Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nations Culture; Who owns who?
In other words, it is as illogical as it is common for the wayward debtor to blame the thrifty creditor for his dilemma. The Germans now are in the impossible situation of being told they did something wrong by doing things mostly right. They retire too late and caused others to retire too early; they saved too much money so others had to borrow too much; they built too many things that others wanted; they acted too much like parents and so made others too much like children.......
 Culture is everything. That is a politically incorrect thought that can get you in trouble as much as we suspect it is true.In other words, government, economics, and social policy are critical, but themselves are driven by the minute-to-minute culture of everyday people. Germans pick up trash; in Athens, Greeks toss it. Germans do not honk; Italians do not not honk. In Libya or Egypt the pedestrian is a target; in Switzerland he is considered perhaps your father or grandmother. A bathroom in Germany is where someone else uses it after you; in Greece or Mexico, it is where you pass on the distaste of using the facility to the sucker who follows you.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Krugman Keynesian Economics

1. Krugman's Nobel was for work he did on factor productivity in developing economies, not for Keynesian economics.
2. Economics has no balance sheet. It is the balance sheet that shows there are consequences to government spending: the buildup of debt. There is no line in the Keynesian model for this.
3. Keynesian economics does not look at any of the structural conditions of the economy. For instance, if there is a huge imbalance in the economy due to overinvestment in housing, there is no line in the Keynesian model for this.
4. The reason a private enterprise economy works is that there is accounting that shows whether an investment returns more than its cost. This is value creation. If an investment returns less than its cost, it destroys value. This was one of the problems of the Soviet economy.
5. There is no way to measure the return on Keynesian spending because the whole point of the Keynesian model is spending per se, rather than spending as a result of demand - demand defined as customers receiving more value from a transaction than they pay for it. Since there is no way to measure the effectiveness of Keynesian spending in the Keynesian model, you might as well give the money to your cronies, something Obama is all too good at. In Keynesian terms, the money spent on Solyndra is a win!
6. We have run a deficit of 10% of GDP for 4 years. This is way above any previous peacetime deficit, including the New Deal. How much MORE spending does a Keynesian like Krugman want?
7. The worst depression prior to the Great Depression was the post-WWI 1920 - 1921 Depression. The Harding Administration shrank government spending and signed the Fordney - McCumber Tariff. The result? The Roaring 20's. How does the Keynesian model deal with that?
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Friday, May 25, 2012

early NZ

The newest country in the world” by Paul Moon…not as good as “This horrid practice”, but very informative… You might also find “Native Strangers” by Susanne Williams Milcairns (about the beachcomber/castaway period in NZ) very interesting…

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Immigration Costs


By Frosty Wooldridge
May 14, 2012
Each year, according to the Edwin Rubenstein report, illegal aliens cost American taxpayers $346 billion across 15 federal agencies. ( That includes breakfasts and lunches for their children. It includes English as a Second Language. It includes free education from K-12. It means free and unlimited medical care paid for by your wallet. It means you pay for insurance rates by unlicensed drivers and the list grows.
According to the Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles, an average of 57,000 cars are stolen annually. It is now the car-jacking capital of the world. Most are SUV’s and pickup trucks. At a conservative average of $20,000.00 per vehicle, owner losses exceeded $1.1 billion. Insurance companies in the state suffered incredible claims from policyholders.
Where did those vehicles go? Who stole them? Take a guess. Arizona is the home of 1,000,000 illegal aliens. Hopefully the Supreme Court supported S.B. 1070 to rid the state of alien migrants. They cost Arizona taxpayers over $1 billion annually in services for schools, medical care, welfare anchor babies, loss of tax base and prisons. Illegals use those vehicles for smuggling more people and drugs from around the world into our country. When the vehicles are recovered, they are smashed-up wrecks in the desert. If not found, they have new owners south of the border as thieves drive the cars through the desert and into Mexico as easily as you drive your kids to soccer practice.
The chilling costs of illegal migration reach like an octopus into every aspect of our lives. Illegal aliens displaced American workers at a cost in excess of $133 billion dollars according to Harvard Professor George Borjas. College and high school kids cannot find a summer job in yard care, landscape, fast food or service jobs. Why? Illegal aliens work them at a third the wage and often, under the table. Not only do your kids not have jobs; you’re paying taxes for illegal aliens who are not paying taxes.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Joining the Dots of Evil

We Will Not Be Silent

Nick McAvelly of The Frozen North sends the following essay about the growing jihad against soft targets in the West, the ineffectiveness of official efforts to combat it, and the inability of the “moderate” Muslim community to prevent it.

We Will Not Be Silent
by Nick McAvelly

The murders committed by Mohamed Merah in Toulouse have been forgotten by the mainstream media. The shootings were covered at the time, as was Merah’s subsequent suicide by cop. Acts of Islamic terrorism do appear in the press if a mujahideen is successful and someone dies. If it bleeds, it leads.

But there’s more to the Toulouse shootings than a young man from a run-downbanlieue who ‘self-radicalised’ then went on a killing spree. The Toulouse shootings are one more instance of Islamic terrorist attacks being carried out around the world against so-called ‘soft targets’.

Once it became known that the murders had been carried out by a mujahid, the French authorities acted, and detained several men connected to the banned Islamic group Forsane Alizza. One of those men was Willie Brigitte, who is well known in both France and Australia.[1,2]

Willie Brigitte had travelled to Australia in May 2003, having previously attended a training camp in Pakistan run by Lashkar-e-Taiba, a terrorist organisation listed in Australia’s Criminal Code Regulations. Once Brigitte arrived in Australia, he established contact with Faheem Khalid Lodhi, another individual whose name is known in Australia.[3,4]

In October 2003, Lodhi’s home and workplace were raided by the Australian police and ASIO (the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation) and evidence was obtained which incriminated Lodhi in a terrorist plot: Four military training manuals on explosives and weapons, a document written in Urdu containing recipes for poisons and explosives, and several poems glorifying martyrdom.[4,5] One disc found in Lodhi’s possession was described as ‘a virtual library encouraging the reader to undertake violent jihad’.[4]

Lodhi also had in his possession photographs of Holsworthy Army Base, Victoria Barracks, HMAS Penguin at Mosman (home to Balmoral Naval Hospital)[6] and a map of the national electricity grid. Other documents indicated that Lodhi had attempted to source chemicals required to prepare explosives.[7] Lodhi was arrested and in June 2006 was found guilty of three separate terrorist offences.[4,7]

The contact between Lodhi and Willie Brigitte had been arranged by an individual known as ‘Sajid’, who had met Lodhi met at a mosque in Pakistan in 2002 and again in 2003.[4] Willie Brigitte met ‘Sajid’ at the Lashkar-e-Taiba training camp.[5]Australian authorities were satisfied by the evidence they uncovered that ‘Sajid’ had arranged for Lodhi and Brigitte to meet in Sydney so they could explore the possibility of committing acts of terrorism in Australia.[4]

Willie Brigitte was arrested and extradited to France, where he was found guilty of ‘criminal association linked to a terrorist enterprise’. Brigitte received a sentence of nine years, but since the time he had spent in pre-trial detention was taken into account when calculating the length of his sentence, he was released in 2009.[1,2]

Three years down the line, and Willie Brigitte has been detained again, along with other members of Forsane Alizza, a group described by Bernard Squarcini, the head of the DCRI counterespionage agency in France, as ‘a veritable danger’.[1,2,8]

Like many people nowadays, Mohamed Merah used social networking sites. He signed off from his internet life as ‘Mohamed Merah — Forsane Alizza’.[9]

Before he committed the acts of jihad that brought him infamy in Europe and Israel, Mohamed Merah travelled to several Islamic countries in the Middle East. Merah is reported to have trained with the Taliban and to have fought against NATO troops.[9,10,11,12]

Abdelkader Merah, Mohamed’s brother, is reported to have helped smuggle jihadis into Iraq in 2007[10] and to have been involved with the terrorist group Jund-al-Kilafah.[13] Abdelkader Merah has been formally charged with ‘complicity in murder’ by the French authorities, in connection with Mohamed’s crimes.[14]

Nicolas Sarkozy said following these acts of Islamic terrorism that it is the state’s duty to guarantee the security of the French people. As he put it, ‘We have no choice. It’s absolutely indispensable.’[15,16] Sarkozy has also said that ‘The values of France have been attacked.’ And as French President, Sarkozy said: ‘We must be implacable in defending our values.’[9]

This is not the first time that Western values have been violated by French Muslims in the most brutal manner.

In January 2006, a young man named Ilan Halimi arranged a date with a woman he’d met in the shop where he worked. She was a member of ‘The Barbarians’, a gang who lay in wait for Halimi that night and kidnapped him. Over the next three weeks, Halimi was held in a basement and tortured to death. Verses from the Koran were read as ransom demands were made on the internet. Beaten, stabbed and burned over four-fifths of his body, Halimi was eventually found handcuffed and abandoned in a field. He died on the way to hospital.

When Ilan Halimi was murdered, the Simon Wiesenthal Center sent a message to Nicolas Sarkozy, who was at that time the interior minister, saying, ‘These acts are a test for Europe. Jihadi violence, hatred and anti-Semitism must be prevented from taking root in French soil.’ Sarkozy replied that anti-Semitic violence is ‘not inevitable’ in France, and he considered combating it to be ‘a moral imperative.’[17]

The measures taken by the French authorities are appropriate and necessary. The men connected to the banned group Forsane Alizza who were arrested[15,16] were found to be in possession of ‘an impressive lot’ of firearms, including Kalashnikov rifles.[1,8] Thirteen of them ended up facing charges of criminal association linked to a terrorist network and of obtaining and transporting firearms.[18,19,20]

According to French interior minister Claude Gueant, there are other groups in France whose members have the ‘desire’ and ‘enthusiasm’ to avenge the death of Mohamed Merah. Gueant has advised the French public to be ‘vigilant and attentive.’[21]

The French authorities have not arrested every Muslim living in France, because clearly not everyone living in France who would call themselves a Muslim poses an immediate threat to the lives of French citizens, the security of the country, or the values of French society. However, the logical observation must be made that all of the recent suspects who were deemed by the French authorities to pose a threat to France are, as a matter of fact, Muslims.

Willie Brigitte only started down the path to Islamic terrorism after he converted to Islam in 1998. He attended a mosque in Paris, and has reportedly said that the hadith relating to jihad played a large part in what was taught in that mosque.[22]

Mohamed Merah reportedly told the French officers tasked with taking him down that he had decided to take up arms against the West and ultimately to commit acts of terrorism against French citizens after he read the Koran in prison.[23, 24, 25]

The fact that Mohamed Merah read the Koran in jail was presented by the French authorities as evidence that Merah was not part of a group of Islamic terrorists, but that doesn’t follow. Mohamed Merah was in prison from 2007 until 2009.[10]Merah’s reading the Koran three years ago says nothing whatsoever about what he got up to afterwards.

The only conclusion that can be reached from Mohamed Merah’s testimony prior to his suicide by cop is that the inspiration for his terrorism came from the pages of the foundational text of Islam, the Koran.

Of course, human beings don’t need to look between the covers of the Koran to find reasons to kill one another. If anyone doubts that, a visit to the Imperial War Museum in London will open their eyes.

The legacy of World War II is still with us, and that legacy needs to be understood properly. Unfortunately, as the journalist Caroline Glick has argued in her book Shackled Warrior, much of Europe’s current moral sickness stems from a flawed perception of World War II.[26]

Militarism and nationalism are today condemned, without argument. The well of discourse is poisoned by labelling any dissenting voices as ‘right-wing’. Pacifism, appeasement and globalism are preached endlessly.

But the lesson to be taken from World War II is not that we must pursue a policy of pacifism and appeasement, no matter how much that might cost us. Nor is it that we must hand over control of our nation states to transnational entities run by anonymous oligarchies.

The cause of the war was not nationalism per se. After all, there were nation states who stood against the Nazis. It was Germany’s embrace of evil, and the inability of the leaders of other countries to identify that evil and to stand against it.

As Winston Churchill said repeatedly in his record of World War II, the refusal of British politicians to face unpleasant facts and to deal with the evil forces arising in Hitler’s empire led to a world of horror and misery that was almost beyond conception.[27]

In his authoritative history of World War II, Martin Gilbert writes of a Nazi soldier who, while transporting Jewish families from one area in Poland to another, threw a three year old child into the snow to die. When the mother tried to save her child, the soldier threatened to shoot her with a revolver. The mother said she would rather die than leave her child alone. The soldier then offered to kill everyone else in her wagon instead, and leave her alive. The mother arrived in Warsaw without her child, whereupon the woman lost her sanity. As Gilbert says, this incident, and many others like it, does not indicate that German militarism had prevailed over Poland, but that evil had triumphed over Germany.[28]

Sunday, May 13, 2012

ows manifesto

Why does the system stuff up below
The statement below does not speak on behalf of everyone in the global spring/Occupy/Take the Square movements. It is an attempt by some inside the movements to reconcile statements written and endorsed in the different assemblies around the world. The process of writing the statement was consensus-based, open to all, and regularly announced on our international communications platforms. It was a hard and long process, full of compromises; this statement is offered to people's assemblies around the world for discussions, revisions and endorsements. It is a work in progress.
We do not make demands from governments, corporations or parliament members, which some of us see as illegitimate, unaccountable or corrupt. We speak to the people of the world, both inside and outside our movements.
We want another world, and such a world is possible:
1. The economy must be put to the service of people's welfare, and to support and serve the environment, not private profit. We want a system where labour is appreciated by its social utility, not its financial or commercial profit. Therefore, we demand:
• Free and universal access to health, education from primary school through higher education and housing for all human beings. We reject outright the privatisation of public services management, and the use of these essential services for private profit.
• Full respect for children's rights, including free childcare for everyone.
• Retirement/pension so we may have dignity at all ages. Mandatory universal sick leave and holiday pay.
• Every human being should have access to an adequate income for their livelihood, so we ask for work or, alternatively, universal basic income guarantee.
• Corporations should be held accountable to their actions. For example, corporate subsidies and tax cuts should be done away with if said company outsources jobs to decrease salaries, violates the environment or the rights of workers.
• Apart from bread, we want roses. Everyone has the right to enjoy culture, participate in a creative and enriching leisure at the service of the progress of humankind. Therefore, we demand the progressive reduction of working hours, without reducing income.
• Food sovereignty through sustainable farming should be promoted as an instrument of food security for the benefit of all. This should include an indefinite moratorium on the production and marketing of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and immediate reduction of agrochemicals use.
• We demand policies that function under the understanding that our changing patterns of life should be organic/ecologic or should never be. These policies should be based on a simple rule: one should not spoil the balance of ecosystems for simple profit. Violations of this policy should be prosecuted around the world as an environmental crime, with severe sanctions for those convicted.
• Policies to promote the change from fossil fuels to renewable energy, through massive investment which should help to change the production model.
• We demand the creation of international environmental standards, mandatory for countries, companies, corporations, and individuals. Ecocide (wilful damage to the environment, ecosystems, biodiversity) should be internationally recognised as a crime of the greatest magnitude.
2. To achieve these objectives, we believe that the economy should be run democratically at all levels, from local to global. People must get democratic control over financial institutions, transnational corporations and their lobbies. To this end, we demand:
• Control and regulation of financial speculation by abolishing tax havens, and establishing a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT). As long as they exist, the IMF, World Bank and the Basel Committee on Banking Regulation must be radically democratised. Their duty from now on should be fostering economic development based on democratic decision making. Rich governments cannot have more votes because they are rich. International institutions must be controlled by the principle that each human is equal to all other humans – African, Argentinian or American; Greek or German.
• As long as they exist, radical reform and democratisation of the global trading system and the World Trade Organization must take place. Commercialisation of life and resources, as well as wage and trade dumping between countries must stop.
• We want democratic control of the global commons, defined as the natural resources and economic institutions essential for a proper economic management. These commons are: water, energy, air, telecommunications and a fair and stable economic system. In all these cases, decisions must be accountable to citizens and ensure their interests, not the interests of a small minority of financial elite.
• As long as social inequalities exist, taxation at all levels should maintain the principle of solidarity. Those who have more should contribute to maintain services for the collective welfare. Maximum income should be limited, and minimum income set to reduce the outrageous social divisions in our societies and its social political and economic effects.
• No more money to rescue banks. As long as debt exists, following the examples of Ecuador and Iceland, we demand a social audit of the debts owed by countries. Illegitimate debt owed to financial institutions should not be paid.
• An absolute end to fiscal austerity policies that only benefit a minority, and cause great suffering to the majority.
• As long as banks exist, separation of commercial and financial banks, avoiding banks that are "too big to fail".
• An end to the legal personhood of corporations. Companies cannot be elevated to the same level of rights as people. The public's right to protect workers, citizens and the environment should prevail over the protections of private property or investment.
3. We believe that political systems must be fully democratic. We therefore demand full democratisation of international institutions, and the elimination of the veto power of a few governments. We want a political system which really represent the variety and diversity of our societies:
• All decisions affecting all mankind should be taken in democratic forums like a participatory and direct UN parliamentary assembly or a UN people's assembly, not rich clubs such as G20 or G8.
• At all levels we ask for the development of a democracy that is as participatory as possible, including non representative direct democracy .
• As long as they are practised, electoral systems should be as fair and representative as possible, avoiding biases that distort the principle of proportionality.
• We call for the democratisation of access and management of media. These should serve to educate the public, as opposed to the creation of an artificial consensus about unjust policies.
• We ask for democracy in companies and corporations. Workers, despite wage level or gender, should have real decision-making power in the companies and corporations they work in. We want to promote co-operative companies and corporations, as real democratic economic institutions.
• Zero tolerance of corruption in economic policy. We must stop the excessive influence of big business in politics, which is today a major threat to true democracy.
• We demand complete freedom of expression, assembly and demonstration, as well as the cessation of attempts to censor the internet.
• We demand respect for privacy rights on and off the internet. Companies and the government should not engage in data mining.
• We believe that military spending is politically counterproductive to a society's advance, so we demand its reduction to a minimum.
• Ethnic, cultural and sexual minorities should have their civil, cultural, political and economic rights fully recognised.
• Some of us believe a new Universal Declaration of Human Rights, fit for the 21st century, written in a participatory, direct and democratic way, needs to be written. As long as the current Declaration of Human Rights defines our rights, it must be enforced in relation to all – in both rich and poor countries. Implementing institutions that force compliance and penalise violators need to be established, such as a global court to prosecute social, economic and environmental crimes perpetrated by governments, corporations and individuals. At all levels, local, national, regional and global, new constitutions for political institutions need to be considered, as in Iceland or in some Latin American countries. Justice and law must work for all, otherwise justice is not justice, and law is not law.
This is a worldwide global spring. We will be there and we will fight until we win. We will not stop being people. We are not numbers. We are free women and men.
For a global spring!
For global democracy and social justice!
Take to the streets in May 2012!

Comments after the jump

Friday, May 11, 2012

Our Doubts

Will Too Much Thinking Make You an Atheist?

259 comments Will Too Much Thinking Make You an Atheist?
According to a study published recently in Science journal, analytic thinking may be a threat to religious belief– and provide clues about the relationship between religion and the brain. Religious beliefs are often categorized as intuitive thinking, which is tied to emotions and comes naturally to humans, while problem solving and logic questions are known to involve analytic thinking, which requires more effort and conscious thought.
The researchers from the University of British Columbia in Canada provided test subjects with questions designed to promote analytic thinking processes, then asked questions to discover the strength of their religious beliefs. The results, while subtle, showed that the act of analytic thinking caused a decrease in religious feeling in many people.
Religious belief tied to emotion
While people with strong religious beliefs may insist that nothing could make them waver in their faith in God, it seems that religious belief, like other intuitive thinking, is affected by many different circumstances in our day-to-day lives, including experiences, emotions and intellectual challenges. A person’s faith may change subtly over time — and that isn’t a bad thing, but rather a sign of growth.
Ara Norenzayan, co-author of the study, said: “There’s much more instability to religious belief than we recognize” (CNN Belief Blog). Although the study may not have permanently affected anyone’s religious beliefs, particularly devout worshippers, it does illustrate the differences between analytic and intuitive thinking, and how religion may fit into that dichotomy.
Religious scholars
How do the results of this study fit in with the fact that most historical religious figures were scholars? Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Saint Teresa of Avila, Gandhi, and dozens of others were rigorously schooled, yet they turned much of their attention towards religious matters.
One religion that seems to bridge the gap between these two modes of thought is Judaism. With its long tradition of intense scholarship tempered with faith, this religion seems to embody the best of both worlds by embracing both analytic and intuitive thinking. Jewish scholars spend lifetimes studying Torah and the Talmud; no one could accuse them of avoiding analytic thought processes. But they are also the embodiment of faith, and it is their religion that calls them to scholarship.
Some people may take this study as yet another opportunity to attack religion and people who worship frequently. They are missing the point. Religion doesn’t make you stupid, and not believing in God doesn’t necessarily make you smarter or more intellectually adept.
What do you think about the relationship between scholarly thought and religious belief? How have these issues affected your own life? Feel free to share in the comments.

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Some comments I have added. Apology for not attributing a name to the commentator

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Golden Ratio : of Art

The 6th most read post on my blog, and a particular pleasure to me, as I  used it in a "devotion" at a  meeting,  and so drew out much interesting discussion and thought. (14th October 2014)

Our amazing world: Incredible beauty and the darkness that threatens it
Daniel Taylor
May 5, 2012
“…and God saw that it was good.”
In the book of Genesis we are given a description of the creation of our world. Found throughout is the phrase “…and God saw that it was good,” referencing his creation. As creatures of God’s creation, this one phrase provides a profoundly deep view into our own minds and spirits.
There exists a number sequence known under such names as Phi, the Golden Ratio, the Divine Proportion, etc., and is found throughout nature and the universe. Leonardo of Pisa (known as Fibonacci) discovered it in 1202 when studying the breeding pattern of rabbits. The number of pairs of rabbits increased from 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on. Each new number in the series is the sum of the two before it. The ratio of each pair equals Phi (1.618…)
Romanesco brocolli is a vivid example of phi in nature
Here is where we make the connection: Our perception of beauty is directly related to the golden ratio. It is something that is in all of us – integrated with our physiology – just as natural law exists in the heart of humanity. Artists have used the “Divine Proportion” for centuries to portray beauty and works that are pleasing to behold. The human body itself is proportioned according to the golden ratio. The heavens above also display this sequence.
Marketers know that the golden ratio provides a very useful tool in presenting visually pleasing products to potential buyers. A study from one business journalreported that “…research showed that there is the golden ratio effect existing on stimulus preference which is in favor of the golden ratio…” Web designers also utilize this principle.
The Fibonacci spiral
Recent discoveries have revealed that the divine proportion is present at the smallest levels of our existence. In 2010, the golden ratio was found even in the quantum world. The study found,
“…interaction between spins causing them [atoms] to magnetically resonate. For these interactions we found a series (scale) of resonant notes: The first two notes show a perfect relationship with each other. Their frequencies (pitch) are in the ratio of 1.618…, which is the golden ratio famous from art and architecture…”
Particle tracks (moving from bottom to top) showing multiple electron-positron pairs created from the energy of a high-energy gamma ray photon produced by a neutrino collision. (University of Birmingham)
In the above photo, you can see an electron-positron particle shower. In the process of pair creation the particle tracks clearly follow a pattern strikingly similar to the Fibonacci spiral.
The golden ratio as seen in the famous Mona Lisa
In this photo the Fibonacci spiral is shown over the famous Mona Lisa portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci. This painting displays the golden ratio extensively.
When we see beauty, we know that it is good. As we will see, there are those that find spiritual ecstasy in the complete opposite.
Dark ecstasy is the spirituality of the Illuminati
Dark ecstasy is the spirituality of the Illuminati, and a force that has, to a lesser degree, been implanted into humans, whereby humans have a capacity to develop spiritual euphoria surrounding artistic experiences of genuine sadomasochism, death and murder, war, pain, and so forth. Dark ecstasy’s spiritual euphoria becomes addictive, and it is triggered by art-forms in the world. It is the opposite experience as one has when ocean surf transports one to spiritual joy and levity.”
This is Jeffery Grupp’s explanation of the phenomenon he calls “Dark ecstasy”. It is a manifestation of evil that is universal throughout the history of humanity. Archetypal imagery of evil is the polar opposite of Phi. It is obsessed with death, twisted, a-symmetrical, and disturbing to view for a normal person. This work of “art” displaying a decapitated, rotting cow head covered in flies is described by its creator Damien Hirst as “…possibly the most exciting thing he has ever made…”
The elite of the world are obsessed with this type of artwork. It is a visual representation of their inner world.
“…For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great [is] that darkness!” – Matthew 6:21-23
An article written by David Hamilton discusses the perversion of modern art and the elite that are driving the trend. Hamilton writes, “Historically, there were qualities that denoted an idea of civilisation that gave meaning to culture: confidence and a sense of belief in one’s own people that generated a sense of permanence. This was reflected by the arts elite of the day.” Hamilton continues, “There was a self-belief in our society’s values and a desire to receive them from our ancestors and transmit them to our descendants.”
He concludes, “…now it seems this process is being jettisoned for a vague future that is being artificially constructed by cultural elites.”
It is appropriate that such works of art display death and distortion so prominently, as the elite are engaged in a revolution against the natural order. The perversion of the masses is essential for their survival. This abhorrent element of humanity seeks to spread their disease to the wider spectrum of society, because “normal man” represents a grave danger to their pathological system.
Andrew M. Lobaczewski’s 1998 book entitled Political Ponerology sheds light on the pathocrats dark philosphy, stating, “…the biological, psychological, moral, and economic destruction of this majority of normal people is a “biological” necessity to the pathocrats…”

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