Monday, February 19, 2018

Done like a Dinner: taxes cuts for rich

Of course if they taxed rich pricks properly
How Taxes Work . . .
This is a VERY simple way to understand the tax laws. Read on — it does make you think!!
Is it really this simple?
Let’s put tax cuts in terms everyone can understand. Suppose that every day, ten men go out for dinner. The bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men — the poorest — would pay nothing; the fifth would pay $1, the sixth would pay $3, the seventh $7, the eighth $12, the ninth $18, and the tenth man — the richest — would pay $59.
That’s what they decided to do. The ten men ate dinner in the restaurant every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement — until one day, the owner threw them a curve (in tax language a tax cut).
“Since you are all such good customers,” he said, “I’m going to reduce the cost of your daily meal by $20.” So now dinner for the ten only cost $80.00.
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes. So the first four men were unaffected. They would still eat for free. But what about the other six — the paying customers? How could they divvy up the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his “fair share?”
The six men realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody’s share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would end up being PAID to eat their meal. So the restaurant owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man’s bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so the fifth man paid nothing, the sixth pitched in $2, the seventh paid $5, the eighth paid $9, the ninth paid $12, leaving the tenth man with a bill of $52 instead of his earlier $59. Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to eat for free.
But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings. “I only got a dollar out of the $20,” declared the sixth man who pointed to the tenth. “But he got $7!”
“Yeah, that’s right,” exclaimed the fifth man, “I only saved a dollar, too … It’s unfair that he got seven times more than me!”.
“That’s true!” shouted the seventh man, “why should he get $7 back when I got only $2? The wealthy get all the breaks!”
“Wait a minute,” yelled the first four men in unison, “We didn’t get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!”
The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up. The next night he didn’t show up for dinner, so the nine sat down and ate without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered, a little late what was very important. They were FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS short of paying the bill! Imagine that!
And that, boys and girls, journalists and college instructors, is how the tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up at the table anymore

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Indoctrination reading 5-7 years


Social Justice Begins With Me

Here is Canada’s new reading list for 5-7 year olds.
Herb the vegetarian dragon
My princess boy
Girls hold up this world
I am Latino, the beauty is me
Daddy’s roommate
The Librarian of Basra
Seven sacred teachings: Nilswaazi gagikwekwin
The boy in the dress
The sissy duckling
Our new home: immigrant children speak
Kids on strike
Oh and ones left out: it’s called ‘grandpops sleepy medicine’
[Always a mixture, some good or ok then the real dose. It does seem that maybe the dots are inter connecting.
Then again pedophilia has been around for centuries, in many different civilizations and institutions, so it is a difficult match to euthanasia
Possibly it can be read that pedophilia is being set to be ok? ]
Euthanasia is on the list for the indoctrination, alongside homosexuality, transvestism, queer theory, Islamic indoctrination, racism against Canadians, self hatred and pedophilia.
I know it’s not pleasant. But euthanasia is a vote for pedophilia and whatever the fuck that list represents.
That abomination of child abuse represented by that list is going to come to NZ under Grant Robertson and Marama David’s government, and euthanasia is a vote for that pile of excrement of child abuse.
It’s like a parody of every possible item of progressive child abuse you could name, but more perfect. Check out the authors.
Every. Single. Time.
But just a reminder, a vote for euthanasia is a vote for the same philosophy of self determination theory soon to be abusing your children with titles like ‘Daddys roommate’ ‘the sissy duckling’ ‘my princess boy’ ‘the boy in the dress’ and ‘grandpops sleepy medicine’.
They are coming for our children. They already have them in Canada. They have them in Victoria. They have them in most of the United States. Don’t let them have them in New Zealand. Don’t vote for euthanasia, which is an emanation of the same philosophy producing this kind of pedophilia and child abuse, especially boy abuse.