I have edited some needless comments.
One good thing about the election of the new Pope is that we can be fairly sure it won't be a Muslim. In this day and age, though, can we be absolutely sure?
An African pope would also be the anti-whites' wet dream. It would be a huge shot in the arm for them and embolden them to persecute whites even more.
"We've got the Vatican and the White House, we're unstoppable!" I can just hear it now.
"His outreach to Islam: Pope Benedict did not shrink when his Regensburg lecture was violently misunderstood in parts of the Islamic world. While apologising for unintended offence, he stood by his address which called for an alliance between Catholics and Muslims in our secular age. As a result, Catholic-Islam dialogue is arguably stronger today than it has ever been. This is a vital achievement on which his successor can build."
One does not argue with wild animals, one just delays the inevetable...
One does not argue with wild animals, one just delays the inevetable...
Agreed. But what could Pope Benedict do except to extend love to his enemies. If he did anything else but that, he would be accused by our traitorous media as being a Nazi. But that wouldn't frighten Pope Benedict - it would be the judgment of God that he would fear.
OTH, I understand your frustration. Its quite natural.
you are racist scumbag, don't judge people because of their skin colour but their talent and their knowledge. Remember God created Negroes too.
Anonymous said...
Do white leaders get tolorated in africa? no! And u calling me a racist? Give me one example of what the black race has contributed to this world.
And how do whites get treated in southafrica? Rascist is a empty word. I take it as a compliment
Yes you are racist Anonymous, you have to hate to feel superior. You are looser scumbag. Black, White, shit, white, black, shit who cares? You should know better that the world is not only black and white, there are also other colours.
Don't worry racist Anonymous, don't panic, I am sure those Negroes are not interested to come leaders in Europe. Sorry Europe is not what you think anymore, maybe they will like other places, places like China, India, Brazil or South Africa.
Anonymous said... I wil leave the church
Where will you go? The house of satan?
There is a great degree of alarm and despondency here, as if we have lost the war and are preparing to flee our homes. What the Heck.
If you believe in God, and Jesus as his presence on earth, how can you even think that we have lost? Jesus gave a personal promise that His church will never be destroyed,"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it".
The church that Jesus built cannot be destroyed, even by Satan himself. Victory is assured, ABSOLUTE VICTORY. All Muslims and the Devil himself will bow down to Jesus.
On the secular level, do you think that we are loosing? Look at this war from the Muslim side. If I were a Muslim, what I would see is that even when Muslims stopped invading Europe back in the 18th century, the West (in their eyes, Crusaders) never stopped invading Muslim countries. Even now, Western military boots are all over the Muslim world.
To the Muslim, he is supposed to be the ruler not the ruled.
Catholicism is the founding faith of all that is Western civilisation. Without it Western civilisation doers not exist.
Anonymous said...
Lets move the vatican to ghana then. Vatican leeches. I am glad its leaving europe. People who believe in god have a mental illnes
Anon wrote: Lets move the vatican to ghana then. Vatican leeches. I am glad its leaving europe. People who believe in god have a mental illness
Too true. Isaac Newton was not just stupid but insane. So too was Dalton ( in case you don't know, the founder of atomic physics). James Maxwell - mathematical physicist, responsible for making the greatest and most profound prediction in Physics. Mendel - the father of Genetics. Gauss, Fourier, Copernicus, all totally insane. Georges LemaƮtre, Galeleo, all insane.
This is just a smattering of the greatest mentally unfit people in the history of science.
The Renaissance was founded by insane people as well. Michelangello, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Raphael, Bernini, all insane. Then there was that totally insane ,musical idiot Mozart.
Greek civilisation was responsible for inventing mathematics. But the greatest of their philosophers invented the comcept of the soul, and by extension the universal soul.
Besides, Greek mathematics came to a stop as they couldn't get past the perfection of mathematics. It was Christian philosophers who extended the static mathematics of the Greeks to a dynamic one. In Physics, the situation was different. Serious study of the natural world - natural philosophy, is a completely post-Greek Western discipline.
And by the by, if Christians hadn't held back the tide of Islam, we would be Islamic a long time back.
Anonymous #4
Thank you for your clear post. I too would have liked a clear clarion call from the Pope after the Regensburg lecture.
You wrote: Christian belief is one of the foundations of reason, and science, in our Civilisation.
Exactly. People do not realise the barbaric state that Europe had fallen into after the demise of Rome. There many reasons that science (natural philosophy), did not start with the Greeks even though they had a head start in mathematics, but one is the reason you alluded to. Christianity brought in
1. the concept of linear time,
2. God is not just true but true in manifestation ie is not reason and nature. Thus, cause and effect holding true, becomes the basis for repeatability of measurements.
For a small and persecuted people to transform and knit a civilisation that is now universal, defies imagination.
On the Rehensburg lecture.
I take your point. I too would have liked a more vigorous response. But, one does not know the political pressures that were on Pope Benedict. Our MSMand politicians are dhimmified, lock stock and barrel. They were chomping at the bit to thrash him. The pope though, did not rise to the bait, but apologised only for any hurt feelings. In that he showed compassion for Muslims as humans, which is correct while not conceding any issue of principle.
It would be hard to find a person of the intellectual, philosophic and spiritual callibre as Pope Benedict.
It would be nice for people posting as "anonymous" to leave some kind of ID that identifies one "anonymous" from another.
Thanks for your reasonable post.