Monday, August 16, 2010

Social Justice

Posted by: Concord Bridge Aug 09, 10:53 AM


Social justice sounds so good and so fair but social justice is, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder. Suppose someone doesn't have a car and his neighbor has two of them. Arguably, social justice taken to the extreme, would allow the one to take a car from the other. Granted, this is an extreme example but the thinking underlying social justice would encompass similar, less extreme acts.

Lady Justice is portrayed with a blindfold. This is because justice is supposed to be blind and not ruling favorably for one party or the other except based on the facts. Therefore, the term justice implies equal treatment under the law, nothing more. The term social justice is a bastardization of the concept of justice as the winner (the underdog) is known beforehand. The term "fairness" is similar as "fairness" is in the eye of the beholder. To equate "fairness" with the equal treatment under the law is merely a way to distort true justice.

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