Sunday, September 28, 2008

Air Secure Bio-Safe Naked nonExplosive Travel

Security and Bio-Security has become a major issue in travel this century.

This is a jump ahead of making people into the lowest common denominator, so perhaps making you think, what price is freedom? having government constantly expanding. Just what Principles should your family, community, state, country, live by and I mean more than just flying issues. Why are our countries having these issues ? ? ?
Carbon foot prints are also supposedly a concern. minimal baggage.The planes will travel lighter, less fuel, per person.
People could be worked out on gender areas or family mixed sex of plane.

What cost to air line to set up plane.?
Handy disposable napkin/handkerchief if one needs to be more discreet for young guys
Why accept that people would not wear it. (it is so simple) Planes in Germany already travel naked, OK they are nudists and this is much more complex, but once thru put and number gear up efficiency should show great savings

As simple light cloth, washable or disposable be placed attached over seats.
Why do people travel carrying a paraphernalia of baggage that could be so easily acquired at their destination. clothing toothpaste shampoo?
People do a big shop up before they travel but why not buy in the country you will be travelling.
Surely if they travel and want to experience local food, culture why not the clothes and food that can be purchased there.
Even if things are imported to the country then it would more than likely have been carried much more economically such as sea transport.
Good for the countries business in supplying safe basic needs.
Opportunities shop (2nd hand clothes) and charity would be possibly as clothing could be much cheaper and available for poorer people of that country.

Less chance of hidden explosives.
No waiting, searching and checking baggage .
No more full body scanners and/or pat downsAny thing to declare? a quick pirouette. Only paper work of passport , cv camera discs laptop
Much less chance of smuggling drugs or explosives.
Much less chance of breaches of bio -security that can cost a country millions of $. in control or eradication or just the ongoing cost living with the problem.

No profiling, maybe certain types of people will not want to travel naked.
Not good for aero industry but may some groups of people we do not need would I think more than balance up the ones we would miss.

I sometimes watch "Border Security" and it is amazing the stupidity ignorance, argumentative and arrogance of people who do not declare food items that carry risk diseases, and hide them in their baggage and plead ignorance and only get slapped with a "wet bus ticket" of a fine. Also the drugs they are carrying and ongoing waste of time of step by step procedure to prove he is lying.

This way of travel would also stop "false positives", where a drug dog signals about a trace of a problem that needs further inspection. IF that person had been to a party where drugs have been used (whether or not he participated) he will not be hassled.

A full shower can be done at destination air terminal with disinfectants and foot-bathes, or even before with after standard perfumes in the mix?

Surely destination countries should be allowed to insist on this to save their own people in bio security and security of planes exploding over their country or terrorising their populations. There have been so over a dozen new exotic species/diseases (insects pathogens plants) come to NZ every year.

Save on custom staff and costs. transferred to other departments that are short of general search staff and could be more fine tuned to other areas of inspection such as containers and other imported goods.

Dare you to think of even think of more reasons.
Sure think of reasons why not, then any solutions that may work.

Harder to smuggle drugs, concentrate on body cavity searches and internal x-rays/
Some symptoms and diseases of skin would be picked up.

Fruit weed/seed insect pests will have less chance of entering.

Admittedly I can not work out a cost benefit ratio at this stage but I believe it may not be wide of the mark, and may achieve greater efficiencies.

Business and Frequent Travellers may have a problem, but that may be overcome with lockers of their personal effects at destination airports and may be discounted because of regular/air-points.
Should it only be flights to NZ?

Would other countries follow.?

Certainly in NZ interests to be first and even better if no other country follows so what is purchased in NZ by a visitor is effectively an export product (purchased by over seas funds.

If you want to fly to NZ that would be part of the decision to accept.

Sorry at the moment I have not made this into a logical and coherent structure but just seem to keep adding issues, question and answers?

The only thing other thing is that I started this with tongue in cheek, but now it is sort of worrying that it may be closer to happening as these scanners see you nude now and pat downs almost and probably will soon in the future check the actual size of your anatomy.

It seems that more people are objecting to full body scanners and pat downs, so a prior step to the above proposal is just up the shirt/dress, down the under garment all in the queue, so it is quickly done. Hopefully the ugly will balance the cute so the security system people do not need any extra money for so called fugly people. Just a matter of " no shame ". Back to the "short arm inspection". Sure would keep the queue flowing as sheeple parade on thru, certainly should be no slower than the scanner.

The security systems staff is another way of building a private "civvy" army, little bits here and there to merge up later and all being paid agents thru government legislation. Over 65000 now employed in TSA.

Is the future with cavity searches as we swallow and allow camera probes in all sorts of openings.

18th November 2010
Germany scanning machines are not working on heavily clothed people so they have take off some garments. Then there are problems where there a creases or pleats on light clothing so they are still patted down and then go thru metal detectors. Sounds like very close to asking you drop all your duds(clothing)

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