be no more hypes, no more deceptions. Most importantly, it is time for those enablers of Meles’s greedy and kleptocratic regime that the creation of hypes real consequences. As a gimmickry mega project, the ECX has been and will be used to both squander the meager resources of the country and as means of controlling the outputs of the Ethiopian peasants. Let it be known that those who are a part of this process, including those at the helm of the ECX will be accountable for what they have done to Ethiopia and its people.”
COMMODITY EXCHANGE . The commodity exchange is THE enemy of the Ethioopian peasants , ECX is helping to loot the coffee, hydes, oil seeds and others from the Ethiopian peasants. In the process it provides legitimacy for the Woyane money Lanundering scheme!
The Woyane idealogy and economic philosopy is a roadblock to economic development and free market principles. So it oxymoronic to work for Woyane and except different results.
While your intentions are noble, but with Woyane, there will not be Ethiopia, as your parents described, because it has been fractured and disintegrated culturally and geographically.
Woyane’s despite residing in Ethiopia act like occupiers, and hate Ethiopia and what it was and what it represents, the mosaic strands that you and most of us are; that is why they created killel to break us down into our geness and destroy us as people and as a nation.
Many Ethipoians, who opened businesses or factories have been booted out once the regime desires for any reason to take it or to give it Tigrean clans.
Ethiopians have no right and have no countries. The Woyanes know only how to destroy, how to divide, but not how to build anything that will serve the collective interest of the Ethiopian people.
They only thing what is in it for them?
Their ownership of land, Interent and other means of production are a road block to economic development and I believe if you really love and care for Ethiopia, you should work for their downfall and the liberation of Ethiopia.
ECX for Woyanes is a tool for garnering foreign currency, and control, but not staving of famine or promoting free market, or making Ethiopia self-sufficient. For them, they care little if at all want Ethiopians to vanish or starve to death.
Our people are fleeing as refugees or dying of starvation, primarily due to their divisive ethnic and economic policy, for lack of freedom to work as an Ethiopian and for lack of transparency or security unless one is born Tigre or their lacky – which does not always guarantee security.
I am afraid for Elleni's security and that of your indepedence in a system imbued and shaped by ethnocentrist and anti-free market proponents.
08/16/11 @ 18:21
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INTRODUCTION Sodo II RDP is a rural development programme being implemented by Self Help Africa in Gurage district. Work commenced in 2007, and covers 22 woreda’s (districts) not covered by Sodo I, an earlier SHA development project (2000-2006). LOCATION Sodo is located in south-central Ethiopia and covers parts of the Gurage and Wolaita districts of Southern Nations and Nationalities Peoples Region (SNNPR). The area is 100km south of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, and has a population of approximately 97,000 people. ECONOMY Subsistence agriculture is the main economic activity in Sodo region. Wheat (teff), barley and potato are amongst the crops produced by households, who make their living primarily from agricultural production. PROJECT OBJECTIVE The objective of Sodo II is to improve food security and productivity for 5,387 households in the area by the end of 2011. The project aims to improve natural resource management in the locality, support measures to combat soil erosion and land degradation, improve management and use of available water, and assist households to establish on and off farm enterprise. Sodo II has also sought to improve access to social services, including education, health care and water for 50,000 people in the area. PROJECT ACTIVITIES Sodo II is working to directly increase farm household food and cash crop production for more than 5,300 households in the area. The project aims improve local access to seed and inputs, to provide farmer training, to promote new crop varieties, to support the conservation of natural resources and the rehabilitation of depleted soil, and to support rain harvesting technologies to enable farm households to produce horticultural crops under irrigation. Support is being provided for households, and particularly women, to participate in savings and credit co-operatives, to enable them to establish both on and off-farm income generating activities, while assistance is being provided so that the wider community has better access to basic services, including water, education and health-care. | ||
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The production of drought resistent crops such as enset, of valuable cash crops like coffee, and support for savings and credit co-operatives - to enable women to begin income generating activities, are amongst a range of other activities being carried out by the project, which will invest upwards of €1 million in the programme over its five years time frame. Additional funding and in-kind support valued at nearly €800,000 will be invested in the Sodo II project by the local Ministry and communities in the area, over the same period. Surveys carried out prior to the project found that only 10% of households in the area being covered by the Sodo II project produce adequate food to meet their needs for the entire year. The intervention strategy in Sodo II focuses on local resources and indigenous know-how, promotion of innovative ideas and practices. Drip irrigation systems have been introduced to optimise the use of water for farm production, fuel efficient cooking stoves are being produced, and increasing access to water is a key priority. The overall objective of the of the project is to: increase crop and livestock production and productivity through diversification and intensification, rehabilitate and conserve natural resources, and improve access to basic social services in a sustainable manner. Ethiopia Rising: The extraordinary story of the People of Sodoadvertisement08/11/11Ethiopia Rising: The extraordinary story of the People of Sodo
Ethiopia Rising: The extraordinary story of the People of Sodo
Source: Al Jazeera Remember Band Aid, Live Aid and developed countries' determination to 'Feed the World'? Well, we failed. There are more Africans living in extreme poverty today than ever before. Africa Rising goes right inside the extraordinary story of how a large rural area of Ethiopia is taking itself out of poverty. With a cast of thousands, the film reveals a new dawn of Africans solving Africa's needs themselves. For the real scandal of Ethiopia is that, like much of the rest of Africa, it is a potentially rich country with enormous resources. But what has not been recognised, until now, is that the solution to its dilemma lies in the hands of its own people. This controversial, colourful and frequently uplifting documentary highlights the failure of Western policies towards Africa, asking whether it is time to reconsider the role of Western aid workers on the continent. Take a look around Ethiopia: in many regions schools lie abandoned; in others you find derelict hospitals; all around are vast areas of dry, barren land where the soil has been washed away. Misguided Western governments and aid agencies thought they knew the answer - billions upon billions of dollars, euros and yen committed with virtually no long-lasting results and much of the money ending up in the wage packets of foreign aid workers, in bank accounts far from Africa. But it did not need to be this way; with costs at just a fraction of the norm, the answer was astonishingly simple. Twenty men and women are taught new skills such as dam building, bricklaying, soil rotation, micro-banking or livestock rearing. The deal is that each of them has to pass their new-found knowledge on to 20 more people - their 'followers'. Those 'followers' then pass it on to 20 more and so on. Within a short period, tens of thousands are now growing cash crops for the first time, digging irrigation systems and even building their own hospitals and schools. Shot on a grand scale across great swathes of land, this film records a success story in one of the most deprived regions of the world.
Tags: agriculture, sodo
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Comment from: Million [Visitor]
Another Woyane propaganda, right?
Speak up choma Diaspora, "Down with progress! Down with progress!"
08/12/11 @ 00:27
Comment from: john john [Visitor]
Thanks for Aljeezera for exposing the truth patriotic Ethiopian want to know the truth just like what really happened every where I give you good credit and reliability than most media. I'm tired of old BBC propaganda.
08/12/11 @ 01:00
Comment from: asdf [Visitor]
its so shame for this country to go hungry with this kinds of fertl land. its a shame it has the capabilities to feed not only just it's people but the whole african population. but to talk hunger in this country its not just imbarasing but also it is a crime. its a crime to be poor in this country everyone should been living a good life. but its shame asdf
08/12/11 @ 05:09
Comment from: asdf [Visitor]
I like the video its good
It shows a good start for the Ethiopian people to help themselves. That’s called Self Relines. At least it’s a good start. That’s how you build up little by little. Continue plus it’s not a bad thing to help yourself. It’s a good thing to work with dirt if you have too, you shouldn’t be ashamed of it because it will help you in the feature. That’s how these western countries started long time before now. Asdf
08/12/11 @ 05:33
Comment from: makeoutNOTwars [Visitor]
Yeah if one individual makes such a difference in thousands of lives, it doesn't take to be a nuclear scientist to think what a responsible gov't could to its ppl. Stop evicting indigenous ppl and selling their lands of at dirt's price to feed rich Arabs & Indians!!!
08/12/11 @ 05:54
Comment from: Tokicho [Visitor]
watching this video I remeber how one Amiche 'friend' has once managed to keep me away from visiting home(Ethiopia) for a long time with his endless prapaganda about how Ethiopians back home are devided in ethinic lines and how it is dangerous to speak Amharic out-side Addis and Amhara region and so on...when i think about it now i can't believe I was fooled for so long, specialy given the fact that the person who fooled me was a known Asakari with a deep rooted hatred for ethiopia..but what I saw on my recent visit home couldn't be any farther from the truth. There are indeed challenges and a lot of room for improvment but Ethiopia today is certainly NOT as bad as we in the diaspora make it to be. if any thing I saw more intelgent Ethiopians including returnees in Ethiopia than I saw in diaspora, and it is worth giving them the credit for being part of the solution instead of complaining from a distance....well done to the Dr who intiated this project and well done to the people of Sodo..Ethiopiawinet has indeed it's roots farther down in Sodo all the way to Moyalee.
08/12/11 @ 07:06
Comment from: chala [Visitor]
I love this program I watched it live and almost feel happy and sad.
If every one of us did what we can to help our country there would be a lot of change. I think Almariam will learn some thing from this instead of blaming Melas for every thing happen in that country. This a time for all of us to ask our self what we have done to our country instead of talking to mach. us to ask ourself what we have done to our cantry instead of talking to mach.
08/12/11 @ 07:35
Comment from: messay [Visitor]
It is very good no question. However, this dimming of men as useless and women as the responsible ones thing is only going to create gender divide and "gender war" and also break families. Just give young girls equal opportunity and right for ownership. No need to demonize one gender in order to lift another.
It is crazy to see how the divorce rate is increasing since the women’s right thing started in Ethiopia. Families are breaking up kids are becoming homeless and being sold for whites.
08/12/11 @ 08:51
Comment from: Ras Ali [Visitor]
Picture tells it all rather than mixing up the truth in the few diaspora Tultula. Observe and Learn. Pay attention to the Loan plan by Ethiopian banks, how it helped so many farmers. I hope no one have anything negative to say to that
08/12/11 @ 08:52
Comment from: Tefera [Visitor]
this is good, but it seems laziness is ingrained in our genes maybe as a result of a culture that looks down on those who work hard. think about it, why does a man need to be pressured to help himself, his family and his community to the level these men are being pressured. this is some thing hard to understand.
08/12/11 @ 09:38
Comment from: true [Visitor]
This story should not have come out. You will see within 5 months time, TPLF and EPRDF are going to go in and dismantle this self help because they will consider it to be threat to TPLF that any Ethiopia trying to rise up by itself or with the support of others they will knock it down because the TPLF doesn not want progress at all. God keep your hard work, Sodo people. My prayers are with you to succeed by blinding from the evil intention of TPLF what it can do to you.
08/12/11 @ 11:11
Comment from: Amhara Princess [Visitor]
Self reliance is key to eradicate poverty/hunger. We know Aid is a BUSINESS MODEL designed to generate & pump money back into the western economy. Aid sustains their lavish offices, generates tax revenue and provides high level of employment for western countries not to mention impose their ways of thinking, ideology and religions on recipient nations.
Aid dollar is life line for corrupt & 99% unelected, illegitimate dictators of Africa. It is used to purchase weapons, oppress citizens, open to mismanagement and eventually ends back in offshore accounts as personal wealth. Therefore the donor countries benefit all around. They groom puppet dictators and make sure Africa is kept in the dark so that their business model is well intact & diversified with countless NGO organisation spring up every year. That is why they will never implement/allow long term solutions. Excellent job by the hard working, wise & articulate people of Sodo, especially the honourable Doctor for successfully implementing such projects. Very simple yet successful idea. Now the government needs to step in and inject some cash. They need funding so that they could buy tractors and build University and take their trade to the next level. Also the A*ame tax man collecting money from market traders ought to give them some time to be well established. Greedy leeches.
08/12/11 @ 11:22
Comment from: 100% ETHIOPIAN [Visitor]
Great! Ethiopian Farmers in the Rural Land, they never been selfish, but FEED THE CITIES.
The Ethiopian Farmers, they never stop doing work. Except, they are being forced by nature/not Rainy Season. What must the City(evil) people supposed to do during non-Rainy Seasons??? Well, first, the City people should create Union and INSURANCE for Farmers to back them up during the dry Seasons. Second, since the City people are considering themselves as educators, Scientists and Inventors, they have responsibilities to provide for Farmers Modern Farming Equipments, Water Dams and Irrigation, Installing Factories near by that could produced Fertilization, Bio-technologies for indoor cultivation and quick products and other Machinery. Third, when Farmers enter/came to the City once per Week to sell/provide their food products, the City people must wellcoming them with good RESPECT!!! But, what we know before and now is the City seen Farmers as backwards, creating STEREOTYPES, looting their products and Money, making them fun when they enter to Restaurants and Bars and in general, making the farmers uncomfortable when they appear in the Cities. Remember, 85% of our populations are living in Rural areas. However, if someone asked me why Ethiopia can not grow and why there are more problems??? My answer is simple and clear; all the problems that all Ethiopians were facing and still facing is because of the Cities people(evils). They bring problems with them from abroad by the name of DIPLOMACY. The Cities causes WAR, RECESSION, STARVATION, they import DISEASES like HIV/AIDS, they don't have Scientifically invented Farming Technology to share with Farmers, but amazingly, they have evil techniques, like WAR, DISEASE and STARVATION to share with the hard working and peace living Ethiopian Farmers. FARMERS FEED CITIES!! RESPECT!!!
08/12/11 @ 12:46
Comment from: Tulu Proud ET [Visitor]
God has blessed Ethiopia with fertile land and hard working people. The problem is not with the country or its people. The big obstacle is the inept and Rob and Run mentality of Meles regime. The land is there but government claims to own it 100%. If the government returns land back to land owners and people all the excuses of food shortage, Famine and blaming rain or shine will vanish.
08/12/11 @ 13:48
Comment from: Woyane Selechegn [Visitor]
This is not the first time we knew how Ethiopians are hard workers and the land is fertile.
It is new to Woyane land grabbers and robbers to find this kind of hard working people and fertile land. Woyanes motive is to grab resources and sell to foreigners for fast money. I can understand the farmers concern for not working on handouts. They understood the greed and robber mentality of the government. The governments motive is to grab the farm once the poor farmers lift the hard work of tilling and brining back the land to farmable farm again.
08/12/11 @ 14:06
Comment from: zella [Visitor]
I wached it on Al Jazeera web site and applaud the leaders and participants farmers.
It is a kind of determination and obligation we all have to take a lesson from it.It is true that few leads the rest has to follow,the problem is everybody want to be a leader with out direction and a goal. It is sad to hear from some individuals on this web site to discredit the results and vilify the the leaders who work hard for this achievement. People like "True" and others has one thing in mind,to discredit,to disgrace and to dishoner any development and saw a seed of hate,this individuals are a cancer to themselves and to others.They should be ashamed of themselves.
08/12/11 @ 14:34
Comment from: gud [Visitor]
if one person has a problem to work or to get up early in the morning to go to work, we say may be he/she is depressed but if the entire country have a lackadaisical attitude what are we gone a call it? societal depression, pure and simple laziness or too poor with no guidance. I think our society being neglected and abused by our previous governments and the so called educated people. our land is
fertile and the farmers are willing to work. i appreciate the DR. for his courageous work. and i hope other educated people use their knowledge to change the life of our poor and helpless people.
08/12/11 @ 15:45
Comment from: Thomas [Visitor]
"There are more Africans living in extreme poverty today than ever before." Quoteing the above report .
In this day and time where the World had reached sophisticated level of knowledge and problem solving skills why are there more Africans living in extreme poverty today than ever before? Why is East Africa a hell whole ? Is it because nobody thought of brilliant ideas like the one above in Ethiopia until now? Or is it because Meles Zenawi had been killing brilliant ideas to keep the Ethiopian population poor and weak ? The answer is Meles Zenawi likes to see the Ethiopian people weak and divided so he can prolong his stay in power . A strong and united Ethiopia is a threat for Meles Zenawi's dynasty that is why any positive idea had been contiuously squashed by the Meles's corrupt government . For example, in July of 2002, 200 Mazengers -- neighbours to the Anuak in Gambella -- were brutally killed, but who knows about this? In 2001, 100 Sidamo were massacred. Who remembers these victims today? Ethiopians were killed in 1992 in Badenyo and in Arba Gogu. In all few remember these anniversaries. I say ask the Oromo about the tens of thousands of their people who have been beaten, tortured, imprisoned and murdered in the last twenty years by the Meles regime. How can we remember an anniversary when there are so many incidents and they are still ongoing? Ask the Afar about the displacements and human rights abuses they are facing right now. Ask the Benishangul about the same displacements and human rights abuses in their area. Ask the Ogadeni about the genocide being committed against them as we speak. It is not all about "remembering," but about standing with the victims against such barbaric aggression. We can keep going on for the list is endless and many cases are still unknown. the November 2005 killing of 194 unarmed protesters in Addis Ababa and elsewhere in the country created a groundswell of outraged response from many sectors of the Ethiopian community because they could identify with the victims, and the killings were carried out in plain view. It became impossible to hide, even to the international community. We have over 86 different ethnicities; many of them live in remote, rural and marginalized communities and are silenced violently like the Anuak were in 2003 without too much publicity. In fact, the Anuak genocide is now much better known and more remembered than most of the other incidents that have been perpetrated by the TPLF [Meles Zenawi's party] against Ethiopians.
08/12/11 @ 17:44
Comment from: Maqdalla [Visitor]
The problem of Ethiopia is not resources or the lack of hard working people. The problem is Meles Zenawi and his henchmen. Zenawi is an eritrean and can not lead Ethiopia to make Ethiopia self-sufficient. We should first get rid of the eritrean Meles Zenawi. It is now 20 years and yet Ethiopia is still not self-sufficient in food production. Meles Zenawi is simply inept and has to go. The people may try their best to develp their economies and the government may get billions of dollars as aid, the point is the government is anti-Ethiopia and would make any develepmont nought. We should focus on establishing a democratic government for Ethiopia by paying the necessary priuce that democrcy and freedom demand. We should arm our poor peopl and led until they have a government which speaks for them. The famine in Ethiopia is a political problwm and not sue to lack of resources of rain.
08/13/11 @ 05:33
Comment from: afarman [Visitor]
Wow thanks Aljezeera for the documentary. The programme depicts the ongoing struggle of ethiopians to put poverty in the dust bin of history.
Thanks to those professionals who changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Sodo. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the DR who was sharing his expertise right on the ground with the farming communities, his role in changing the environment and resolving conflict deserves credit. Ethiopia needs professionals who are prepared to go to the rural community and improve living conditions. Very good programme, am sure if all regions implement such projects millions of ethiopians will be lifted from poverty. The ethiopians governments role in expanding infrastructures and essential services like education and health deserves credit. Welldone Ethiopia.
08/13/11 @ 05:48
Comment from: Zurga [Visitor]
Thank you so much to inform me about the people Sodo and their achievements. Well done!!! The Gurage people everywhere were and are the most hard working people like many other peasants all over Ethiopia. The main problem and the causes of Poverty and hunger is the so called the government in Addis Ababa and its western patrons. Be it the military junta or the current Bantustan apartheid regime of Melese Zenawi is a puppet Marionette. This most hated regime is there to serve only western interset at the cost of the Ethiopian people. Thanks Aljazira! Western mass media such as the BBC; CNN, Agance France, etc are pepetuating famine photographas from the era of the cold war just in order propagate their racisist and anti black campaiggn. All these crackers wish to keep Africans dependent and underdeveloped. Their neo colonial exploitation must continue by any means necessary. So they want African raw materials and wealth. In the disguise of food aid they want to dump their products. Therefore, they weep crocodile tears. Above all the the very rapid development in China and India has made them a mad dog. The time has come that all African stooges will perish and people power will be estabilidhed. The people of Africa shall rise. The umblical chord of neo colonialism will be cut. Viva Ethiopia! Viva Africa! Zurga the great Jole Sebeta
08/13/11 @ 08:32
Comment from: Azeb [Visitor]
I love the video were positive. I hope our people don’t suffer and starve. But the Woynea still have the wrong misguided policy of land ownership policy. Drought is natural, famine is man made. Miss-guided policy like building an “ Nile Dam” for rent seeking will not help Ethiopia. TPLF will need to privatize land, finance small irrigation not large scheme dams, that takes $ 3.5 billions. Irrigation gives better return on Investment. Unfortunately, motive for TPLF is only to say in power by any means. Control ! Control! Control! Greed.
08/13/11 @ 09:53
Comment from: kistane [Visitor]
emama ethiopia still we are rich, you are not alone, we will build you, we will make you beautiful. god bless ethiopia and those that worked hard in the fields.yager bayoch bertem egzer tedehemgoy yehun amen !!!
08/13/11 @ 12:27
Comment from: Fassil [Visitor]
Learn from the Sodo People!
It is delightful to watch this video of the Sodo people succeeded to stop soil erosion and achieve so much through their own efforts. Congratulations to the visionary doctor, associates and the people of Sodo for giving us hope again of what is possible. Thank you so much for finding this story.
08/13/11 @ 16:49
Comment from: Niki [Visitor]
It is good to see some Ethiopians are managing to survive the TPLF genocide and robbery. This is proof that we Ethiopians still can do it despite the drag down to the stone age by fat pig scum Woyanes. Soon, we will all be rid of them and live with peace. ![]() ![]() ![]()
08/13/11 @ 18:24
Comment from: fanos [Visitor]
Giving away the land to greedy foreign investors will not break the poverty cycle in Ethiopia but empowering the people at the grass root level as we saw in this documentary will give us the lasting solution in controlling our environment and eventually our destiny. I was so inspired by what I saw in this documentary. I wish our government reconsider giving away Ethiopians land to foreigners who will over cultivate and leave the land polluted with their chemical fertilizers and weed killer. After all they only care about their profit not about our land and our people who will be exposed to toxic chemicals while they are working for them for fraction of what they should be paid. I wish if we think generationally not only about us but about the coming generation long after we all gone. May the Lord grant us all wisdom. I want to make one thing clear here to everyone who read this. I am not supporting any party in Ethiopia. And I praise many work that has done by our government in area of education and road construction which is a life line for the future development of our beloved country.
08/13/11 @ 19:41
Comment from: Moges [Visitor]
I commend Aljazeera net work for exposing the reality of the truth. The documentary shows the government efforts resolving the nation last longing poverty. The documentary also shows the people determinations of tackling the poverty. And finally the documentary elaborates the realty of the matter so that some of us who do have little idea regarding the nation effort in fighting against poverty, it is a good opportunity to learn the reality.
I commend for the government and his official who make this things are possible. The documentary shows the government multilateral efforts tackling the nation problems. Farmers get best seed and advice from the government officials. Woman can get some money to run their own business so that they can support their families. The documentary also shows the people resolution fighting against poverty. The peasant seems well aware of the reality and works along side with government bodies. Although the problems are huge and require a lot of resources, the citizens are united and work along side by side. For those who know Ethiopia in vision, we get an opportunity to see the government and people effort in fighting against poverty. Although the reality is as indicated, some critics elude the reality and intend to paint their own picture. Finally, hoping wishing better for all working hard people, however for critics, I exhort to align our stand with the reality so that people may have alternative ideas. If we really do care for that nation, let’s work alike, let bring better idea that can improve the lively hood of the farmers.
08/14/11 @ 03:49
Comment from: TRUTH [Visitor]
Something fishy is going on, Mulugeta who is doing plant nursery, his wife is ABREHET have you heard of ABREHET name in Sodo or Gurage region? As I mentioned, the Weyanes have already infiltrated the Sodo Gurage region, taking away their livelihood. Mulugeta doesn't seem Sodo to me but Tigrayan/amaran. This film if it was mostly in the Sodo region by Sodo people, Weyane would not have shown this progress. So apparently the real Sodo people are starving today with Oromos and Somalis. Tigrayns have taken over the most useful survival system that the Sodo and Gurage people have created and invented. Of course for the sake of propoganda, they have some Sodo people here and there to say, there are no Tigryans I have always been saying that. The only benefit that comes from West is that we need to be at equal terms that we do give and take. They shouldn't take 100% through indirect manipulations such as the NGO to make it look like they are helping poor nations. Why is it ingrained in our minds that the rich or West has to help us? That is the mistake right there. We then complain the West getting involved, of course, they will expect something in return for the help they give, like anybody will do that. This is the best model. Believe me if IMF and World Bank sees this quickly they will contact Meles greedy and to stop the self-help program. These 2 institutions have also forced poor governments not to give their farmers sustenance instead the poor farmers should be on food aid from tthe West therefore enriching further the rich countries. I am surprised how they allowed them to do this, once again Ethiopians are demonstrating if given a chance they don't need hand out and they will self-generate their income and development especially the Gurage's hard work without looking down on low types of jobs and making themselves out of poverty is in their genes. Yet, these people are being targeted now by the regime. I am sure the Doctor is sacrificing himself to develop such great work. weyane Selechegn, I think I agree with what you said. It is good for the government to show as photo-op for self-help program but once the land is fertile, TPLF will be right there taking over the fertile, just give it 1 year or 2. I hope the doctor will not betray the people. Longl live the Independent self-help Ethiopia!
08/14/11 @ 04:56
Comment from: Heny [Visitor]
ante maferya. You should have gied long ago. Your parents should be ashamed of you.
08/14/11 @ 07:35
Comment from: Alana [Visitor]
This is bangladish micro credit scheme imported from outside. This is still the right method to solve ethiopian problems. There is a better system in Ethiopia which is called Edir. Edir 500% better than this microbanking scheme. We have studied case studies of these scheme in the rest of the world recently. These scheme is another blunder on indeneous people discovered invented by one Bangladish business. The man has now ended up the richet man in the world. This microcredit exploits ordinary people and introduce gender discrimiation and split husband , wife and children into two. But what we do, a nation led by people who are obsessed with copy, cut and paste mentality. While the solution is in theri backyard, they import rubbish things from Europe, Asia. For them, everything that is Africa is not a solution. The solution of the problem is somewhere in europe and America, China, India. The sodos are known for their ingenuity long before now. Are they trying to tell us TPLF is making miracle?
08/14/11 @ 13:37
Comment from: zella [Visitor]
You are a misguided,mien-spirited and disgusted individual. You contradicted yourself on your own comment and reviled your intention and how arrogant you are. You are the kind of person badly defeated and wounded in the arena of ideas,the only thing comes from you is a voice of hate and contempt.
08/15/11 @ 08:43
Comment from: Loongalee [Visitor]
Ethiopians are great people. What pulled them back for centuries was the poverty of leadership. I don't know why some Diaspora members don't want to recognize this fact. They don't recognize it because they want to come back to power riding the good opening created by the current government. Why didn't they take such drastic measures when they ruled the people. Please tell Alemayehu GM or Alimaa Garba Iyyoo what Aljaeera witnessed. Well done Ethiopia.
08/15/11 @ 11:34
Comment from: true [Visitor]
I guess the truth hurts. If Weyane scream at you, almost almost always you have hit the jack pot! What is misguided is the misery of Ethiopian people today and is not better therefore, why fake and praise? Of course those who benefit through corruption doesn't want that to go so there you go the insults pouring.
08/16/11 @ 09:43
Comment from: SELF HELP [Visitor]
this project help this people almost 24 years but still the people life the some it was this project zeway meki botagera bora soda etc people no change now Aljeezera show us like new project it is lie, i wondering dr awole said that my be came see project one time the years lie lie lie all i hate educated people lie
08/16/11 @ 15:30
Comment from: Yeshi [Visitor]
Famous Ethiopian economist Dr. Seid wrote in his excellent article the following: ” Let there be no more hypes, no more deceptions. Most importantly, it is time for those enablers of Meles’s greedy and kleptocratic regime that the creation of hypes real consequences. As a gimmickry mega project, the ECX has been and will be used to both squander the meager resources of the country and as means of controlling the outputs of the Ethiopian peasants. Let it be known that those who are a part of this process, including those at the helm of the ECX will be accountable for what they have done to Ethiopia and its people.”
WHATEVER peasants PRODUCED IS FINALLY BROUGHT TO Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin's money LAUNDERING SCHEME COMMODITY EXCHANGE . The commodity exchange is THE enemy of the Ethioopian peasants , ECX is helping to loot the coffee, hydes, oil seeds and others from the Ethiopian peasants. In the process it provides legitimacy for the Woyane money Lanundering scheme! The Woyane idealogy and economic philosopy is a roadblock to economic development and free market principles. So it oxymoronic to work for Woyane and except different results. While your intentions are noble, but with Woyane, there will not be Ethiopia, as your parents described, because it has been fractured and disintegrated culturally and geographically. Woyane’s despite residing in Ethiopia act like occupiers, and hate Ethiopia and what it was and what it represents, the mosaic strands that you and most of us are; that is why they created killel to break us down into our geness and destroy us as people and as a nation. Many Ethipoians, who opened businesses or factories have been booted out once the regime desires for any reason to take it or to give it Tigrean clans. Ethiopians have no right and have no countries. The Woyanes know only how to destroy, how to divide, but not how to build anything that will serve the collective interest of the Ethiopian people. They only thing what is in it for them? Their ownership of land, Interent and other means of production are a road block to economic development and I believe if you really love and care for Ethiopia, you should work for their downfall and the liberation of Ethiopia. ECX for Woyanes is a tool for garnering foreign currency, and control, but not staving of famine or promoting free market, or making Ethiopia self-sufficient. For them, they care little if at all want Ethiopians to vanish or starve to death. Our people are fleeing as refugees or dying of starvation, primarily due to their divisive ethnic and economic policy, for lack of freedom to work as an Ethiopian and for lack of transparency or security unless one is born Tigre or their lacky – which does not always guarantee security. I am afraid for Elleni's security and that of your indepedence in a system imbued and shaped by ethnocentrist and anti-free market proponents.
08/16/11 @ 18:21
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