Friday, November 26, 2010

"Murder is an extroverted suicide"

From comments in "Gates of Vienna" and some expressions and thinking I found interesting.
sulber nick said... 2 Efforts to nullify the rule of law go hand in hand with the assault on freedom of speech. Both are consequences of the European liberal/left establishment way of thinking and way of doing things. The article 'Making the rule of law inoperative' deals with Austria in particular but the same pattern of behaviour is repeating itself throughout the 'White world'.

The question is why is it happening? Why is the liberal/left establishment abandoning what it still insists are its dearest principles – the rule of law and freedom of speech are fundamental to its beloved equality, aren’t they?

Some argue that the liberal/left is motivated by a deep seated hatred of Western culture and that its every action is designed to bring about the demise of that culture. I'm not so sure. No doubt a minority is so motivated, but I suspect that for the majority self interest is the primary motivating factor.

The equality idea was merely a technique that the liberal/left employed in its quest for power. It’s the power that’s important, not the equality. And the protective attitude that the establishment adopts in relation to Islam and Muslims is less about protecting Muslims than it is about protecting the system that the establishment inhabits. The liberal/left is terrified of the train of thought that leads from the impact of Islam on our living space to the logic of mass immigration and the multicultural/multiracial society.
Thus criticism of Islam and Muslim behaviour is made illegal in order to head off criticism of multiculturalism.

Thank goodness for Muslims! Their behaviour makes so much noise it’s impossible not to notice – even if it’s illegal to notice it.

11/25/2010 4:55 AM
EscapeVelocity said... 3 Bingo! Sulber Nick!

You said...

"The equality idea was merely a technique that the liberal/left employed in its quest for power. It’s the power that’s important, not the equality. And the protective attitude that the establishment adopts in relation to Islam and Muslims is less about protecting Muslims than it is about protecting the system that the establishment inhabits. The liberal/left is terrified of the train of thought that leads from the impact of Islam on our living space to the logic of mass immigration and the multicultural/multiracial society.
Thus criticism of Islam and Muslim behaviour is made illegal in order to head off criticism of multiculturalism."

They have no choice but to defend Islam and Muslims...the alternative is their entire house of PC, Multicultural, Diversity, Moral and Cultural Relativism, cards collapsing...which underpins the Leftist zeitgeist and political power structure.

11/25/2010 11:05 AM
Juniper in the Desert said... 4 Excellent post!Well said Sulber Nick!These lefty useful idiots are not too good on history though: their ilk were totally crushed after they helped Ayatollah Khomeini gain control of Iran! Heh!

11/25/2010 11:27 AM
goethechosemercy said... 5 Quote:
They have no choice but to defend Islam and Muslims...the alternative is their entire house of PC, Multicultural, Diversity, Moral and Cultural Relativism, cards collapsing...which underpins the Leftist zeitgeist and political power structure.
end quote.

The good news is that they're defending a wall of sand with water.
All of these things have no authority any more. They ring completely hollow in light of the truth-- that cultures are diverse, and that they can be in conflict.
These conflicts have profound political, legal and social ramifications.
It is the conflicts that must be confronted, defined and dealt with such that Western Civilization may survive.

11/25/2010 1:01 PM
Zenster said... 6 sulber nick: Thus criticism of Islam and Muslim behaviour is made illegal in order to head off criticism of multiculturalism.

A febrile attempt to preserve ideological capital cannot fully explain Liberalism's depravity. Liberals continue clinging to their sinking Multiculturalist ship despite the fact that it will suck them down like a pony keg at a frat house party.

Considering the relatively high education level that many of these "progressive" types have, their glaring inability to appreciate history becomes rather striking. The "do you want fries with that" syndrome of Liberal Arts degrees probably plays some part in the persistent allergy to logic exhibited by those on the Left.

Unsullied by the ravages of rationality, there emerges a concomitant self-declared immunity to the Law of Unintended Consequences™. Of course, no such thing exists and Liberals are hoist by their own petard with such dazzling repetition that precision chronometers can be set by this now predictable cycle.

This immunity to consequences can only be explained by one thing; Magical Thinking.
Anyone who has not yet read the linked article is urged to do so as it explains much of the foregoing lunacy.

Here is a ten point bullet list of Modern Leftism's key neuroses: (from the article)

7.Anti-Christian & uses karmic ethics;
8.Antinomian (lawless);
9.Emotivist (feeling oriented);
10.Nihilistic (extreme doubt of a rational world).

Folded into the foregoing laundry list of modern psychological afflictions is the self-loathing of KGB inculcated Cultural Marxism. While analyzing the homicidal rampages of Aurther Dinsdale, a criminologist (played by Monty Python's Graham Chapman) notes how; "a murderer is only an extroverted suicide".
Modern Liberals have similarly extroverted their self-loathing and decided that what's best for the entire Western Judeo-Christian civilized world is to expunge itself in an orgy of apologetic demographic suicide-by-Islam.

Rest assured that these selfsame Liberal wankers, brimful with delusions of bigoted adequacy, see themselve as poised in the wings and − with The System™ about to be well and truly crashed − merely waiting their cue to rush onstage and seize the reins of power from their grateful but hopelessly disorganized Muslim cohort.

That Islam has an entirely different and rather violent end in mind for these supremely useful idiots has never for a moment disturbed their dystopian reverie.

Again, anxious conservation of Liberalism's Multicultural capital cannot explain in full the magnitude of this ongoing treachery. It's a damn good start but there are less obvious subtexts − as submerged as any iceberg − that drive this insanity with an intertia that is proving exceptionally difficult to overcome.

11/25/2010 2:38 PM

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